Watch free streaming x deal in Title/Summary

Free Online TV
Free Online TV provides user with an easy way to watch free online TV channels. There is no need for TV card or cable connection, Internet connection is the only thing required. Program allows easy management of TV programs, Youtube videos and other useful Internet streams or links.
- Publisher: NETGATE Technologies s.r.o.
- Last updated: July 25th, 2011

RevoluTV is a free player that enables us to watch many streaming TV channels. This application provides a comprehensive list of free TV channels that can be accessed directly. The channel panel displays the list of channels available. They are divided into eleven categories: countries, sports, kids, news, games, music, movies, etc.
- Publisher: RevoluTV Software
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Streaming Live TV
This small program allows you to watch 100 TV channels from ten different countries. The application has a nice interface and is easy to use, but the channel selection is very limited. Also, there are free programs that do pretty much the same. Thus, you may want to try another option.
- Publisher: Makayama
- Last updated: January 24th, 2010
Watch free streaming x deal in Description

1x2 Games Sports Betting
1x2 Games Sports Betting is a free program that features all major Sport Events available for betting. It also features in-play betting, in-play schedule, WHTV Sports Live Free Streaming so you can watch your favorite sports live, Live Radio Streaming, live Odds, statistics, results and number of bets.
- Publisher: 1x2 Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 30th, 2014

AK-Player is a free media player software for Windows. The program allows you to watch streaming videos from sites such as YouTube offline. Other unique features include the ability to play multiple files simultaneously and organize your music in a smart playlist.
- Publisher: Advanced Knack
- Last updated: November 16th, 2013

PTCL Smart TV is an application that allows you to watch live streaming channels on your computer. You can also record a live or past program in your laptop hard disk and watch it when you have more time. You can choose from various channels such as sports, news, movies or music and enjoy them on your laptop or PC.
- Publisher: PBX Telecom
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 8th, 2013

Siera Panther CMS
Siera Panther CMS allows you to watch live streaming from the conected CCTV cameras. You can add as many devices as you want, then you can use the standard movement controls to change the direction. The software can be used for business as well.
- Publisher: M2C Distribuidora
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 12th, 2014

ZeboraCam is an application developed for users that have a Zebora camera to control and configure their device in multiple modes. Its primary connection mode is WiFi but can be used on a LAN as well. Watch live streaming from the camera and save the recording.
- Publisher: Zebora Group
- Last updated: January 29th, 2018
Additional Watch free streaming x deal selection

Applian FLV Player
Applian FLV Player 2.0.24 is a free .FLV (Flash Video) Player. The .FLV is a common video format across the Internet, used in sites like YouTube and thousands more. But they can´t be viewed in most players like Windows Media Player. That´s why this program is useful.
- Publisher: Applian Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 18th, 2020

FreeVoipDeal allows you to communicate with your friends easy and fast.FreeVoipDeal is divided into several tabs, each with a specific purpose. The Text Box near the bottom of the main FreeVoipDeal window allows you to call directly by entering their User Name or phone number and pressing enter.
- Publisher: Dellmont Sarl
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2015

Gmax is a video surveillance application special designed to use USB WEB CAMS that support Microsoft (VfW) WDM image capture driver or compatible. Gmax implements an advanced motion detection algorithm with antiterrorism capabilities. Gmax is designed to record movies continuously or only when a movement in front of the camera occur. Gmax is designed to work indoor or outdoor equally. In order to save disk spaces you may choose suitable video and audio compressors. Gmax has been tested with Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec 1, 2 and 3 and Windows Media Audio 2. The movies are in AVI format and the length of movies is between 1 and 60 minutes. After each recording of one movie, Gmax make a check of free disk space. If the free space is less then 1 GB, the oldies day containing movies will be deleted. Gmax can notify users by e-mail sending mails with snapshots (JPEG pictures) attached or by telephone dialing an appropriate number. A map with 16 zones of interests and a daily scheduler are provided. An embedded Media Player helps you to play the movies. A picture viewer is available to render your snapshots. For Windows NT, Gmax can be used as a NT service too. Now video and audio RTP/UDP streaming has been added.
- Publisher: Marius Gligor
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Gogglebox TV
Dont pay silly money for Satellite TV on PC services, 2000+ TV Channels for Free on your PC + free Lifetime updates. Now!.. Gogglebox TV? software is New and Updated Jan 2008! with Superb FREE Bonus items. Simply UNBEATABLE Free download Deal!
- Publisher: SKS Services
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Torrent Video Player
Torrent Video Player is a tool which allows you to watch free movies and videos or listen to music online. The interface is easy to use and it is based on the immensely popular and highly versatile media player. It allows to play the media before it has finished downloading.
- Publisher: MobilityFlow
- Last updated: January 1st, 2013
- Publisher: IChano corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2022

RadiosDesk is a Windows app with dozens of best radios stations streaming on UK. Installed on your taskbar. No ads, no pop up's, no messages, nothing but just music and news on your headphones while you are working at the office our at home.
- Publisher: Digital-Minds
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Sea Voyage 3D Screensaver
Take a legendary voyage around the world on Magellan's famous galleon - the Victoria. Watch how fearlessly she glides over the waters of the boundless ocean. Captivating music together with a truly colorful setting will make your trip unforgettable.
- Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

DelFeoTV is a program that allows you to tune in to online TV channels and radio stations. It allows you to group TV channels and radio stations separately, classified by country. You can add more stations to the existing database, or delete those you do not want to keep.
- Publisher: DelFeoSoft
- Last updated: April 27th, 2008

Nuclear Ball
Smash all stones and blocks, pick up power ups that fall down and keep the ball in the field until all the bricks are destroyed. Feel like a great adventurer clearing up the nuclear world of traps, lasers, fire-balls, missiles and bomb together with game! Prepare to smash your way through a wild and crazy game, excellent 3D models and radiant level design.
- Publisher: URSE Games
- Last updated: October 15th, 2010