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Windows agent 3.9 in Title/Summary

RSyslog Windows Agent

RSyslog Windows Agent

The RSyslog Windows Agent relies on Adiscon's knowledge in reliable logging environments for both Linux and Windows. It provides the possibility to consolidate logs from a Windows machine on a central Linux repository through rsyslog. RSyslog Windows Agent runs on the systems to be monitored and provides the core functionality.

  • Publisher: Adiscon GmbH
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2014
OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent

OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent

OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers configurations and the software installed on the network. The program is also able to detect all active devices on your network, such as switch, router, network printer, and unattended devices.

  • Publisher: OCS Inventory NG Team
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016
OP5 NSClient++ Windows Agent

OP5 NSClient++ Windows Agent

op5 Monitor is a centralized program for monitoring your servers. It works even if your service runs in the cloud, or on a virtual machine. Most of the monitoring in this application is done with the help of agents. op5 Monitor contacts the agents and make them do the job. NSClient++ Windows Agent sits quietly in the Windows system tray to help the monitor whenever required.

  • Publisher: MySolutions NORDIC
  • Home page: www.op5.com
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2015

Windows agent 3.9 in Description

TSMManager Viewer

TSMManager Viewer

TSMManager Viewer is software that monitors the state and manipulate the objects of TSM servers. It consists of : - A central collector part that is in charge of all communication with up to 30 TSM servers. - A viewer part that can be installed on multiple PC's and supplies the user interface.

  • Publisher: JamoDat
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2012
Singapore Airlines A380 Desktop Agent

Singapore Airlines A380 Desktop Agent

This small utility is a commercial news desktop agent of Singapore Airlines and its A380 planes. The program will show the latest news and flights from this airline. You ought to have an Internet connection to receive the latest news. The utility locates an icon in the Task Bar.

  • Publisher: Singapore Airlines
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2010
Double Agent

Double Agent

Double Agent is an Open Source alternative to Microsoft® Agent that allows Agent applications to work on Windows® 7 and beyond. It emulates the Microsoft® Agent server and the Microsoft® Agent ActiveX control. It supports existing Microsoft® Agent characters, including Microsoft® Office Assistant characters.

  • Publisher: Cinnamon Software Inc.
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2019
Copernic Agent

Copernic Agent

Copernic Agent, finds exactly what you are looking for.

  • Publisher: Copernic
  • Home page: www.copernic.com
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2009
Brahms Agent Environment

Brahms Agent Environment

The Brahms Agent Environment replaces both Brahms Personal Agent and Professional Agent and is a collection of tools for developing models of work practice for the purpose of simulating work practice or for developing agent-based solutions to support the people that are part of a work practice.

  • Publisher: NASA Ames Research Center
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Additional Windows agent 3.9 selection

PowerPro Manager

PowerPro Manager

With PowerPro manager you have: - Wake-On-Lan Support to wake up workstations or groups of workstations - Wake-On-Lan across VLANS supported with automatic subnet detection - Applications can be defined to not enforce Workstation power settings when active. - Automatic backups of database files included - Automatic removal of workstations that have been removed from the network.

  • Publisher: Excelerate Software
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2010
Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows

Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows

Due to various factors, including complex hardware configurations and regulatory compliance requirements, some physical servers and workstations cannot be virtualized. Veeam Agent solves these issues and also closes the gap that some enterprises face with large, heterogeneous environments and further enables workload mobility by delivering availability for cloud-based workloads.

  • Publisher: Veeam® Software
  • Home page: www.veeam.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2019
OCS Inventory Agent

OCS Inventory Agent

OCS Inventory NG Agent Deployment Tool is a free software utility that allows you to install the OCS inventory ng agent for windows and for linux. This tool uses Windows SysInternals Psexec and PuTTY remote execution tools. You can download this tools and specify the path on the options menu.

  • Publisher: OCS Inventory Team
  • Last updated: February 15th, 2012
Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery

Stellar Phoenix RAID Recovery v6.0Technician is a comprehensive data recovery software that integrates ease of use and robust functionality to allow safe recovery of your lost files on any Windows based storage media including RAID arrays.

Cisco NAC Agent

Cisco NAC Agent

The Cisco NAC Agent provides local-machine Agent-based posture assessment and remediation for client machines. The Cisco NAC Agent is designed to provide user login capability on a wide range of Windows client machines, including clients running 64-bit operating systems, and offers "double-byte" support to enable native localization for a large variety of languages.

  • Publisher: Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 10th, 2016
ManageEngine AssetExplorer Agent

ManageEngine AssetExplorer Agent

AssetExplorer helps to keep up-to-date information of all your assets by periodically scanning the software, hardware & other ownership information. Track and manage any workstation or network devices say Windows, Linux, Mac, AIX machines, Solaris, Printers, Routers, Switches etc., in your domain or network. It offers you both agent-based scanning & agent-less scanning.

  • Publisher: ZOHO Corp
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2014
FusionInventory Agent

FusionInventory Agent

FusionInventory is used to inventory your IT assets.FusionInventory is able to make a complete inventory of computers: hardware and software. Inventory is performed by an a agent, installed on all computers. It can be installed on many systems: Windows 32 and 64 bits since version 2000, Linux 32 and 64 bits, BSD, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Mac OS X (Intel and PowerPC).

  • Publisher: FusionInventory Team
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021
DevID Agent

DevID Agent

DevID Agent is a Windows application that automatically installs missing drivers and upgrades outdated ones. The program can detect which devices require drivers and which drivers require updates. The utility's driver database is updated daily. You can send feedback about the work of the agent, or suggestions for improvement.

  • Publisher: DevID
  • Home page: devid.info
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2018
Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player

Many people would agree that Windows Media Player has proven to be one of the most reliable and convenient tools to manage one's media library. There is a lot it can do: organize your files, play videos and music, burn CDs, stream your media to other devices... the list of features is very large and very impressive.

Microsoft Defender

Microsoft Defender

Windows Defender is the well-known security tool from Microsoft that protects your system and your data against spyware and other malicious applications. Formerly named “Microsoft AntiSpyware”, Windows Defender is included by default in the latest 3 Windows editions (Vista, 7 and 8) and can be downloaded and installed separately on Windows XP and Windows 2003.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2023