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Windows bkf files to vm in Title/Summary

RecoveryTools Windows BKF

RecoveryTools Windows BKF

Expert recommended application named RecoveryTools Windows BKF offers three mode: Quick Scan, Advanced Scan and Range Based Scan. Windows BKF Recovery tool repair backup created with Windows NTBacup and Veritas Backup Exec.

BKF Recovery

BKF Recovery

BKF Recovery Software to repair or restores data from corrupted BKF files on Windows platforms. It runs with all Windows OS and recovers data from BKF file.

Advanced BKF Repair

Advanced BKF Repair

Advanced BKF Repair(ABR) is the best tool to repair corrupt Microsoft backup(BKF) files. It will scan the BKF files and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption.Features:- Support to repair Microsoft Backup(BKF) files created with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista, 2008 Server backup utilities.

  • Publisher: DataNumen, Inc

Windows bkf files to vm in Description

Backup Exec BKF Recovery

Backup Exec BKF Recovery

Download Backup Exec BKF Recovery software that can easily repair BKF file created by Windows NTBackup as well as Symantec Backup Exec. It can successfully restore maximum possible data from corrupt BKF file.

Aryson Backup Exec BKF Repair Pro

Aryson Backup Exec BKF Repair Pro

Aryson Backup Exec BKF Repair Pro tool is a smart solution for BKF file recovery. It can repair BKF file and restore maximum possible content in their original form. It supports split and compressed BKF file.

Aryson BKF Recovery

Aryson BKF Recovery

Aryson BKF Recovery software is the perfect solution for you if you're having corrupt BKF file. It can repair BKF file which is corrupt due to various reasons. It can successfully scan corrupt BKF file for errors and restore BKF file content.

MS Backup File Recovery

MS Backup File Recovery

In case ms backup file found error message like backup file contains unrecognized, in this type of condition, you need Advanced MS Backup File Recovery Software to recover, open and restore MS backup file which is easily open BKF file.

Aryson Exchange BKF Recovery

Aryson Exchange BKF Recovery

Get Exchange BKF Recovery software to repair Exchange Server backup and restore Exchange backup data. It can help you to recover your content from all three files of Exchange Server backup: EDB, STM and LOG. Download its free demo version.

Additional Windows bkf files to vm selection

Tweaking.com - Windows Repair (All in One)

Tweaking.com - Windows Repair (All in One)

Tweaking.com - Windows Repair is a tool designed help fix a large majority of known Windows problems including; registry errors, file permissions, issues with Internet Explorer, Windows Updates, Windows Firewall and more.

  • Publisher: Tweaking.com
  • Home page: www.tweaking.com
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2023


ISO to USB is a free and small software that can burn the ISO image file directly to the USB drives, these USB drives include USB flash drives, memory sticks and other USB storage devices, it also supports to create a bootable USB disk with Windows operating systems.

  • Publisher: isotousb.com
  • Home page: www.isotousb.com
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2020
SysTools BKF Recovery

SysTools BKF Recovery

Quickly scan, recover & extract files from corrupt windows backup (.bkf/zip) files. Supports Windows NTBackup & Symantec VERITAS Backup Exec (.bkf) files. Provides3 recovery modes — quick, advanced & range based scan. Option to view and extract data from windows 10/8.1/7 backup (.zip) files.

  • Publisher: SysTools Software
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2018
Free WMA to MP3 Converter

Free WMA to MP3 Converter

Free WMA to MP3 Converter is a completely free Windows media converter to MP3 format. Audio and Video are converted to MP3 in a single click, so they can be played on an MP3 player. The program shows the process like a wizard tutorial, and guides the user window by window through the conversion task.

  • Publisher: Jodix Technologies Ltd.
  • Home page: www.Jodix.com
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2011
System Explorer

System Explorer

System Explorer is a powerful software tool that shows you detailed information about your system running processes, performance parameters, open connections, etc. Besides, the program can also analyze your system processes to detect suspicious behavior and hidden threats, thus, it keeps your system free of harmful viruses and rootkits.

Quicksys RegDefrag

Quicksys RegDefrag

The Windows registry is the database of information that stores all of the setup, user preferences, software and hardware configuration information.Registry data is constantly being written to and removed during a normal Windows operation. Over time this data becomes fragmented. Quicksys RegDefrag optimizes your registry by removing gaps, fragments and wasted space in Windows registry files.

  • Publisher: Quicksys
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2011
RealWorld Cursor Editor

RealWorld Cursor Editor

This program allows you to modify and customize your Windows cursors, so that your working environment turns unique. Besides of that, you can also create new cursors from the scratch - or using any image file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or GIF formats as a base. This tool can be used to create animated and multi-resolution cursors too, for compatibility with the latest versions of MS Windows.

  • Publisher: RealWorld Graphics
  • Home page: www.rw-designer.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2016
Windows 7 USB/DVD Download

Windows 7 USB/DVD Download

The Windows USB/DVD Download tool allows you to create a copy of your Windows 7/8 ISO file on a USB flash drive or a DVD. To create a bootable DVD or USB flash drive, download the ISO file and then run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool. Once this is done, you can install Windows 7 or Windows 8 directly from the USB flash drive or DVD.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2010
Steganos Privacy Suite

Steganos Privacy Suite

The steady increase of our use of the Web to perform sensitive operations as well as the rising figures in data theft make tools like Steganos Privacy Suite a must for anyone connected to the outside world via a computer. This tool offers two main ways to protect your privacy and increase your security – safes to keep your most valuable data locked and secure and a password manager.

  • Publisher: Steganos Software GmbH
  • Home page: www.steganos.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


RefreshPC is a small, simple, and neat application that lets you reset the registry entries and the state of the Windows services to their default values. Besides “refreshing” the status of your Windows’ registry and services, this neat little tool will also clear the Windows temporary files (both the “Temporary” folder and the “prefetch” files).

  • Publisher: WareSoft Software
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2022