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Webcam makes computer restart in Title/Summary

Restart Computer

Restart Computer

Freelabs Restart Computer is a simple tool that it will restart/shutdown/logoff your computer on a timely basis. It's main window stays on top of your windows, it's small, easy to use and transparent. Main Features: - Intuitive Interface - Restart/Shutdown/LogOff computer only once at specific date and time - Restart/Shutdown/LogOff computer every day at specific time

  • Publisher: FreeLabs
  • Home page: freelabs.info
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2009


Restart is a small utility that might not be interesting for simple home users that use computer only for entertainment and completing simple tasks, like editing of documents and playing multimedia files. More advanced users might find it useful for them if they have more than one operating system installed on their computers.

  • Publisher: Gabriele Ponti
  • Last updated: September 19th, 2011
Cyber-D's Webcam Archiver

Cyber-D's Webcam Archiver

Cyber-D's SQL wizard makes it easy to generate SQL queries from CSV data. This tool is ideal for people who need to insert large amounts of data into an SQL database. If you always receive Excel documents and need to insert the data into an SQL database, then this tool is ideal.

  • Publisher: Cyber-D Software
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2008

Webcam makes computer restart in Description

ESCO Wallpaper Changer

ESCO Wallpaper Changer

This tool helps you easily manage your wallpapers and allows you to change them as frequently as you wish. ESCO Wallpaper Changer will install itself in your computer’s Control Panel, and can be accessed through the Display Properties icon. This tool makes it easier for you to add or remove pictures in your wallpapers collection, along with an option to filter images by type.

  • Publisher: ESCO
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
FileStream SafeShield

FileStream SafeShield

SafeShield is your best safety net. It protects your computer from attacks, and system and user errors. You can visit any site, download anything, open any document or program, or do online banking, without worrying about being attacked, saving unwanted objects on your computer, leaving behind surfing tracks, or having security settings accidentally changed.

  • Publisher: FileStream, Inc.
  • Home page: www.filestream.com
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022
Magic Video Surveillance

Magic Video Surveillance

This is a very simple program which can transform your webcam-equipped computer into a surveillance system. The program acts as a movement sensor using the webcam. You just start the monitoring process from the application and minimize the window; when something happens in the viewable area of the camera, it will start taking pictures.

  • Publisher: iWesoft Corporation
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2012
XUS Clock Plus

XUS Clock Plus

XUS Clock is a powerful and colorful alarm clock with an innovative clock face. The clock color and size are totally customizable. It supports current local time in cities and countries worldwide, in all time zones with DST. You can personalize a display message or set a computer action (such as Shutdown Computer, Restart Computer, etc.) when an alarm triggers.

  • Publisher: XUS Software
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2015


The R134a Tables Excel Add-In library calculates 23 thermodynamic properties of R134a (1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane). It allows 11 different combinations of input variables to be used for calculations. Input variables that can be used are: - pressure, - temperature, - enthalpy, - entropy, - volume, - internal energy, - and quality (vapor mass fraction).

  • Publisher: MegaWatSoft
  • Last updated: May 17th, 2012

Additional Webcam makes computer restart selection



AMP WinOFF 4.5 is the latest version of this system utility software we can download for free from the developer's website. This is an useful tool for shutting down Windows based computers at a given time. We can select the way we want the computer to be shut down.

  • Publisher: Alberto Martínez Pérez
  • Home page: www.ampsoft.net
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


USBPcap is an open source traffic packet capturing tool that can be used with any USB device. You can specify the devices you want to monitor and save the results to a PCAP file. The program is easy to install and configure, but requires a computer restart for the filter control devices to be properly detected.

  • Publisher: Tomasz Moń
  • Home page: desowin.org
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2017
Fast Shutdown

Fast Shutdown

Fast Shutdown is a very simple and straightforward tool that lets you quickly shutdown, restart, log off, or put your system to hibernate mode. While Windows may take quite a while to turn off or reboot, Fast Shutdown turns this simple tasks into quick actions that will be performed almost instantaneously.

  • Publisher: XetoWare
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2016
CFi ShellToys

CFi ShellToys

CFi ShellToys is a Windows shell extension, adding many additional items to your right click context menu. The options added are extremely useful, giving quick access to operations that are often used. With two simple clicks you can now shutdown your computer, restart it, open up a command prompt under a specific folder, copy or move a file, print it etc.

  • Publisher: Cool Focus International Ltd
  • Home page: www.cfishelltoys.com
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2010
Windows Shutdown Assistant

Windows Shutdown Assistant

Windows Shutdown Assistant is a program that enables you to shut down your computer at the set time automatically. In addition, it can shut down the computer in other situations such as system idle, excessive CPU usage or low battery. According to your different needs, the software also supports to log off, restart and lock computer automatically.



By simply installing SecuExpress on your computer equipped with a Webcam, your computer turns into a personal surveillance system right away. SecuExpress also provides an easy interface to record and view the live video on computers, mobile phones or PDAs through Internet, even you are away from your SecuExpress personal surveillance system.

  • Publisher: Accordiva, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2010


Switch Off is a lightweight easy-to-use tray-based system utility that could automatically shutdown, suspend or hibernate your system. This could cut your electricity bills and save the Environment by lowering your PC power consumption. It could also disconnect dial-up and VPN connections to cut your internet service bills as well.

  • Publisher: Airytec
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2015


365PowerOff is a program that allows you to control the power state of your computer. It can Stand By/Dormancy your personal computer, power off, shutdown, reboot or log you off your PC. The action can be performed immediately or scheduled, by using a built-in scheduler.

  • Publisher: 365freesoft
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2022
HumidAir Excel Add-In

HumidAir Excel Add-In

The psychrometrics Excel Add-In library calculates 35 thermodynamic properties of humid (moist) air in SI and English units. It allows 21 different combinations of input variables to be used for calculations.Input variables that can be used are:-pressure, -dry bulb temperature, -wet bulb temperature, -dew point tempertature, -relative humidity,



Lazy-Admin is a small application that will help you to connect your Windows mobile device to PC or server. You can launch unlimited commands anytime from your phone to your computer. This tool will help you to run daily reports via SQL Server, reboot your computer, restart IIS, run automated development builds and do lots of other useful things.

  • Publisher: N'Tune Software Development