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Winutilities file splitter file combiner in Title/Summary

WinUtilities File Splitter

WinUtilities File Splitter

WinUtilities File Splitter can split any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file. It helps you copy the split ones to floppy disk or CD/DVD, or send them via e-mail.

WinUtilities File Shredder

WinUtilities File Shredder

WinUtilities File Shredder is a utility that securely deletes your files so they can't be restored using recovery software.

File Splitter and Joiner

File Splitter and Joiner

File Splitter and Joiner is a fast file splitter for Windows. Since it is so fast, the developer has decided to change its name to FFSJ: The Fastest File Splitter and Joiner. Some name, huh? Anyhow, what this application does is cut your files into smaller parts so that you can fit them in certain media or e-mail it.

  • Publisher: Le Minh Hoang
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Winutilities file splitter file combiner in Description



UltraSearch is designed to avoid the limitations present in Windows built-in file search feature. It has the advantage of providing very quick results without the need to index the contents of a drive. Instead, the application uses the information stored on the Master File Table of NTFS partitions. Unfortunately, this comes with a disadvantage: the tool only supports NTFS.

Wave Merger Software

Wave Merger Software

The Fastest Wave files Joiner software is a quick and simple way to merge multiples files into large files to make them more manageable . Wave File Joiner is used to combine two or more recorded wave format sound files into one large wave file . ave file combiner application can wav files into one large wav file without considering which kind of input wav formats are.

  • Publisher: Imbue Software Pvt. ltd.
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2010
The File Splitter

The File Splitter

The File Splitter splits a large file into smaller ones, allowing you to manage each part more easily on an individual basis. Joining it back in the same file again is very simple. You simply double click in the autogenerated executable file you find in the folder you chose for the splitted pieces and they will automatically be merged in a single file equal to the original.

  • Publisher: Dekabyte
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Aryson Split PST

Aryson Split PST

Aryson Split PST Software is developed with the amazing features that you can break the large PST files of almost about 2MB into smaller files. It allows to quickly split over-sized PST files into small PST files.

All in One File Splitter Merger

All in One File Splitter Merger

All in One File Splitter Merger Software is a small free tool to help you both to cut larger files into smaller pieces for easier distribution, as well as put them back together in exactly the same way the original file was. It is capable of handling any kind of files, preserving the original name and extension.

  • Publisher: Split Merge Pvt. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.splitmerge.us
  • Last updated: June 14th, 2009

Additional Winutilities file splitter file combiner selection

File Viewer Plus

File Viewer Plus

File Viewer Plus is a universal file viewer, editor, and converter, having support for over 300 file-types including documents, photos, songs, videos, archives, web pages, source code files, etc. This program also has native support for more than 50 file formats, with a batch-conversion feature.

  • Publisher: Sharpened Productions
  • Home page: fileviewerplus.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
File Append and Split Tool

File Append and Split Tool

Split and append files of all types and sizes; up to 16 million terabytes. Splits large files so they can be copied onto CDs, DVDs, etc. or sent via email. Choose output file size, media, or number of pieces. A simple concept executed to perfection.

Easy Do Pdf Split & Merge

Easy Do Pdf Split & Merge

Easy Do Pdf Split & Merge is a very simple, stand-alone desktop utility program that lets you split &merge PDF files to make personality PDF file for your own, your customers, your employees or associates etc. With it, you can manage the common/encrypted PDF file with ease.

  • Publisher: Victor Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2013
WinX MediaTrans

WinX MediaTrans

WinX MediaTrans can be used to transfer photos, videos, and music between an iPhone, an iPad, and your computer without the help of iTunes. It lets you create, modify, and delete playlists. You can also create ringtones, edit metadata info in batch mode, and convert videos to iPhone-compatible formats.

  • Publisher: Digiarty Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.winxdvd.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
LimagitoX FileMover

LimagitoX FileMover

Limagito’s admin panel contains hundreds of options making it very powerful. Set filters and rename, encrypt, decrypt, move, copy or delete files with ease. This software offers so many features and is so flexible it can be used for a variety of file management tasks as well as file backups.

  • Publisher: Limagito.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021
Epubor Kindle DRM Removal

Epubor Kindle DRM Removal

Epubor Kindle DRM Removal is a program that enables you to remove the DRM protection from Kindle books which are synced via Kindle for PC or copied from E-Ink Kindle devices. It supports Kindle books in formats such as AZW, AZW3, PRC, Mobi, AZW4, TPZ, Topaz.

  • Publisher: Epubor Inc.
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2023
Duplicate File Finder by Rashid Hoda

Duplicate File Finder by Rashid Hoda

Finds duplicate pictures and videos This app does what it named for. You can choose any folder on your hard drive or use standard user folders and our app will deeply analyze contents of selected folders for searching for any duplicates. The ...

  • Publisher: PrivacyRoot IFG
  • Home page: privacyroot.com
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2021


XYplorer is a file manager featuring tabbed browsing, advanced file-search, optional dual pane interface, and the ability to automate frequently recurring tasks. You can automate file transfer operations in this program by writing simple scripts. XYplorer is fully customizable; you can change the fonts, colors, icons, program associations, etc.

  • Publisher: Cologne Code Company
  • Home page: www.xyplorer.com
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023


LockHunter is a utility with a very specific purpose: it lets you delete, move and rename files even if they have been locked by certain processes, and even if these processes were started by other users. The tool has an easy-to-use interface that does not pose any difficulty as you should simply browse for the locked item.

  • Publisher: Crystal Rich Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
OfficeRecovery 2014 Ultimate

OfficeRecovery 2014 Ultimate

OfficeRecovery 2014 Ultimate (ORU 2014) is a suite of 31 programs for data extraction/recovery from dozens of email,database and Microsoft Office productivity application file formats. While it is primarily aimed at repair/recovery of MS-Office application files, it can be used to recover all essential PC file formats such as PDF,Flash&Zip. It may be used as a complete PC disaster recovery suite.