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Water resources screensavers in Title/Summary

7art Water Watcher Clock © 7art-screensavers.com

7art Water Watcher Clock © 7art-screensavers.com

The never-ending stream of quite water gives the viewer a remarkable picture to make a stop and contemplate your inner thoughts. Imagine yourself sitting among the tree branches and swinging your legs in a bright moment of easy heart and airy mood.



WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning system) is a program that takes an integrated approach to water resources planning. A database maintains water demand and supply information to drive mass balance model on a link-node architecture. It calculates water demand, supply, runoff, infiltration, crop requirements, flows, storage and pollution generation.

  • Publisher: Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Home page: www.weap21.org
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2012
Neural Network Add-in

Neural Network Add-in

Neural Network Add-in for Excel allows you to use artificial neural networks (ANNs) for water resources modeling applications such as flow forecasting, water quality forecasting, water treatment process modeling. It features ANN model development, from data pre-processing, through to ANN training and validation.

  • Publisher: University of Adelaide
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2016

Water resources screensavers in Description

River Analysis Package

River Analysis Package

The River Analysis Package (RAP) assists river and water resource managers to undertake condition assessments, environmental flow planning and river restoration design. Water resource managers, catchment management authorities, state government water resources (natural resources) departments, state government environmental protection agencies.

  • Publisher: eWater CRC
  • Last updated: October 3rd, 2014


EPANET is a software program destined to be used by professionals who analyze, simulate and manage water distribution piping systems. It can be used to evaluate alternative strategies for improving water quality, to design and upgrade the performance of a hydraulic system, or to realize assessments about consumer exposure.

  • Publisher: EPA's Water Supply and Water Resources Division
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Chariots of War

Chariots of War

4000 years ago in the Cradle of Civilization, mighty Empires fought for water, resources and the arable land in the Fertile Crescent. Play as the Egyptians, the Babylonians, screaming Nubian warriors, or the Assyrians. Develop your country by producing commodities and selling them to your neighbors.

Cozy Falls Screensaver

Cozy Falls Screensaver

Cozy Falls is a beautiful screensaver which shows a waterfall. The scene shows water falling from a rocky cliff creating a waterfall. There are a few trees and rocks by the waterfall. It is common to see poor quality screensavers when they include waterfalls, but in this case the effect of the water falling is pretty well-done.

  • Publisher: ScreenSaversList
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2011
Water Clock 3D

Water Clock 3D

Water Clock 3D 1.0 by 3Planesoft is a great sсreensaver with brilliant animated graphics and realistic relaxing sounds. It has only one scene that includes an old clock standing against a waterfall. The old clock looks like a mysterious construction of gears, a wooden dial plate and rusty metal hands. The screensaver has a settings dialog that allows customizing it to your demands.

Additional Water resources screensavers selection



GoldSim is a powerful Monte Carlo simulation solution designed for dynamically modeling complex systems in business, engineering and science. The program supports decision and risk analysis by simulating future performance while quantitatively representing the uncertainty and risks inherent in all complex systems.

  • Publisher: GoldSim Technology Group LLC
  • Home page: www.goldsim.com
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2014
Water Illusion Professional

Water Illusion Professional

Create a professional screensaver with this fully customizable screensaver creator. With Water Illusion Professional, you can create a free or shareware screensaver with user registration feature in just a few steps. It comes with Water Illusion Studio to make animated pictures, GUI Designer to design the look-and-feel (skin) of your screensaver window, and Installer Builder to make your screensaver ready for distribution. Features: Create an animated screensaver with water effects, and weather effects. Create pictures slide-show screensaver from jpeg or bmp files. Create a trial-enabled screensaver with customer registration support. Registration code generator to generate valid registration codes for your customer. Add background music to your screensaver project. It supports most popular music formats (mp3,wma,mid,wav). Add advertisement or promotional picture to your project with Ad-Image feature. Customize the behaviour of the user interface. (Window to be shown when screensaver expired, in trial period, etc.) Fully customizable built-in installer builder to create an installer of your screensaver project easily.

  • Publisher: Nufsoft
  • Home page: www.nufsoft.com
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2011
Water Loss Calculator

Water Loss Calculator

This is a stand-alone program that allows you to save and print off your monthly report, calculating the money loss, and graphically represent your saved data. To install: Double click on the Water Loss install package file that was just downloaded. This will begin the setup process.

  • Publisher: Center for Water Resources at Western Kentucky University
  • Home page: waterky.org
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2011
Water Balance USA

Water Balance USA

Water management is of great importance for preserving water resources, efficient use of water by plants, and minimizing excessive leaching of soil chemicals. This program enables the user to specify the capacity of the root zone of a soil to store water, the amount of water in the root zone at a particular date, and the type of irrigation practiced in the area.

  • Publisher: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University
  • Home page: soilphysics.okstate.edu
Water Life

Water Life

Water Life Screensaver will take you to visit the underwater world. This beautiful screensaver will let you wear your diving equipment and take you on a journey to the depth of the ocean. Don’t be alarmed. The underwater world is not scary or menacing. On the contrary, it is a world of peace and beauty that you will definitely enjoy with this software.

  • Publisher: Rixane Screensavers
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2008
Shark Water World 3D Screensaver

Shark Water World 3D Screensaver

A beautiful 3D rendering of a sea scene with a couple of sharks swimming around a sunken galleon, together with a trasure chest and a scary skeleton. The screensaver has good sound effects and many configurable features. If you love sharks, don't miss this one.

  • Publisher: FancyBytes Software
  • Home page: www.fancybytes.com
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2009
ProShow Producer

ProShow Producer

ProShow Producer creates slideshows from photos and clips. The application allows you to add multiple effects, such as transitions and music backgrounds. It certainly has more features and produces nicer slideshows than other similar programs. The application has three different preset workspaces that match the typical workflow.

  • Publisher: Photodex Corporation
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2020
Animated Water Screen

Animated Water Screen

Animated Water Screen will put your desktop under water. This unique screen saver will allow you to see everything as if it was underwater. You will be able to see your whole desktop suddenly starting to form whirlpools and get covered with ripples of water. The effect looks great. Everything on your screen will start looking as if through ripples, and gradually a new image will appear.

  • Publisher: Longgame
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2008
Marine Aquarium

Marine Aquarium

Marine Aquarium displays an aquarium simulation as your screensaver. You can choose from 27 different exotic fish species, from the Addis Butterflyfish to the Yellow Tang. This screensaver can display up to 30 fish at a time; you also get an easy interface for creating and customizing your own sets of fish (including an option for random species).

  • Publisher: Prolific Publishing, Inc.
  • Home page: www.serenescreen.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2023
DP Animation Maker

DP Animation Maker

DP Animation Maker can help you design your own animated wallpapers, screensavers, and banners. The program has a straightforward interface so it is unlikely you have any difficulty to use it even if it is your first time. Yet, if you want to exploit all its features, it is a good idea to consult its online help documentation. Moreover, it is great that it comes with various examples.