Water surface wallpaper in Title/Summary

Water Drop Desktop Wallpaper
Animated Desktop Wallpaper Water Drop is a very simple wallpaper that adds water drops to your desktop that fall from your screen gradually as if they were real. The program will sit on your system tray, allowing you to disable it from there. As the water drops reach the bottom, new ones are added, which descend slowly along the screen while you are working.
- Publisher: Artdocks
- Home page: www.artdocks.com
- Last updated: May 20th, 2012

Fish Desktop Wallpaper
Animated Desktop Wallpaper Fish is a program that enhances your desktop screen by bringing you a fish moving in water. It wiggles its tail and moves across the entire desktop area and the the water is blue and green reflections, but it's static, enabling your to save PC resources.
- Publisher: Artdocks
- Home page: www.artdocks.com
- Last updated: August 9th, 2014

Ripples 1.1.2 is a program that will add ripples to any picture with a large water surface. This way, beginning with a static background, you can make it alive, by adding movement to the water in the image. By using Ripples you will build a screensaver that can be later displayed by Windows.
- Publisher: TO-Works
- Last updated: August 31st, 2008
Water surface wallpaper in Description

Ripple Screensaver
Ripple Screensaver is a cool and beautiful screensaver. This screensaver when activated, gives your desktop a brilliant look as if the desktop had been converted to a water surface. The Screensaver features water ripples of many types, which enhances the beauty and breaks the monotony of the regular windows deafult screensavers.
- Publisher: All Software By 3PEHR
- Last updated: September 16th, 2011

Watery Desktop 3D
This free wallpaper and screensaver combo shows a series of realistic water 3D effects in your desktop. You can customize many of its features such as the effects you want to show, the time that each will be active, and so on. Its main disadvantage is that it is resource-intensive, so you will need a good video card to run the program properly without making your system to slow down.
- Publisher: PUSH Entertainment
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2017

Plugin Galaxy
All Plugin Galaxy effects are accessible from a single dialog. Thousands of potential effects can be created with the help of sliders, checkboxes, color boxes, preview coordinates and blend modes. The new Play button (known from Harrys Filters 3) generates random animations in the preview for exploring the possibilities of the 160+ main effects and the Jump button produces random filter settings.
- Publisher: Harald Heim
- Home page: www.thepluginsite.com
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Fog Lake Screensaver and Animated Wallpaper
Fog Lake Screensaver and Animated Wallpaper takes you to a dreamlike world. You will be transported to the shore of a beautiful lake somewhere in the mountains. Nothing there can remind you about your work, the office, or the traffic. You will see pure nature around you.
- Publisher: 3Planesoft
- Home page: www.3planesoft.com
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2009

AniPaper - Underwater World
“Underwater World” is an animated wallpaper. It shows an underwater scene, in a crystal water sea. Beautiful and colorful fishes swing back and forth on their own pace, as deep blue bubbles go up very slowly to the surface (which you cannot see). The slow movements of the fishes and bubble can be very relaxing, appropriate to take a little brake by looking at your wallpaper.
- Publisher: AniPaper.com
- Last updated: June 29th, 2008
Additional Water surface wallpaper selection

Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver
3Planesoft proudly presents its latest screensaver - Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver. Imagine that you are in a calm bay in the tropics and are submerging to the coral reef below. With each meter that slips by, it becomes quieter and more peaceful around you. The mysterious kingdom of the sea uncovers all its beauty, only to you. Nothing troubles you now. Soft light filters through the water, tinting it with the various shades of blue and green. Fantastic corals are wondrously shaped and colored. It's almost like you are on another planet. Algae are gently swaying with the current. Peaceful, easy feelings fill your body. Air bubbles slowly rise to the water surface. Tropical fish inhabit the coral reef. They appear in every imaginable color, with fantastic shapes. They are swimming everywhere. Some are far from you, others very close. Fish movements are so realistic that it makes you think you are observing real living sea creatures. They swim and drift. Corals and plants bend and sway in the tide, all realistically reflecting the light. This divine landscape is complete with realistic sea sounds and background music. Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver is a unique virtual underwater world, which takes you away from your daily routine and gives you a moment of peace and relaxation. Similar screensavers only imitate real andscapes, but Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver creates the undersea world on your desktop. As a result, you observe three dimensional landscapes in amazing quality. Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver helps you relax during hard workdays. You'll find peace of mind as you descend into the depths of the mysterious underwater world. Touch the dream, forget your troubles and imagine that you are an explorer of the sea world right on your PC!
- Publisher: 3Planesoft
- Home page: www.3planesoft.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Navigate through lily-covered river streams and high seas in a paddle-boat. Do your best to make lily combos disappear and to get your cargo delivered on-time. Beautiful seaside environments, lots of artifacts to discover, 3 game modes and much more.
- Publisher: KraiSoft Entertainment
- Home page: kraisoft.com
- Last updated: March 4th, 2012

Flatland Rover
This game was created by me in honor of the first 1000 downloads under my last game (KLICKS). I create games quickly, but I put my soul into each of them. Rover is a small game for those who want to play a little simple but interesting game. You will
- Publisher: Falco Software Company
- Last updated: November 30th, 2009

Atlantis 3D Screensaver
Hold your breath and take an exciting dive into the magic underwater world of Atlantis 3D Screensaver. Deep down, below the water surface, you will see the ancient ruins of the legendary Atlantis that is now populated by thousands of sea creatures.
- Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
- Home page: www.playrix.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

CORMIX is an advanced information systems that delivers a comprehensive analysis of regulatory mixing zones, including evaluation of critical benthic ecological impacts. The system emphasizes the role of boundary interaction to predict steady-state mixing behavior and plume geometry.
- Publisher: MixZon Inc.
- Last updated: April 29th, 2015

FIDES Flow can easily perform the calculation of steady state or transient water flow, the free water surface, the streaming quantities and velocities as well as the water pressure in plane sections. The results can be visualized and used for stability calculations in other programs of the FIDES Geotech-nics Series.
- Publisher: Fides DV-Partner

HydroCalc Hydraulics for Windows
- Water Surface Profile Computations Programs compute Standard Step water-surface profile for sub-critical flow in trapezoidal or circular channels. - Normal and Critical Depth Computations for Channels - Flow velocity, velocity head, Froude Number, and more. - Rating Curve Computations for Channels - Computes channel capacity (flow rate) for a range of flow depths.
- Publisher: Dodson && Associates, Inc.
- Last updated: November 5th, 2009

RiverCAD® is the leading software that incorporates HEC-RAS and HEC-2 in AutoCAD. It includes a range of features and capabilities that automates HEC-RAS modeling tasks. Automatic cross section cutting, mapping of roughness values and bank station locations, floodplain mapping, floodway determination, bridges, culverts, and more.
- Publisher: BOSS International, Inc.

Animated Wallpaper Maker
Animated Wallpaper Maker could not have a more descriptive name. As you could have guessed, this tool is intended to make your computer desktop livelier by using an animated wallpaper. The program certainly has a lot of features that require some time to explore; however, it will not be long until you are creating your own wallpaper.
- Publisher: DesktopPaints LLC
- Home page: www.desktoppaints.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Titanic Memories 3D Screensaver and Animated Wallpaper
Titanic Memories 3D Screensaver and Animated Wallpaper is a tribute to the ship. This very nostalgic screensaver will allow you to remember the magnificent ship and all it’s memories and events. You will be sailing at sea, along the Titanic, displaying it’s four chimneys against the sunset in the horizon.
- Publisher: 3Planesoft
- Home page: www.3planesoft.com
- Last updated: September 24th, 2016