Vst plugins unique sound in Title/Summary

Blue Cats StereoScope Multi VST Demo
Blue Cat's StereoScope Multi is a unique tool to compare the stereo image of several tracks in real time. It is the ideal solution for mixing: you can actually see which part of the stereo field every single instrument uses. It can also be used to analyze an effect chain and see how audio effects influence the stereo image of your content.
- Publisher: Blue Cat Audio
- Home page: www.bluecataudio.com
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2014

FREE87 FR-COMP (x32)
This series is based on the ANALOG87 series which features a set of 5 high quality analog-style VST effects for Windows. These VST plugins for Windows are not only easy to use, they sound good too. Even though some of the controls of the ANALOG 87 versions have been stripped out, you will find they will have a useful place in your virtual rack.
- Publisher: eaReckon
- Last updated: January 1st, 2012

Torpedo Wall Of Sound VST Win32
Torpedo Wall of Sound is a speaker and miking simulation plugin. The simulation preset mode is not for beginners and requires more experience and knowledge about how the car actually works, depending on many tiny but still important parameters (weather, type of tires, track design…).
- Publisher: Two Notes Audio Engineering
- Home page: www.two-notes.com
- Last updated: December 15th, 2017
Vst plugins unique sound in Description

Silverspike TapeIt
Silverspike TapeIt is a VST-Plugin to record audio streams creating wave files in real-time. You can plug TapeIt 2 into your VST host application at any point accepting VST plugins. Unlike most other plugins, TapeIt 2 does not change the sound of your audio. But, while copying the sound unaltered from input to output, TapeIt 2 writes it to a standard WAV file.
- Publisher: Silverspike
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

Vst To Rtas Adapter
VST to RTAS Adapter seamlessly and transparently integrates your VST plug-ins in to Pro Tools, and offers full compatibility with the VST plug-in standard and Pro Tools 7.x and 8.x.The adapter uses virtually no CPU power or memory and makes a vast range of free and commercial VST plug-ins.
- Publisher: FXpansion Audio UK Ltd
- Home page: www.fxpansion.com
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Psycle is a professional program to create music, properly a VST host that uses a tracker interface. The program is bundled with over 35 virtual instruments and effects, and supports the addition of external VST plugins. It is open source, quite lightweight for all the features it offers, and easy to install and configure.
- Publisher: Psycledelics
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2010

The VST Player is a free software tool that allows you to load VST plugins, and play midi file. You will need VST plug-ins to play midi files with VST Player.The VST player is a tiny utility, easy to install and easy to use, the sound quality is very good and you will find this application useful
- Publisher: Tetsuji Katsuda,mu-tech
- Home page: www.asahi-net.or.jp
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

The JXSynth is a VST 2.0 compatible software synthesizer which can be used with any VST 2.0 compatible host. The JXSynth has a unique sound and a fresh interface which sets it apart from other VST synths.With the addition of full midi control the JXSynth is now even easier to use and control.
- Publisher: JXPlugins
- Home page: www.jxplugins.co.uk
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2010
Additional Vst plugins unique sound selection

DMGAudio Dualism
DMGAudio Dualism is a complete toolkit for stereo work, featuring a comprehensive audio visualization suite. It provides features such as: - PPMs and Bendymeters - Fully featured FFT Spectrum Analyser - Octave, 1/3rd Octave and 1/12th Octave displays - Stereo processing section with Width, Mid-Side and Side-Mid - Channelstrip input controls - M/S encode and decode.
- Publisher: DMGAudio
- Home page: www.dmgaudio.com
- Last updated: December 26th, 2014

DYN4000-Mono is a powerful channel dynamics plug-in that provides a true RMS side-chain detector. It also comes with an expander / gate section that offers a 1:2 downward expander or a gate setting with threshold hysteresis and it re-aligns auto makeup gain to typical DAW levels.
- Publisher: OverToneDSP
- Home page: overtonedsp.co.uk
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015

Reason is a professional music making software for creating and mixing your music. Main features: - Support for VST plugins as well as Rack Extensions, Reason’s own plugin format. - Perfect your vocal takes with Reason’s Pitch Edit. - With powerful editing tools, you can perfect your takes when you are done recording.
- Publisher: Propellerhead Software AB
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

ocenaudio is a simple tool for editing and analyzing audio files. It allows you to load any number of files and apply built-in effects and filters such as Normalize, Smooth, Invert, Reverse, Delay, and Noise Reduction. Support for VST plugins allow you to add additional features to this program using third-party tools.
- Publisher: ocenaudio
- Home page: www.ocenaudio.com.br
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Scarlett Plug-in Suite
Scarlett Plug-in Suite is a program that provides a definitive suite of Compression, Gating, EQ, and Reverb for tracking and mixing. Each powerful plug-in has a host of fast and easy-to-use pre-sets, providing a great starting point for a huge number of popular sound sources, from vocals and guitars to synth bass and percussion.
- Publisher: Focusrite
- Last updated: January 21st, 2015

AV Voice Changer Software
AV Voice Changer Software lets you morph your voice during audio chat. Your voice can sound deeper, higher, younger, older, more feminine, more masculine, or modified in any way you like. It features a variety of voice preferences and voice effects that you can readily apply.
- Publisher: AVSOFT CORP
- Home page: www.audio4fun.com
- Last updated: June 8th, 2017

Acoustica is a nifty audio editor, slightly different from other such programs. It has a nice looking interface, polished, warm and welcoming. Gives a feel of familiarity even from the first time you open it. It’s organized in such a manner that most users will keep the default panels where they are.
- Publisher: Acon Digital Media GmbH
- Home page: acondigital.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Acoustica Standard Edition
Acoustica Standard Edition is a comprehensive program designed for recording, editing, mixing and mastering sounds. It allows you to mix audio from different tracks in real-time, add audio effects to tracks or easily create cross-fades. You can even loop or time stretch clips directly from the multitrack timeline.
- Publisher: Acon AS
- Home page: acondigital.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

KORG microSTATION Plug-In Editor VST
Korg microStation is developed to give portability, amazing effects, the stunning sound of Korg's EDS-i synth engine and easy-to-use sequencing tools. Korg microStation's main feature is that is lightweight, compact, and equipped with 61 mini-keys. MicroSTATION travels easily and fits effortlessly into any home, stage, or studio workspace.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2011

In addition to the revolutionary Fusion-IR modulation possibilities supplementary early and late pitch modulation parameters allow subtle pitch variations on both the early or late reverb components. These are dependent on a user definable split position for static impulse responses or are applied directly to the independently sampled head and tail in a Fusion-IR.
- Publisher: LiquidSonics
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024