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Wap.in army fight games in Title/Summary

America's Army

America's Army

Even though America's Army was created to attract new recruits, they also had in their hands a pretty good game. With great online game play, good graphics, and a $0 price tag, it all rounds up to be a winner. This game beats other commercial games in the way they presented it. It is a great game and it is free.

Army Builder

Army Builder

For miniatures gamers, the Army Builder brand roster construction tool is as vital as glue and paint. Army Builder streamlines the creation of army lists, providing "point-and-click" simplicity and virtually eliminating mistakes. Instead of spending an hour to create a roster, it now takes a few minutes.

  • Publisher: Lone Wolf Development
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Army of Darkness 3D Screensaver

Army of Darkness 3D Screensaver

Army of Darkness 3D Screensaver will bring the ultimate war to your desktop. This unique screensaver will take you on a journey to visit the underworld. You will be able to see the castle where all the evil forces reside. The place is very gloomy with fire and lava all around. Some really creepy music and sounds will help complete the scene.

  • Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Wap.in army fight games in Description



Play the deadly sea creature board game of Lagoon! Sharks, whales, and stingrays, 'OH MY', await your command in the fight to the end! Swim into a sea of contradictions as you drift into the shimmering blue, crystal clear waters of a peaceful Lagoon ...

  • Publisher: Xdyne, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 3rd, 2008
Crusaders - Thy Kingdom Come

Crusaders - Thy Kingdom Come

Crusaders Thy Kingdom Come is an strategy game developed by Neocore Games. This is another games of historical battles, where you will be able to command an army to fight against the Pope´s enemies. Plot: The Pope Urban II in its efforts to recover the holy city of Jerusalem for the Christendom, sent to Palestinian land a number of soldiers known as The Crusaders.

Super Mario Forever Galaxy

Super Mario Forever Galaxy

People who have ever played original Mario or Mario Forever will love this game too. It is a perfect continuation of one of the best Mario Games called Super Mario Forever. We should realize that it is much changed and it is not a typical platform game. It is similar to the ‘Galaxian’, which is a well known game that can be played on the old Nintendo console (Pegasus etc).

Plant This!

Plant This!

Plant This is a strategy (tower-defense, to be precise) game with a garden theme. Your army is made up of plants, and your goal is to prevent the insects from reaching the bottom of the defended area. Different plants - as well as different insects - cost various amounts of money, which you spend on building your defenses.

Battle Planner

Battle Planner

Manage and track your collection with Battle Planner! Battle Planner is a tool for managing your collections, armies and decks for all your favorite games.Key features:- View statistics for your favorite games. Currently available are free game modules for Mage Knight™, Hero Clix™, Mech Warrior: Dark Age™, Magic: The Gathering™ and others!

  • Publisher: Battle Planner, LLC
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2010

Additional Wap.in army fight games selection

Butchering Combat

Butchering Combat

Your objective is to fight your opponents and to butcher them as hard as you can. There are a lot of avatars and opponents you can pick out from and everyone has a different special weapon. This game tops the arcade fight games.

  • Publisher: Free Downloadable Games
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2009
Slenderman's Army

Slenderman's Army

Slenderman's Army is a survival horror game for Windows OS. You are a Paranormal Investigator hired to solve the Mystery of Slanciata Manor. You arrive at the Manor to discover more than you bargained for. Your investigation gets halted as you battle for your life against the "Slender Man" an entity known to stick to shadows.

  • Publisher: SMC Games
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2015
Dragon Age - Origins

Dragon Age - Origins

Master a modern role-playing classic with the only epic guide that shows you how to slay dragons, empower kings, and stitch together your own golem. More than 120 jam-packed maps display every critical piece of information: NPCs, monster locations, treasure spots, side quests, with corresponding walkthroughs to best all quests, puzzles, and pivotal story choices.

Sudden Strike Iwo Jima

Sudden Strike Iwo Jima

Sudden Strike Iwo Jima is a nice war game. As its name states, the game is focused on the Battle of Iwo Jima, also known as Operation Detachment, which took place in 1945. This battle of United States against the Japanese Empire remained in the history books as one of the fiercest fight from the World War 2.

  • Publisher: Fireglow Games
  • Home page: sites.google.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2012
Sudden Strike Crimea

Sudden Strike Crimea

Sudden Strike Crimea is a strategy game in which you need to move your troops through an occupied region to battle against the German army in order to liberate the city. The game is not easy to play unless you are familiar with this type of games. Nevertheless, it has good graphics and sounds, and, in general, it is an entertaining game, so if you enjoy strategy games, then you may like this one.

  • Publisher: Fireglow Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012
Hounds Last Hope

Hounds Last Hope

Hounds: The Last Hope is an online massive multi-player game in which you are the new recruit of a human army whose objective is to fight against rogue aliens that invaded Earth. Although the premise is not new, the game has its own twists and characteristics. If you like MMO's and shooter games, you may want to try this one.

SpongeBob and The Clash of Triton

SpongeBob and The Clash of Triton

Triton has imprisoned his own father Neptune and unleashed an army of Krabby patties on Bikini Bottom. The entire town is under his command and only two heroes can do anything about it. Unfortunately, they are nowhere to be found so now it’s up to SpongeBob and Patrick.

Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Microsoft Games for Windows latest Live version 3.0 is the most stable gaming platform for Windows. It is the outcome of the research done by Microsoft and some of the leading gaming industries of the world. As we all know, Windows has been the world’s most popular gaming platform so far, so most obviously Microsoft Games for Windows Live 3.0 is a much better form of windows.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2020
Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs. Zombies is a tower defense game that challenges you with a task of stopping a zombie invasion. Your garden is the last line of defense against zombies, and you need to use given plants to stop them (they really are able to). Unlike other tower defense games, the enemies advance in a straight line and you can't modify their path. You can only shoot them down with different plants.

  • Publisher: PopCap Games
  • Home page: www.popcap.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
League of Legends

League of Legends

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena game. It is similar to DotA (the famous Warcraft 3 custom map), however besides the core design, a large part of the game is different. It is currently the most played game of this genre and has won numerous awards.

  • Publisher: Riot Games Inc.
  • Home page: www.riotgames.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024