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Windows-based assembler for 8051 in Title/Summary

8051 IDE

8051 IDE

8051 IDE is a simple 8051 microcontroller emulator for the 8051 series of microcontrollers, like 8052, 8031, 8751, 8752, etc. The program is very simple to use and is a good one for those beginning to do 16-bit microcontroller programming. It has all the features to edit and run an assembly language program.

  • Publisher: AceBus
  • Home page: www.acebus.com
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2012
mikroPascal PRO for 8051

mikroPascal PRO for 8051

mikroPascal PRO for 8051 is a full-featured Pascal compiler for 8051 devices from Atmel® and Sillicon Labs®. Pascal is a popular programming language that encapsulates strong data types, very nice syntax, and has probably the best balance between simplicity and control.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Home page: www.mikroe.com
  • Last updated: October 17th, 2011
NoICE for 8051

NoICE for 8051

NoICE is a "full featured" debugger without the "full figured" price. Many newer microprocessors contain on-chip debugging resources that allow NoICE to burn and debug programs in Flash. NoICE supports this mode of operation for the 68HC12 using BDM or AN2548; the 68HC08 using BDM, AN2140 or MON08; and MSP430 using JTAG.

Windows-based assembler for 8051 in Description



MIDE-51 is freeware Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for MCS-51 microcontroller. The full package already comes with: Assembler, SDCC: Small Device C Compiler, TS Controls 8051 Emulator, JSIM-51 Simulator. SDCC is a freeware, retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based MCUs.

  • Publisher: OpCUBE
  • Home page: www.opcube.com
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2011
AS-Interface Control Tools

AS-Interface Control Tools

AS-i Control Tools is a Windows software for the comfortable commissioning of the AS-interface and the programming of AS-i Control with Instruction List (STEP5). Now with full support of all features of the new AS-i specification 2.1. AS-i Control programs are control programs that are processed in the AS-i Master.



Key Benefits: -Structured BASIC with labels. -Structured programming with IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF, DO-LOOP, WHILE-WEND, SELECT- CASE. -Fast machine code instead of interpreted code. -Variables and labels can be as long as 32 characters. -Bit, Byte, Integer, Word, Long, Single and String variables.

  • Publisher: MCS Electronics
  • Home page: www.mcselec.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2008
mikroBasic PRO for 8051

mikroBasic PRO for 8051

mikroBasic PRO for 8051 is a comprehensive BASIC compiler for 8051 micro-controllers developed and marketed by Atmel and Silicon Labs. 8051 based embedded applications are developed, built and debugged using this compiler as a platform. This development environment has a wide range of features such as easy-to-learn BASIC syntax, easy-to-use IDE, very compact and efficient code, etc.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2012
GSS Visual Assembler

GSS Visual Assembler

GSS Visual Assembler is a development environment of the software for Windows OS, intended for development of programs in an assembly language. IDE with easily customised interface reminding interface Borland Delphi or Microsoft Visual Studio.Initially formed under such assembler packages as TASM and MASM32 but there is a possibility to adapt IDE and under other packages.

  • Publisher: General Software Systems
  • Home page: sites.google.com
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2012

Additional Windows-based assembler for 8051 selection

8051 Workbench

8051 Workbench

The 8051 Workbench provides a unified interface to a series of user-replaceable programs, including an assembler (A51.EXE), simulator (8051SIM.EXE), delay-loop calculator (8051DLY.EXE), downloader (HEXLOAD.EXE), and serial terminal (TERM.EXE). Enjoy.

  • Publisher: Ansys, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2010


The 8051 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) combines a text editor, assembler and software simulator into a single program. All components needed to develop 8051 programs (and its various derivatives) available and controllable from this single IDE.

  • Publisher: AceBus
  • Home page: www.acebus.com
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2009
mikroC PRO for 8051

mikroC PRO for 8051

mikroC PRO for 8051 is a full-featured ANSI C compiler for 8051 devices from Atmel and Sillicon Labs. It features an intuitive IDE, powerful compiler with advanced optimizations, lots of hardware and software libraries and additional tools that will help you in your work.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Home page: www.mikroe.com
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2013
GUI Turbo Assembler

GUI Turbo Assembler

GUI Turbo Assembler is a 64bit MuItilingual IDE for Assembly Language with TASM & TLINK. The IDE is loaded with powerful feature like syntax highlighting, code folding along with the other regular features to work with any assembly source code. It supports compiling and building of assembly codes to windows executable with a single click.

  • Publisher: Lakhya Jyoti Nath
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2015
IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051

IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051

AR Embedded Workbench is a set of development tools for building and debugging embedded system applications using assembler, C and C++. It provides a completely integrated development environment that includes a project manager, editor, build tools and the C-SPY debugger.

  • Publisher: IAR Systems
Vex Assembler

Vex Assembler

VEX Assembler is a free design package made specifically for the VEX IQ robotics platform. VEX Assembler brings the modern principles of computer-aided design (CAD) into an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. It comes preloaded with over 110 unique VEX IQ parts, including field elements from the 2013-2014 VEX IQ Challenge.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2014
MIPS Assembler

MIPS Assembler

MIPS Assembler and Simulator is a tool for converting MIPS assembly code into MIPS machine code in either hexadecimal or binary output format. This software supports labels for jumps (relative and absolute address mode according to the instruction), tracks of 1st order infinite loops (automatically stops the simulation) and much more

  • Publisher: Xavier Perseguers
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2010
8051 Hex Code Explorer

8051 Hex Code Explorer

This program is written targeting INTEL's 8051 family 8 bit Microcontrollers which can access atmost 64KB of code memory. So, this software is limited to only '16 bit address' data records. Not good for Extended Segment Address Record or Extended Linear Address Record.

  • Publisher: SpiceLogic Consulting & Technologies INC.
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2011
Phyton CodeMaster-52

Phyton CodeMaster-52

CodeMaster-52 IDE provides most flexible, user-friendly and cost-effective integration of PICE-52 and JEM-52 emulators with best third parties' (TP) compilers. By defaul our 8051 toolset includes a free evaluation copy of the C compiler from Raisonance that allows to compile and link programs limited to 4K byte of code.

  • Publisher: Phyton
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2010
Square Assembler

Square Assembler

Square Assembler contains three different puzzle games united by common idea - to clear all squares from the board by matching colors. It supports one-player mode, the online contest, and playing against the computer. Various skins are included.

  • Publisher: Absolutist.com
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2008