Winamp color themes pack in Title/Summary

Winamp Color Themes Pack
Color Themes are a set of special text files that determine the look of Winamp skins. Each element is displayed in the appropriate color. This text files are written as XML documents. Installer contains: - Color Themes for Winamp Bento / Big Bento Skins. - Color Themes for Winamp Modern Skin. - Winamp 5 Color Editor.
- Publisher: Pawel Porwisz
- Last updated: November 20th, 2014

Depiction Color Icon Pack
Depiction Color Icon Pack is an icon pack add-on to the Depiction software. The Depiction Color Icon Pack can be bought from the Depiction site and downloaded to your computer. Once downloaded you just have to install it as a regular executable for the changes tot take place.
- Publisher: Depiction Inc

Color Swatch Add-in for PowerPoint
It is a plug-in which allows you to quickly create custom color themes without the hassle of typing RGB values. Along with 12 base Theme colors, you can specify up to 12 custom colors, without editing XML code. To add a custom color to the palette, fill in a color and update the accompanying text box with the name to be displayed as tooltip.
- Publisher: Shyam Pillai
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2013
Winamp color themes pack in Description

RGB-HSL-Gamma Worker
This is a utility program I wrote to help convert RGB and HSL values to Winamp 3 gamma values and code. The output is used to create color themes for Winamp 3 skins. You can use the sliders to select a color, or the Windows standard color dialog, or an Eyedropper tool which lets you select a color from anywhere on screen.
- Publisher: RPETERCLARK
- Last updated: October 25th, 2011

Proposal Pack Wizard Software
Proposal Pack Wizard is a software add-in for Microsoft Word for Windows which manages your business proposals, grants, contracts, quotes, bids and other detailed business documents. Templates are assembled to create complex business documents.
- Publisher: Proposal Kit, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

Adobe kuler
Adobe Kuler is a free tool for designing beautiful color themes. The color themes that you create with Kuler are supported on Adobe Creative Suite 2, 3, 4 and 5. This suite of programs developed by Adobe is the ultimate toolkit for web design. Using this high-end graphic resource you can create eye-catching digital magazines, eBooks or vector graphics.
- Publisher: Adobe
- Last updated: June 28th, 2008

ScrollBar by Sam Francke might become a very useful tool for each web designer. This small application was developed for quick creation of colorized scrollbars for web sites in the Internet Explorer. The application generates CSS code that can be easily copied into the required place.
- Publisher: Sam Francke
- Last updated: March 25th, 2008

TextNotes Pro 4.3 by GemX Software is great tool for managing and organizing your notes. It allows you easily adding unlimited amount of new notes, editing already created notes, grouping them by special notebooks and many more. It has lot of different useful features that makes managing your notes very fast and convenient.
- Publisher: GemX Software
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Additional Winamp color themes pack selection

IconPackager is a program that allows users to change nearly all of their Windows icons at once by applying "packages" of icons. A package of icons contains icons to replace most of the common icons on your Windows PC. What makes IconPackager special is that unlike Microsoft's themes which only change a few icons, IconPackager changes hundreds of icons.
- Publisher:, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 13th, 2023

WindowBlinds allows you to customize the appearance of your Windows operating system regardless of its version. Its interface is quite attractive with a modern and intuitive design. This feature makes it appropriate for any kind of user, so it is unlikely anyone will have any problems when using this tool.
- Publisher: Stardock Corporation
- Last updated: May 14th, 2023

Pack Crystal XP
Pack Crystal XP is a shell pack that modifies your Windows XP files to give it a new look that imitates the older Linux KDE interface. The download consists of a Zip file, containing an EXE installer. When you run it, you are presented with a list of components to modify (Internet Explorer, Log-on Screen, Outlook Express, Windows Media Player etc.)
- Publisher: Bricomix
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Mailbird is a powerful, user-friendly email client designed to streamline your inbox and enhance productivity. Manage multiple accounts, integrate with popular apps, organize calendars, and access a unified inbox. Experience fast, intuitive email man
- Publisher: Mailbird, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 8th, 2024

WinPCSIGN Basic 2012
WinPCSIGN Basic 2012 is a professional sign making program designed for drawing, retouching images and vinyl cutting (lettering, logos). You can easily create text effects, customize your designs by applying color various color themes, print and cut images, break or group your logo.
- Publisher: Entreprises Sign Max Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2018

Legacy Charting
Legacy Charting allows you to start creating amazing ancestor, descendant, fan, hourglass, bow tie, and even DNA charts.You can customize the way your charts look. Choose the number of generations, the box contents, pictures, color themes, backgrounds, box borders, and much more.
- Publisher: Millennia Corporation
- Last updated: January 20th, 2011

BabasChess Graphic Pack
This graphic pack was developed for BabasChess, which is a free online chess game. With this graphic pack you can have more themes, and some additional piece sets. So if you like playing BabasChess, but you`re tired of the usual interface, yous hould install this.
- Publisher: RRaf
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008

Milkdrop Preset Pack
Milkdrop Preset Pack is a collection of Milkdrop presets developed by Jonny Rimkus packaged in an NSIS installer. Milkdrop Preset Pack contains textures and presets for the Milkdrop Visualization Plugin for Winamp. Open Winamp, go to Preferences, and under Plug-ins select Visualization to configure Milkdrop.
- Publisher: Jonny Rimkus
- Last updated: November 25th, 2010

Green Island Theme Pack
Green Island Theme Pack enhances your windows you wallpapers and sounds. The pack was created for when you want to have on your desktop wallpapers or views and sounds from Green Island. You have the ability to chose from a vast number of wallpapers and sounds.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2010

Proposal Pack Wizard
Proposal Pack Wizard is a software add-in for Microsoft Word for Windows which manages your business proposals, grants, contracts, quotes, bids and other detailed business documents. Templates are assembled to create complex business documents.
- Publisher: Cyber Sea, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024