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Windows 7 desktop baby tracker in Title/Summary

ParentWeb Baby Tracker

ParentWeb Baby Tracker

Easily keep track of your baby's exact age (down to the very day) through the age counter on the desktop widget! It even gives you a countdown to the number of weeks and days to go during your pregnancy!Monitor your baby’s development with growth charts compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as milestones and achievements.

  • Publisher: ParentWeb Inc.
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2010
DeskTop Baby

DeskTop Baby

Enter your babys due date and count the months, weeks, days, hours and minutes until the big day. Then enter the actual birth date and count up forever. Scroll between 6 different pictures and 6 sound clips.

  • Publisher: Command Line Software
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2011
desktop sun tracker

desktop sun tracker

This software displays two versions of the world map, a day, and a night version, and fades between them to show which portions of the world are in daylight, and which aren't. In other words, this is a dynamic wallpaper that updates based on where the sun is relative to the surface of the earth.

  • Publisher: here there software
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2009

Windows 7 desktop baby tracker in Description

Copernic Tracker

Copernic Tracker

Copernic Tracker is a very useful application that allows you to stay tuned to the changes on your favorite websites, to schedule trackings of webpage addresses per day, several times a day, a week, or a month. When it detects changes in words, new links or images, it displays a tray icon and a desktop alert. You can get alerts by email or SMS.

  • Publisher: Copernic Inc.
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008


jWorkSheet is an open source personal desktop time tracker for your projects, data are presented in a spreadsheet-like format. The application offers some completed work sheet reports, however, you can create your own user reports by XSL transformations. The application is designed for an easy modification of your data include time information.

System Monitor II

System Monitor II

Though many users are satisfied with the information and statistics provided by Windows’ Task Manager, others might find its overall values not accurate enough. System Monitor II is a free Windows desktop gadget that provides you with highly accurate real-time data of your system’s overall memory, RAM memory, and PageFile usage, as well as the CPU usage and temperature broken down per core.

  • Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016
Magic Dock

Magic Dock

Magic Dock is a free and simple way of installing a replica of the stylish Mac dock in your Windows system. It offers a wide arrange of attractive icons complete with the popular scroll-through effect, and enough customization capabilities to meet the most demanding preferences. It can live perfectly with your Windows task bar, and will add a Mac-like attractive look to your Windows desktop.

  • Publisher: Kipesoft .INC
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer

FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer

FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer is an application for Microsoft Windows that allows you to easily switch back and forth between your logged in Windows desktop session and Session 0.

  • Publisher: FireDaemon Technologies Limited
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2022

Additional Windows 7 desktop baby tracker selection

Windows Desktop Search

Windows Desktop Search

Windows Desktop Search helps increase the productivity of information workers by enabling them to quickly and easily find what they are looking for. Windows Desktop Search helps users quickly find and retrieve e-mail messages, documents, and many other file types located on their PC and corporate network. Windows Desktop Search provides a familiar, integrated, and convenient search experience for Windows users. Search index does not create privacy issues or device performance concerns. Windows Desktop Search integrates with other Microsoft Search technologies.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2011
GoToTags Windows Desktop App

GoToTags Windows Desktop App

This program allows you to read, create, and use NFC tags using a Windows PC and a compatible NFC reader. The GoToTags Windows App reads the UID, NFC chip type, memory details, etc. from the NFC chip while the NFC tag is on the NFC reader. When the NFC tag is removed from the NFC reader, the NFC chip information is removed. You can also create and edit NDEF records easily.

  • Publisher: gototags
  • Last updated: July 22nd, 2015
(a9t9) Free OCR for Windows Desktop

(a9t9) Free OCR for Windows Desktop

(a9t9) Free OCR for Windows Desktop is a free-to-use tool for Windows OS that allows you to extract text from image files and PDF items. The content of the source file will be displayed in the left window. If your document has more than one page, or if you opened multi-page documents, use the arrows at the bottom to navigate between them.

  • Publisher: a9t9
  • Home page: blog.a9t9.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
LightScribe System Software

LightScribe System Software

LightScribe System Software (LSS) facilitates good operation of the LightScribe system. It comes with a handy control panel that allows the user to customize the LightScribe settings and even keep track of the system’s information. The user can double click on the LightScribe icon placed in the system tray on the right lower corner of the Windows desktop screen.

Dell Webcam Central

Dell Webcam Central

It is a video capture and control software for supported webcam devices.

  • Publisher: Creative Technology Ltd.
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2020
Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows

Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows

This program allows you to perform different tests and obtain information about your Western Digital drives from your Windows desktop. You can perform a quick or an extended test to detect and prevent drive failures. Also, you can obtain data about your drive, such as serial number, capacity, model, and so on.

  • Publisher: Western Digital Corporation
  • Home page: support.wdc.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2015


Mirillis Action! screen recorder allows streaming and real-time recording of Windows desktop in HD quality. With this program, you can record and stream your gameplay, web player videos, record music, capture screenshots, and add webcams and microphone commentary.

  • Publisher: Mirillis Ltd.
  • Home page: mirillis.com
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2025
Windows App for WhatsApp

Windows App for WhatsApp

This program lets you send and receive WhatsApp messages on your Windows PC. It can show various status signals such as "disconnected", "phone was disconnected", "new message" and"connected". You will be alerted of new incoming messages using a popup on Windows desktop.

  • Publisher: MobileHUB
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2016
Telegram Desktop

Telegram Desktop

Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app. Unlike other chat applications, Telegram has no limits on the size of your media and chats. You can also create and manage groups with up to 200,000 members. This program can be accessed from smartphones, PC, MAC, iPhones, and other devices.



WindowBlinds allows you to customize the appearance of your Windows operating system regardless of its version. Its interface is quite attractive with a modern and intuitive design. This feature makes it appropriate for any kind of user, so it is unlikely anyone will have any problems when using this tool.

  • Publisher: Stardock Corporation
  • Home page: www.stardock.com
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2023