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Wlan connection tester in Title/Summary

SpeedConnect Connection Tester

SpeedConnect Connection Tester

SpeedConnect Connection Tester provides a quick and easy way to test the speed of your Internet connection. The program downloads a file from a Microsoft server (or any other server of your choice), analyzes the measured data and reports your speed.

  • Publisher: CBS Software
  • Home page: www.cbs-soft.com
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2008
PMU Connection Tester

PMU Connection Tester

PMU Connection Tester verifies that a data stream from synchrophasor measurement device is being successfully received. It supports various phasor data protocols such as IEEE C37.118, IEEE 1344, BPA PDCstream, SEL Fast Message, IEC 61850-90-5 and others.

  • Publisher: Grid Protection Alliance
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2021
WLAN Tester

WLAN Tester

WLAN Tester is WLAN/Wi-Fi test software capable of testing KPIs for small, medium and large-sized WLANs, along with built-in Access Point (AP) scanning and locating tools. The scanning tool scans AP signals in real-time and displays signal strength, while the locating tool locates missing APs and marks them in the project blueprint.

  • Publisher: HUAWEI Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2015

Wlan connection tester in Description

Acer eNet Management

Acer eNet Management

The Main shows current connection , Wi-Fi in Range , Connection Speed etc The Profile Manager New Profile Wizard with management buttons allows creation of a new profile, edit a profile etc. The Settings General page allows Launch of Acer eNet Management, views Wireless Adapter, Firewall settings etc and the Network page has three buttons on this page namely: VPN ,WLAN & LAN

  • Publisher: Acer Inc.
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2011
SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator is a software that optimizes your internet speeds by configuring and modifying your network parameters and settings. The software also has an internet speed tester that can measure latency, upload and download speeds.

  • Publisher: CBS Software
  • Home page: www.cbs-soft.com
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2020
openPDC Manager

openPDC Manager

The Silverlight based openPDC Manager allows consumers to remotely configure and manage multiple deployed instances of the openPDC from a single simple to use web application. This application is used to manage and configure system devices, custom system input, action and output adapters as well as to set operational parameters.

WLAN Expansion

WLAN Expansion

WLAN Expansion is a complete solution for the installation and management of wireless networks. The program helps you to set up and secure a wireless network in just a few clicks. Supports WPE, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK!

  • Publisher: soft Xpansion GmbH & Co.KG
  • Home page: www.soft-xpansion.de
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Internet Speed Tester

Internet Speed Tester

Internet Speed Tester is an utility to test your Internet Speed. The program uses a java app to test the upload and download speeds of your Internet Service Provider connection. After performing the test, the program will display the legend "Speed Test Complete", and will show you the information about your download and upload speed in kbps and KB/Sec.

  • Publisher: PC 911
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2008

Additional Wlan connection tester selection

CAS BACnet Object Monitor

CAS BACnet Object Monitor

The CAS BACnet Object Monitor is a software designed to run on a Windows computer with the purpose of testing a connection to a BACnet IP device and monitoring a BACnet IP device. A user can configure BACnet data points either manually through a configuration screen or by importing a configuration file.

  • Publisher: Chipkin Automation Systems
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2015


MobiController allows you to securely control your PC from you mobile phone, tablet or any other device that has a web browser. That means no app is required on the device. The connection to your PC is established through LAN/(WLAN), however UPnP support is included, so you can access your PC from pretty much anywhere.

  • Publisher: R4M Applications
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2015
Simple Port Tester

Simple Port Tester

Simple Port Tester is a neat application created to test TCP and UDP ports. This tool offers a fast and easy method to check and see which ones of your ports are opened. It is especially suitable to test whether port forwarding is working properly. Therefore the application opens a port and listens for the available connections to provide truly accurate testing.



Abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER checks at regular intervals for any available wireless networks and lists them in a clear tree structure. Network name (SSID), connection status, network type, encryption algorithm and signal strength are displayed as additional information. With one click the connection to the selected network is establish, unless the access is freely, public or already known.

WLan Watcher

WLan Watcher

In spite of WEP or WPA encryption WLan networks are not 100% secure. Many people hack into a WLAN network to browse the Internet and files. You will get an instant message from the program if an unknown computer tries to connect to your system. You can mark the computer as known or as friendly. Thus you can be sure that only authorized people or computers have access to your WLan or network.

  • Publisher: Competent Software
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2010
Virtual Router

Virtual Router

Virtual Router is a simple little application that lets you create a virtual WiFi spot (a wireless hotspot) with minimal configuration required. It's very lightweight, neat, and best of all, it's also open source, therefore you can use it for free and without costing you anything.

  • Publisher: Chris Pietschmann
  • Last updated: February 3rd, 2015
Remote Desktop Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Connection Manager

RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections. It is useful for managing server labs where you need regular access to each machine such as automated checkin systems and data centers. Servers are organized into named groups. You can connect or disconnect to all servers in a group with a single command.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2014
Avanquest Connection Manager

Avanquest Connection Manager

Avanquest Connection Manager detects your preferences for set up of printers, email, disk drives for each location, and saves them. When you come back to a location, with Avanquest Connection Manager, your default printer, email accounts, security settings, your web browser, and others, are automatically configured.

  • Publisher: Avanquest Software
  • Home page: www.avanquest.com
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2010


WinpkFilter is a network programmer's IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that enables speedy development of network tools/ software e.g. firewalls, Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) tools, VPNs etc. This is due to a powerful set of APIs provided by WinpkFilter. Using them, developers can easily write code that filter(i.e.view&modify) raw network packets and process them as per requirements.

  • Publisher: NT Kernel Resources
  • Home page: www.ntkernel.com
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2014
Simple Network Tester

Simple Network Tester

Simple Network Tester's agents run on PCs located at key locations. You command them to send live test data through your network when you need it. Run tests from your office using Simple Network Tester's user-friendly web pages. Monitor the health of your network just by clicking a few links.

  • Publisher: SimpleNet Software
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2008