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Vss for eclipse helios in Title/Summary

Eclipse Helios

Eclipse Helios

Eclipse Helios is the annual release of Eclipse projects in 2010; this year 39 project teams are part of the release. Helios is the simultaneous release of 39 Eclipse projects. In terms of statistics, the Helios release includes 33 million lines of code developed by about 500 Eclipse.org committers from 44 companies.

  • Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
  • Home page: www.eclipse.org
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2011
ImageLab HELIOS Light

ImageLab HELIOS Light

ImageLab Helios is a image workflow program that offers a one stop solution for the whole process from raw development to printing.ImageLab HELIOS is a powerful workflow with professional noise reduction. It functions as a directory browser that shows and lets you work with images.

  • Publisher: Aragon System
Helios and the Spartan

Helios and the Spartan

A Hack & Slash/Brick Breaker hybrid set in the Underworld of Greek mythology. Keep Helios alive while using your Spartan skills to battle through 30 levels of undead warriors! Main Features: - 30 levels of hack slashin', brick breakin' action! - Dozens of fully animated enemy types! - 10 stages of beautifully painted backgrounds! - Different music for every stage!

  • Publisher: Ketchupbeast
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Vss for eclipse helios in Description

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone Server

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone Server

SourceAnywhere Standalone is SQL server-based version control software with seamless integration with Visual Studio, Eclipse, and other IDEs, cross-platform support, and unique caching mechanism for remote performance. Being powerful source code control software designed to replace VSS, SourceAnywhere Standalone offers special optimizations for VSS users.

  • Publisher: Dynamsoft
  • Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
RptDiff VSS Add-in

RptDiff VSS Add-in

The Report Miner RptDiff VSS Add-in for Crystal Reports is the first add-in product for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) 2005 to support Crystal Reports files. Microsoft’s Visual SourceSafe is a source code control system that allows users to manage report files through a check-in and check-out process.

  • Publisher: Retsel Group
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2011


Helios Viewer is a free program designed for testing CohuHD's Helios Camera Systems. With this application you can test functions, as well as configuring, operating and viewing all CohuHD Helios Camera Systems. Helios Viewer helps set monitoring panels, to schedule and playback recordings.

  • Publisher: Cohu Inc., Electronics Division
  • Home page: www.cohuhd.com
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2016


SourceAnyWhere for VSS is a fast internet and cross-platform VSS solution. It is recommended to VSS 6.0 and 2005 users for fast, reliable and secure access to SourceSafe over TCP/IP. Utilizing a client/server architecture with caching, SourceAnywhere for VSS solves VSS's main issues: slow performance over Internet, unreliable security in a web environment and occasional database corruption.

  • Publisher: Dynamsoft
  • Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
2N Helios IP Network Scanner

2N Helios IP Network Scanner

2N Helios IP Network Scanner can be used to find Helios IP family intercoms in your network. It has a simple interface with a list in the main window. When you start the application, it searches your network for Helios hardware devices and lists them with their IP address and firmware version. You can "refresh" the main window to update the list of devices.

  • Publisher: 2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s.
  • Home page: www.2n.cz
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2015

Additional Vss for eclipse helios selection

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS is the fastest Internet and cross-platform Visual SourceSafe (VSS) solution. Using a client/server architecture with caching, SourceAnywhere for VSS solves VSS main concerns: slow performance over the Internet, unreliable security in a web environment, and occasional database corruptions.

IBM WebSphere Eclipse Platform

IBM WebSphere Eclipse Platform

Insert the WebSphere MQ for Windows® Server CD into the CD-ROM drive.rnIf autorun is enabled, the installation process starts.rnrnOtherwise, double-click the Setup icon in the root folder of the CD to start the installation process.rnrnThe WebSphere MQ Installation Launchpad window is displayed.

  • Publisher: IBM
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2008


clipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle.Today, the Eclipse community consists of individuals and organizations from a cross section of the software industry.

  • Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
  • Home page: www.eclipse.org
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2016
Eclipse Logbook

Eclipse Logbook

Eclipse Logbook is the exciting simple new way to complete and plan driver's daily logs. It tracks your log information with one log per day. You control which log is displayed by choosing the date on which you want to work in the Date field. Any time you change the Date, that log and all its information will be displayed on the log form.

  • Publisher: Eclipse Technical, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2010
Red Eclipse

Red Eclipse

Red Eclipse is a fun-filled casual first person arena shooter with a general theme of agility in a variety of environments. the game features Parkour, impulse boosts, dashing and other tricks. It also includes a built-in editor that lets you create your own maps cooperatively online.

  • Publisher: Quinton Reeves, Lee Salzman
  • Home page: www.redeclipse.net
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2021
Eclipse Standard

Eclipse Standard

Eclipse Standard is a package suited for Java development. it includes Git, Marketplace Client, source code and developer documentation. This package includes: - Eclipse Git Team Provider. - Eclipse Java Development Tools. - Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment.

  • Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
  • Home page: eclipse.org
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2014
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers is a set of tools for Java developers designed to help them create Java EE and Web applications. This package includes: - Data Tools Platform. - Eclipse Git Team Provider. - Eclipse Java Development Tools. - Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools. - JavaScript Development Tools. - Maven Integration for Eclipse and more.

  • Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
  • Home page: eclipse.org
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2015
Eclipse Niagara Plugin

Eclipse Niagara Plugin

Eclipse Niagara Plugin is a program that connects different components, operating systems and applications and allows devices and protocols to integrate into unified, smart systems. The plugin adds support for the 3.7U1 environment, which uses a slightly different CLASSPATH setup.

  • Publisher: Tridium, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2014
MDG Integration for Eclipse

MDG Integration for Eclipse

MDG Integration brings many of the benefits and rich modeling power of Enterprise Architect and UML to Eclipse. MDG Integration allows you to reverse engineer and generate code from UML elements using EA's template driven Code Engineering Framework. MDG Integration provides the functionality required of a fully fledged modeling platform right inside Eclipse.

  • Publisher: Sparx Systems
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2009
Qt Eclipse Integration

Qt Eclipse Integration

Nokia offers a seamless integration of Qt development tools for the Eclipse platform. The integration allows developers to use this standard development environment without needing to take care of any Qt-related build steps or tools. The main features of the integration are: - Fully integrated form editor (Qt Designer) - Wizards for creating new Qt projects and classes

  • Publisher: Nokia Corporation
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2010