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Windows identity on codeplex in Title/Summary

Windows Identity Foundation SDK

Windows Identity Foundation SDK

The Windows Identity Foundation SDK provides templates for use with Visual Studio and code samples. This download requires the Windows Identity Foundation runtime be present. Supported operating systems: -Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2023
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC CodePlex Preview

Microsoft ASP.NET MVC CodePlex Preview

ASP.NET MVC is a free, fully supported Microsoft framework for developing great web applications using the Model-View-Controller pattern. It provides total control over your HTML and URLs, enables rich Ajax integration, and facilitates test driven development.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: August 11th, 2008
Identity Cloaker

Identity Cloaker

Identity Cloaker is an internet privacy protection service for Windows OS. Its main goal is to protect your privacy by encrypting the data sent over the Internet in the most vulnerable part of the data transmission path, and by hiding your physical location and IP address from the prying eyes.

  • Publisher: Tomas France
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021

Windows identity on codeplex in Description

Security Pack

Security Pack

The Microsoft WF Security Pack CTP 1 is the first community technology preview (CTP) release of a set of activities and their implementation based on Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET Framework 4 (WF 4) and the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). The Microsoft WF Security Pack contains both activities and their designers which illustrate how to easily enable various security-related scenarios

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008


SimpleIPC is a development platform which allows you to have some of your application's work performed in an external process. If there is a process crash, it will be one of the external processes, rather than your app. SimpleIPC uses .NET Remoting.

  • Publisher: Cognitier
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2009
Live Spaces Photo Album Plugin

Live Spaces Photo Album Plugin

This is going to be a plugin for Windows Live Writer that will allow you to browse a Windows Live Space Photo Album. This plugin has actually been up for a while. This plugin is an open source program and it is free to download from codeplex. It has a great and easy to use interface.



Enables explorer thumbnail preview for .blp .tga and .dds file types. Dowload it for free from codeplex project website and install it on your computer, the program works on Windows 2000,XP,Vista and windows 7. Start viewing the other image formats now

  • Publisher: dotshed
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2011
Power Plan Chooser

Power Plan Chooser

Power Plan Chooser is a small application written in C#. It runs in the notification area and allows you to quickly switch between the three standard Windows 7 power plans (Balanced, High performance and Power saver). The icon will change color based on the plan you’ve selected indicating which power plan is currently active on your system.

  • Publisher: David Vielmetter
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2011

Additional Windows identity on codeplex selection

Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player

Many people would agree that Windows Media Player has proven to be one of the most reliable and convenient tools to manage one's media library. There is a lot it can do: organize your files, play videos and music, burn CDs, stream your media to other devices... the list of features is very large and very impressive.

Microsoft Defender

Microsoft Defender

Windows Defender is the well-known security tool from Microsoft that protects your system and your data against spyware and other malicious applications. Formerly named “Microsoft AntiSpyware”, Windows Defender is included by default in the latest 3 Windows editions (Vista, 7 and 8) and can be downloaded and installed separately on Windows XP and Windows 2003.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2023
Bonjour Print Services for Windows

Bonjour Print Services for Windows

Bonjour Print Services for Windows is a very useful tool that allows you to discover, manage and use in best conditions Bonjour enabled printers connected to you'r personal computer using Bonjour Printer Wizard. With this program you can set you'r printer to work with best setings and conditions.

Identity Finder

Identity Finder

Use free tools such as the File Vault to encrypt any file in Windows and the Digital Shredder to shred any file from Windows Explorer. Manage passwords securely in the Password Vault. Search within files and web browsers to find unprotected Credit Card Numbers and Passwords.

  • Publisher: Identity Finder, LLC
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2017
Windows Live Essentials

Windows Live Essentials

Windows Live - Essentials contains a set of tools for your windows computer. Live Messenger is like Google talk. But it works only on Hotmail accounts. Live Movie Maker is a tool to create videos from your photos and video clips. Live Mesh is a program to sync your computer files with SkyDrive.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: explore.live.com
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2020
Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin

Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin

Firefox users were awaiting a very long time a plugin with such features. It's an important achievement to the open source community, because in the past it was a very important drawback when trying to persuade IE users to switch to Firefox. Now any user can use Firefox as your default browser without losing any feature.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2011
Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker

With Windows Movie Maker you will have real fun to make home movies and it will be very easy for you. You can also share your home movies on your computer. With this tool it is easier; to make changes in your movie by editing some shots, drag and drop certain clips in your movie.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2024
Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Microsoft Games for Windows latest Live version 3.0 is the most stable gaming platform for Windows. It is the outcome of the research done by Microsoft and some of the leading gaming industries of the world. As we all know, Windows has been the world’s most popular gaming platform so far, so most obviously Microsoft Games for Windows Live 3.0 is a much better form of windows.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2020
Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Kaspersky Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses, ransomware, spyware, cryptolockers, and other threats. It also has the ability to detect and stop cryptocurrency mining malware that can reduce your PC’s performance. Built-in password manager can be used to store your usernames, passwords, and other information and synchronize them across your devices.

  • Publisher: Kaspersky Lab
  • Home page: usa.kaspersky.com
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2021
PL2303 Windows Driver

PL2303 Windows Driver

Prolific provides perfect solution to connect your legacy peripherals and application to any USB host platform.

  • Publisher: Prolific Technology Inc.
  • Home page: www.prolific.com.tw
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2020