Wipe delete algorithm in Title/Summary

AEVITA Wipe & Delete
Do you know that your sensitive files remain in your computer even after its deletion? And anybody can easily recover them with any reliable data recovery utility. So your sensitive data files are porn to everyone. Anybody can steal your secret files about which you think that you have deleted your secret and sensitive files. to delete them forever you you will require a shredder.
- Publisher: AEVITA Software Ltd.
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2008

Puran Wipe Disk
Puran Wipe Disk is a free program that can completely delete everything on your disk including the file system so that no data can be recovered. The program can also erase multiple disks in one click and wipe the free space so that already deleted files cannot be recovered.
- Publisher: Puran Software
- Home page: www.puransoftware.com
- Last updated: August 27th, 2014

Stellar Wipe
It is a well-known fact that Windows saves statistics about all activities that are performed on your computer. It saves the Internet history, recently opened documents, temporary Internet files and others. Sometimes it is very important to delete any data and to be sure that it won’t be accessed by another person. In such situations Stellar Wipe can be really helpful.
- Publisher: Stellar Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.stellardatarecovery.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Wipe delete algorithm in Description

JPEG Japery
JPEG Japery is a program that lets you manage multiple JPG picture files. The program enables you to copy, move, rename, strip metadata, generate lists, set attributes, encrypt, decrypt, wipe, delete and more using EXIF tags such as date picture taken or camera make.
- Publisher: MonkeyJob Systems
- Home page: www.monkeyjob.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Overwrite every byte on target drive is the abosolute secure way to erase the data on drive. StorageWipe uses powerful wipe & erase technology to completely eliminate data on hard drive, external drive, flash memory, zip drive and more. It is very easy to use, needn't professional knowledge and skills.
- Publisher: Magiclab software
- Last updated: June 18th, 2011

When you are working on your PC your operating system uses some temporary files and data called cache that is left behind even when you have stopped working on your PC. This cache can inform anyone about what you have been doing on your PC. QuickWiper can completely wipe such sensitive data and activity tracks with a single click.
- Publisher: AKS-Labs
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Internet Cleaning Tool
internet cleaning tool is an easy to use and feature rich system cleaner that helps you to erase internet tracks, as well as temporary files recent document list cookies browser cache visited URLs and more. http://www.internetcleaningtool.net/
- Publisher: Capital Software
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

DoYourData Super Eraser
Sending a document to Recycle Bin and then emptying the contents of the tool won't make the file in question disappear for good. Various file recovery software can easily restore deleted files, even after formatting your drive. One way to permanently remove a document or tool from your PC is to use a specialized program like DoYourData Super Eraser.
- Publisher: DoYourData
- Home page: www.doyourdata.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Wipe delete algorithm selection

XL Delete
XL Delete is a powerful secure delete tool that will permanently delete your sensitive and private files using its powerful wipe engine. XL Delete can permanently remove any type of file, entire folders, and even your Internet cookies, history, and cache files. Files removed with XL Delete can not be retrieved using file recovery software.
- Publisher: -XL- Development
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

SecureWipeDelete is used to erase sensitive data on your drives. Features: -Secure erase of files and folders -Secure erase of whole disks and parititions -Timecontoled erase -Passwordprotected programinterface -Quick and easy handling -Standard: DoD 5220.22-M -Standard: BSI VSITR -Standard: Peter Gutmann -Standard: Bruce Schneier
- Publisher: SPIA - System Software Solutions
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

CCleaner for PC helps you clean up your Windows computer, optimize performance, and maintain your online privacy. CCleaner's Driver Updater helps improve performance of your PC's graphics, sound, and internet connectivity while preventing software bugs, hardware problems, and crashes.
- Publisher: Piriform Software Ltd.
- Home page: www.ccleaner.com
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Delete Doctor
Delete files that are difficult to delete, such as some files left by viruses and trojans, or files with corrupted file names. This program can also delete files like the "index.dat" files, which store Internet history, by scheduling them for deletion upon system restart.
- Publisher: Kevin Solway
- Home page: www.theabsolute.net
- Last updated: September 12th, 2011

MiniTool Drive Wipe
Getting rid of sensitive data permanently is easy with MiniTool Drive Wipe. This free app can erase and permanently destroy the information stored on your disks or partitions. It offers you various wiping methods, each providing a different degree of security from filling sectors with zero to DoD 5220.28-STD, a standard from the US Department of Defense that renders all information irrecoverable.
- Publisher: MiniTool Solution Ltd.
- Last updated: June 13th, 2010

Data Wipe
Data Wipe is a program that can be used to remove the data permanently so that no one can recover this data. Data Wipe ensures that file deletion is immutable and beyond recall. It offers wipe methods that can stop both apps and Hardware Recovery Tools from restoring the erased data.
- Publisher: Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd
- Last updated: July 5th, 2013

Revo Uninstaller
Revo Uninstaller helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs easily. The Uninstaller module is Revo Uninstaller's primary feature for situations when a program won’t uninstall normally or when you have some doubts that a program has not been uninstalled completely.
- Publisher: VS Revo Group
- Home page: www.revouninstaller.com
- Last updated: January 18th, 2023

Reasonable NoClone
NoClone is a true duplicate file finder that can helps user to instantly find true duplicate files, duplicate folders, duplicate images,duplicate mp3 and duplicate outlook emails, what' more, which also can find a large amount of similar images.
- Publisher: Reasonable Software House Limited
- Home page: NoClone.net
- Last updated: June 15th, 2015

Remo Drive Wipe
Remo Drive Wipe is a program that allows you to permanently erase entire drive data. The program enables you to erase a complete hard drive or a particular logical drive. It securely erases your disk using 9 different sanitization standards for disk wiping.
- Publisher: Remo Software
- Last updated: February 16th, 2021

Wipe Bad Disk
Wipe Bad Disk is a program that allows you to erase data permanently on disks with bad sectors. WBD wipes the disk through 3 stages, 16 passes and multiple levels. WBD supports all types of storage devices including hard disks and USB devices. The devices to be wiped can be formatted with any file system such as FAT, NTFS.
- Publisher: Goodlucksoft
- Home page: www.goodlucksoft.com
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020