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Wii points codes list board in Title/Summary

ADInstruments Wii Balance Board

ADInstruments Wii Balance Board

The Wii Balance Board Device Enabler Add-On for LabChart facilitates communication between a Wii Balance Board and LabChart over a wireless Bluetooth connection. When installed, LabChart will automatically recognize the Wii Balance Board on startup. This extension is ideal for studies of static posturography.

List Of All US Cities, States and Zip Codes Database Software

List Of All US Cities, States and Zip Codes Database Software

Search and save a list of all cities, states and zip codes in the United States. You have the option to see the entire list or filter the list using certain character(s). Save results as text files.

Wii U GCN USB Driver

Wii U GCN USB Driver

It is a driver for the Wii U GCN USB adapter. This driver supports the official Nintendo Wii U Gamecube USB adapter, as well any third party adapters emulating the device WUP-028. Main features: - Use up to 4 gamecube controllers on 1 USB port. - Only requires the black plug (gray is used to power the rumble motor).

  • Publisher: Matt Cunningham
  • Home page: m4sv.com
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2015

Wii points codes list board in Description



OBISHelper is a program that can be used to decode and encode OBIS codes to and from their text description. OBISHelper uses the official OBIS codes list published by the DLMS User Association. There are currently about 15000 different possible code groups.

  • Publisher: i-cube software
  • Home page: www.cyamon.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2015
IslandSol Buddy - Pogo

IslandSol Buddy - Pogo

This Pogo Thousand Island Solitaire bot is helpful whether you're sailing the seven seas to collect treasure chests, trying to get 1,000 points across the board, or looking to save gold cards. This Thousand Island Solitaire auto is *the ultimate* solitaire strategy tool, perfect for collecting badges and tokens.

  • Publisher: Play Buddy, LLC.
  • Home page: www.playbuddy.com
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2015
RecoveryTools Windows BKF

RecoveryTools Windows BKF

Expert recommended application named RecoveryTools Windows BKF offers three mode: Quick Scan, Advanced Scan and Range Based Scan. Windows BKF Recovery tool repair backup created with Windows NTBacup and Veritas Backup Exec.



“QBeez2” is a cute, pretty easy-to-play game. All you have to do is to identify and call groups of cubes of the same color. To be a group there has to be at least two cubes of the same color. The bigger the group of cubes (QBeez), the higher is your score. A really cool feature of this game is that you can create your own puzzles to play.

TEC-IT QR-Code Studio

TEC-IT QR-Code Studio

QR codes are becoming more and more ubiquitous as a simple and quick way of disseminating small pieces of information. TEC-IT QR-Code Studio is a versatile free tool that helps you generate QR codes with all types of contents, from URLs to vCards, from SMS messages to e-mails, and from messages designed for Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to SEPA bank transactions.

  • Publisher: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
  • Home page: www.tec-it.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2013

Additional Wii points codes list board selection



Gridlines is an absorbing square-forming puzzle game. Take turns drawing one line at a time on the game grid. Complete a square and you get the points, but be careful not to give away too many squares to your opponent. Play the 'classic' mode, a 'bonuses' mode where every square is worth something different or set up your perfect game using the 'custom' mode.

  • Publisher: Clockwork Pixels Ltd
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2012


TimeTo is a personal organizer that allows you to schedule events and have your daily events organized in one place. The program allows you to enter appointments, add birthdays and anniversary reminders, add reminders for work holidays and other important events, etc. You can set alarms for reminders, add recurrence, and customize many other fields.

  • Publisher: David Berman Developments Inc.
  • Home page: www.davidberman.com
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2020


The goal of FindSame is to earn as many points as you can by removing paires of the similar tiles from the board. For earning points you need to select one tile and after that to select tile with similar picture. This pair will desappeare.

Zuma Deluxe

Zuma Deluxe

Zuma is a really addictive game. You control a stone frog idol. You need to clear the balls before they reach the skull, throwing them balls with the same colour. When you get a row of three or more balls with the same colour, they dissapear from the screen.

Jewel Quest Solitaire

Jewel Quest Solitaire

The goal of this game is to remove all cards from the layout. Cards that are the same value, one value higher, or one value lower can be played together. When there are no valid plays, flip a card from the stock and try again. Jewels are dropped onto the board based on how you play the cards. The jewels dropped will match the suits of the cards that are played.

  • Publisher: Oberon Media
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2009


Scrabble is a very popular word game. WordBiz is a tiny application that allows users playing Scrabble with other people from all over the world online. It is a client for the Internet service called Internet Scrabble Club which has a lot of members. Wordbiz allows playing Scrabble in several languages, the language can be selected on the program’s startup.

  • Publisher: Internet Scrabble Club
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2012
Magic Lines

Magic Lines

Magic Lines is an old game that was recovered for the new generation of video games. Some people might remember having played this game in the past. Anyway, this is a very funny game that can get you entertained for a couple of hours and it's a good way to spend time with your friends or family.

  • Publisher: AGENTIX Software
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2009
Treasures Of The Ancient Cavern

Treasures Of The Ancient Cavern

The objective of “Treasures of the Ancient Caverns” is to create matches of three-in-a-row tiles by swapping them with your mouse. When you create the match, those tiles disappear from the board and are filled up with new relics and artifacts. Sometimes, the new tiles will create new matches triggering a chain reaction. If you create matches over the stone tiles, you pass the level.

Karaoke Song List Creator

Karaoke Song List Creator

Karaoke Song List Creator is the complete karaoke disc database. The Karaoke Song List Creator workplace has three main areas: Disc MF Codes, Track List and Tool Area. The program allows you to: - Create karaoke song lists. - Quickly find a specific song or artist. - Commercially Print Karaoke Song Lists. - Add or delete your own karaoke discs.

  • Publisher: Airwer Ltd
  • Home page: www.airwer.com
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018
Crossword Compiler

Crossword Compiler

Crossword Compiler is a program that lets you create your own puzzles and word games in an easy and pleasant way. It is an excellent tool for educators, crossword enthusiasts, and anyone interested in classic word games. Puzzles created with this app can be published to a web site, printed out, or exported to PDF for sharing.