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Webshots daily in Title/Summary

Webshots Daily Features

Webshots Daily Features

Start your day with beautiful photos chosen by our editors just for you, including Nature, Travel, Animals, Flowers and more! Download the photos for screensavers and wallpapers or easily share it with friends by using our quick link back to Webshots.

  • Publisher: AG.com, Inc.
  • Home page: www.webshots.com
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2010
Webshots Grabber

Webshots Grabber

A tool to automate the download of regular sized, free Photos from the Webshots Gallery. It works on the concept of Browser simulation to automate the process. Features: Cached Category List, Thumbnail Display, Automatic integration of photo collections into Webshots Desktop, Supports caching to prevent downloading the same files again and a built in Interactive/Non-Interactive update.

  • Publisher: Maxotek
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2012
MyPhotos Assistant by Webshots

MyPhotos Assistant by Webshots

With just one click, you can have millions of photos as your screensaver and wallpaper, including your personal photos and our collection of new photos every day! Get new professional and member photos delivered to your desktop every day! Plus, you can find more photos on Webshots or the web with the included search.

Webshots daily in Description

Niche Browser

Niche Browser

The Niche Browser is a powerful research tool for internet marketers. It lets you to search for “niches” or keyword information on the internet in a better way. This browser gives you one click access to many search engines such as Google, Live Search, Yahoo, Digg, Ask, Magnolia, Wink, Simpy, Snap, etc. It also provides you world search on local search engines of countries

  • Publisher: nichebrowser.com
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
PocketBible Daily Light on the Daily Path (DLDP)

PocketBible Daily Light on the Daily Path (DLDP)

PocketBible Daily Light on the Daily Path (DLDP) 1.0 is a compilation of thematic devotional readings taken from the English Standard Version Bible. Daily Light allows scripture to speak for itself and this e-text presents readers with a brief group of scripture passages that speak to prominent biblical themes.

Laptop Logbook

Laptop Logbook

LLB Drivers Daily Log is easy to use. Driver's log book software that is fast, easy, and error free. Laptop Logbook imports information from the previous daily log, instantly does the math & updates your recap with each "clicked" graph entry or correction.

Weight Loss Program

Weight Loss Program

This program helps its users to lose weight by starting diet plans based on scientific studies. This program is created in a Microsoft Excel sheet. Based on the data provided, it will calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

Post Time Daily™

Post Time Daily™

Post Time Daily can allow almost everyone to become a horse racing and handicapping expert. This tool uses best-industry methods like Ultimate Serra Sire Ratings and Gold Standard. This tool can load and print various types of race cards and analyze the data provided within.

  • Publisher: Post Time Solutions, Inc.
  • Home page: posttimedaily.com
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2011

Additional Webshots daily selection

Horoscopes Daily Toolbar

Horoscopes Daily Toolbar

Horoscopes Daily Community Toolbar — stay connected and get so much more. Horoscopes Daily Community Toolbar allows you to get the latest news and announcements instantly, search the Web and get a wide choice of useful search engines , get free applications for your browser and much more

  • Publisher: Horoscopes Daily
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2022
Daily Bible and Prayer

Daily Bible and Prayer

Daily Bible and Prayer's Prayer Tracker can manage your prayer list, no matter how small or large. Both active and answered prayers are tracked, allowing you to easily keep up with all of your prayers and praises. You can include almost unlimited details in your prayer items and edit them at any time.

Daily To-Do List

Daily To-Do List

Daily To-Do List is a simple personal organizer that allows you to organize your daily tasks and appointments in an easy way to ensure that you never forget any of your important events. You can organize your tasks by category, establish their priority and set reminders.

Daily Astrology Explorer

Daily Astrology Explorer

Daily Astrologer Explorer presents an excellent option featuring detailed analysis of every moment. It comprises of comprehensive charts, and vital predictions, under various Kundali styles right from south Indian, north Indian, down to east Indian styles, and analyses auspicious and inauspicious timings for various occasions for an individual user.

  • Publisher: Publicsoft India
  • Last updated: January 14th, 2009
Daily Kural

Daily Kural

Daily Kural is a software which is used to display a Thirukural and the tamil and english meanings. Thirukkural constitutes one of the most important literary works in Tamil (Dravidian language of southern India). It is generally reckoned that Kural was composed during the Sangam Period of literary development in Tamil (500-200 BC). Thirukural was composed by Thiruvalluvar.

Daily Mah Jong

Daily Mah Jong

Daily Mah Jong is a beautifully crafted mahjongg solitaire game. You can relax in this game with tranquil music and pleasant sound effects. The game includes 40 custom tiles, symbols, backgrounds, music and holiday themes. Also the game have 2 modes available for playing: Fortune Mode and Fame Mode.

  • Publisher: Skunk Studios, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2012
Drivers Daily Log

Drivers Daily Log

The Drivers Daily Log (DDL) program implements the requirements of the United State Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. It helps to produce the Driver's Record of Duty Status - the Log Book. DDL takes the power of the computer and applies a convenient entry of duty status data, displays that data in the 'classic' Driver's Daily Log format, and more.

  • Publisher: DDL Software
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2018
Daily Planner Plus

Daily Planner Plus

Daily Planner Plus is a capable, multi-module organizer. It includes a daily planner and a to-do list, as well as standard and loan calculators. The program provides you various modules for figuring a home budget, storing passwords and keeping a warranty information database. You can password-protect each of the modules.

Daily Bible Verse

Daily Bible Verse

Daily Bible Verse is a browser extension that shows daily Bible verse. This extension shows random Bible verses on each click, it allows you to read Bible Chapter for showing verses, it allows Bible searching, and more. You can select your language and the number of verses to show.

  • Publisher: Andrei Goumilevski
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: September 3rd, 2016
Daily Journal

Daily Journal

Daily Journal is a handy application that enables you to lock your account with a password, preventing others from accessing your private data. You can use it to write your memories, as well as save important appointments. The main window includes a calendar that can be used to navigate between entries.

  • Publisher: VOVSOFT
  • Home page: vovsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021