Wab wab bowser in Title/Summary

SysTools WAB Recovery
SysTools WAB Recovery recovers corrupt or lost Wab files.Main features:- recover lost or deleted Outlook Express contacts from Wab files - recover corrupt wab files in instant steps - supports Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Wndows 7. Try annd use it. You will never regreate.
- Publisher: SysTools Software
- Last updated: November 29th, 2010

Bowser's Recruitment
Bowser's Recruitment is a fun minigame with amazing graphic interface, where you play as Bowser, and when Mario kills off all of your minions, you have to go on an adventure collecting new ones. Bowser's Recruitment integrates gaming levels which allows you to enjoy it and go through new adventures.
- Publisher: Hello

SysTools WAB Converter
SysTools WAB Converter 1.0 is a program that converts Windows Address Book format (.WAB) to Microsoft Excel 97-2000-2002-XP and Microsoft Outlook 2000-2002-XP. It supports Ansi and Unicode formats. The program lets the user add and edit all options regarding each contact such as business contact information and personal data.
- Publisher: SysTools Software
- Home page: www.systoolsgroup.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Wab wab bowser in Description

Address Book Repair Toolbox
Address Book Repair Toolbox is a fast and effective recovery solution for WAB files created under Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. Enjoy selective contact restoring, a user-friendly GUI and recover deleted contacts with ease today!
- Publisher: Repair Toolbox, Inc.
- Home page: www.repairtoolbox.com
- Last updated: September 15th, 2015

WAB Exporter
WAB Exporter is a simple & instant Windows Address Book Converter program. With WAB Exporter software users can export Outlook Express contacts or Windows Address Book to Outlook contacts. WAB Exporter program successfully support to export both contacts & groups of Outlook Express to Outlook.
- Publisher: PCVARE Software Inc.
- Home page: www.pcvare.com
- Last updated: August 5th, 2010

Actual Address Book Recovery
The WAB restoration process assisted by Actual Address Book Recovery is limited to just a couple of clicks. As you launch the program, you'll be presented with a list of all contacts that you have in your Windows Address Book, plus deleted contacts that are marked with a red "X" mark.
- Publisher: EmailAdept
- Last updated: December 31st, 2017

Mario Bros Town 2
Mario Bros Town 2 is an entertaining game to play with the entire family -or just with the kids- just take turns to play and share laughs. You will be presented with a very small town with a few places to go, you will need to win each level in order to move forward in the town. Each level has many obstacles and a lot of coins, all of which you have to get to increase your final score.
- Publisher: Softendo
- Last updated: June 6th, 2010

Stellar DBX to PST Converter
Stellar DBX to PST Converter is an adroit tool that transfers messages and contact from Outlook Express DBX files to PST files, which can be imported into MS Outlook. The software enables you to perform simultaneous conversion of multiple DBX files.
- Publisher: Stellar Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.stellardatarecovery.com
- Last updated: August 4th, 2014
Additional Wab wab bowser selection

SysTools vCard Export
SysTools vCard Export is a program that enables you to export Outlook Contacts in different file formats that are well supported by multiple other applications. The program performs batch processing of PST contacts and it generates a complete preview of Outlook Contacts with associated attributes such as Full Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Home Phone, Company Name.
- Publisher: SysTools Software
- Home page: www.systoolsgroup.com
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

Email Address Collector
It is a user-friendly email address extraction program that you can get for a reasonable price. Main features: - Extract email addresses from email messages, mail folders, contact folders or distribution lists of Microsoft Office Outlook. - Content dots Collect email addresses from local files or folders, including Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe PDF documents.
- Publisher: DS Development
- Home page: www.emailaddressmanager.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Address Magic Personal
It's incredibly easy to convert your email, folders, contacts and calendar - just four simple steps. Address Magic Personal takes the guesswork out of the conversion by automatically finding your files and automatically matching fields. There are two versions of the product. The PLUS version converts address books, email and calendars.
- Publisher: Connected Software Inc
- Home page: www.connectedsw.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Advanced Maillist Verify
The package includes detailed documentation and examples (for most major programming languages) for integrating Advanced Maillist Verify into Internet/Intranet servers based on Active Server Pages technology from Microsoft and ColdFusion from Allaire.
- Publisher: EMMA Labs
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Cute Organizer
Most people don't just want a piece of software that only manages their contacts, they want something to help them keep track of upcoming birthdays, business meetings or even the next episode of CSI on Channel 5. Thankfully, Cute Organizer offers all this and more. In fact it's got more bells and whistles than the Notting Hill Carnival. The address database, for example, is one of the best around. You can easily create groups for different types of contacts and even add pictures to each contact card, a real bonus if you're bad at putting names to faces. Cute Organizer can dial phone numbers with a click of a button, jump to a web site, or open your e-mail program ready to send mail to the person selected by you. The software also allows you to enter dates and times for upcoming events into the calendar quickly, and these appointments appear as a list of things to do on the background of your desktop. Tasks and holidays are graphically displayed on the calendar. Built-in notes editor will help you format your text in the editor style of MS Word with full support of tables, paragraphs, lists, fonts, fills, and alignment. It is top-notch features like these, coupled with its ease of use, that makes Cute Organizer an ideal personal information manager for those with busy lives.
- Publisher: Code Sector Inc.
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008

AddrCleaner for WAB
With this program you can find and remove duplicate records in the Windows address book used by Outlook Express (also known as WAB ). It provides a user friendly interface to view and find the duplicate records easily in the address book, then you can remove them. AddrCleaner for WAB Microsoft works on Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
- Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
- Home page: www.livepim.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Sometimes, you just quickly have to get a list of all the e-mail addresses in your address book. This can happen, for example, when you are configuring an anti-spam tool and you want to put all the addresses from your address book in the 'white list', to make sure that the e-mails coming from your friends won't be marked as spam.
- Publisher: BM-productions
- Home page: bmproductions.fixnum.org
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Desktop2Express Converter
Convert Palm Desktop Contacts to Outlook Express address book ( also known as Windows Address Book or WAB )
- Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
- Home page: www.livepim.com

ExpressMirror allows you to synchronize Outlook Express address book with Palm Desktop address book / contacts. Which you may synchronize with your Palm hand held devices later by HotSync.
- Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

WAB Repair Free
This Windows address book repair tool can restore Windows Address Book contacts that have been accidentally deleted. WAB repair allows you to view archived changes on the contact. With this program you can repair address book Outlook Express 6 XP, repair Outlook Express address book and repair Windows address book files.
- Publisher: Recovery ToolBox
- Last updated: September 13th, 2012