Voip evo sdk protocol in Title/Summary

conaito VoIP EVO SDK
More than 40 users can be in each room/channel and participate in a conference while resource usage, both memory-wise and CPU-wise, is still kept at an acceptable level for gaming and other types of resource intensive tasks. The SDK enables a worldwide communication over the internet or intern networks either by speaking and/or by text messages.
- Publisher: conaito Technologies
- Home page: www.conaito.com
- Last updated: December 28th, 2009

conaito VoIP Video EVO SDK
The conaito VoIP Video EVO SDK contains a high performance VoIP and Video conferencing client capable of delivering crystal clear sound and video capturing even for both low and high-bandwidth users. Conaito VoIP Video EVO users are arranged in a tree-structure where each node is a room/channel where users can talk, see Users, send instant messages and share files.
- Publisher: conaito Technologies
- Home page: www.conaito.com
- Last updated: May 11th, 2011

conaito VoIP EVO Enterprise SDK
The conaito VoIP EVO Enterprise SDK contains a high performance VoIP conferencing client that delivers crystal clear sound for high and low-bandwidth users. The SDK enables a worldwide communication over the internet or intern networks either by speaking and/or by text messages.
- Publisher: conaito Technologies
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2009
Voip evo sdk protocol in Description

Softphone is the short term for software telephone. It is a computer program that models the traditional telephone set and a software solution with which you can make telephone calls through the Internet using the Voice over IP protocol. Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK provides fantastic technology for softphone development.
- Publisher: Ozeki Ltd.
- Home page: www.voip-sip-sdk.com
- Last updated: February 28th, 2018

VoIP SIP SDK provides a powerful and highly customizable solution to quickly add SIP based dial and receive phone calls features in your software applications. It accelerates the development of SIP compliant soft phone with a fully-customizable user interface and brand name.
- Publisher: Abto, LLC
- Last updated: January 26th, 2010

Beep Tel Communication is one of the leading VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Service Provider specialising in Internet Telephony Solutions for businesses, VoIP reseller programs and VoIP carrier services world wide. BPLFone provides wold class quality VoIP call termination with affodable price.
- Publisher: Beeptel
- Last updated: February 20th, 2011

U-Tel Phone
UTELPHONE is one of the leading VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)Service Provider Specializing in Internet Telephony Solutions for business, VoIP reseller programs and VoIP carrier services across varied areas of expertise. UTELPHONE provides a cluster of profitable VoIP solutions, which include world class quality VoIP call Termination at cost-effective rates.
- Publisher: U-Tel Phone
- Last updated: April 6th, 2011

FREEMINUT is one of the leading VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Service Provider specialising in Internet Telephony Solutions for businesses, VoIP reseller programs and VoIP carrier services across varied areas of expertise. It includes world class quality VoIP Call Termination at cost-effective rates.
- Publisher: FreeMinut
- Last updated: May 14th, 2009
Additional Voip evo sdk protocol selection

Linphone is a software solution alternative for mobile phone networks, who deals with SIP phone for voice and video calls, instant messaging and it's available on multiple desktop environments, including Windows Desktop. It has various useful utilities and an attractive interface.
- Publisher: Linphone
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Microsoft Help Viewer
Visual Studio 2010 shipped with a new help system - Help Viewer 1.0. Help Viewer 1.0 is built on common standards such as XHTML and .zip file format.Developers can leverage the ms-xhelp:// protocol documented in this SDK to implement their own Help experiences and Help viewers using the Help Viewer 1.0 runtime.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: September 13th, 2016

agsXMPP is a SDK / library for the eXtensibleMessaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) protocol written in managed C# dedicated to .NET and Mono technologies.Main features:- cross platform, designed for: - Microsoft .NET Framework - Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (Pocket PC, Smartphone, Windows CE) - Mono etc.
- Publisher: AG-Software
- Last updated: February 7th, 2009

VDIworks VOIP Client
VideoOverIP™ is a remoting protocol designed for virtual desktops. It delivers excellent multimedia performance and multi-monitor capabilities while still allowing you to capitalize on the management improvements, security enhancements and lowered-TCO that result from virtualization.
- Publisher: VDIworks
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

PappaCall Pc2phone
Pappacall is one of the leading Voip (voice over internet protocol) service provider. Pappacall makes it fun to all your loved ones around the world to more than 100 entire countries for less than ever, with consistently high quality voip call service through our agent and reseller
- Publisher: PappaCall
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012

conaito VoIP SIP Client SDK
It provides a powerful and highly versatile solution to add quickly SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) based dial and receive phone calls features in your software applications and websites. It accelerates the development of SIP/RTP compliant soft phone with a fully-customizable user interface and brand name.
- Publisher: conaito Technologies
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2010

Skype is an audio/video calling tool with chat and file sharing features. It allows you to call anyone with a Skype/Outlook account for free. It features a variety of emoticons and video clips that can be sent to your friends while chatting. Skype also allows you to make calls to phone numbers to any country by paying per-minute call charges.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: November 28th, 2024

ZKOnline SDK
ZK SDK is a communication protocol SDK development program that provides an interface for data communication with offline fingerprint devices, access control devices, and RFID card devices. It can be used to conveniently manage user information and fingerprints, download attendance records, operation records, user information, and fingerprint templates, set devices, and configure access control.
- Publisher: ZK Technology FZCO
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015

BitTorrent makes it easy to connect with cutting-edge indie artists. Check out the App Studio first and download movies, music and more. Fast downloads...that's the goal, right? BitTorrent is a light client that doesn't hog system resources, so it cruises right along. BitTorrent is instinctively smart. It auto-adjusts bandwidth usage based upon your network and the Internet.
- Publisher: BitTorrent, Inc
- Home page: www.bittorrent.com
- Last updated: February 29th, 2024

TeamSpeak is the client tool for the homonymous voice over IP protocol. Thus, it requires connecting to a TeamSpeak server, which can be self-hosted and supports up to 32 simultaneous users at no cost. Moreover, there is the possibility of connecting to free public servers or others dedicated to specific games.
- Publisher: TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
- Home page: www.teamspeak.com
- Last updated: October 26th, 2023