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Wolfenstein enemy territory plan in Title/Summary

Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a downloadable, free-to-play multiplayer game in which players wage war as Axis or Allies in team-based combat. It's a team game; you will win or fall along with your comrades. The only way to complete the objectives that lead to victory is by cooperation, with each player covering their teammates and using their class special abilities in concert with the others.

Enemy Territory Legacy

Enemy Territory Legacy

Enemy Territory Legacy is based on the source code of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major operating systems while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many of its mods as possible.

  • Publisher: ET:Legacy Team
  • Home page: www.etlegacy.com
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2015
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars

Quake Wars is a Quake game that is played very much like Battlefield. Now, the game includes elements from both series. The Quake series is fictional in nature. That is to say, there is an alien species and technology is much more advanced that the tech present in Battlefield games. But the gameplay is kind of the same.

Wolfenstein enemy territory plan in Description

Heli Mission

Heli Mission

Your mission (if you choose to accept) is to rescue prisoners of war (POW's) from enemy territory, which could be a POW camp. Fly your helicopter into one of the three "hot zones" and pick up the POW's and bring them safely back to your home base. You must defend your helicopter against enemy air-to-air attacks from attack helicopters.

Smireboule Camtrace3D

Smireboule Camtrace3D

Camtrace 3D (ct3D) is a standalone application which essentially allows you to create camera paths in Wolfenstein: EnemyTo use ct3D in a good way, you need to understand how and on what ct3D works. Basically, it uses game commands.It makes translations between the design representation of camera path and these commands.

  • Publisher: SmireBoule
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2010
Toy Tanks

Toy Tanks

You are the commander of a toy tank brigade. Your mission? Destroy all enemy tanks and protect your headquarters! Challenge a multitude of hostile tanks and vehicles as you travel into enemy territory. Search for bonus objects and upgrades that will earn you rockets, larger guns and additional speed.

  • Publisher: Selectsoft Publishing
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2009
Super Soldier

Super Soldier

You can jump into a tank or other military vehicle and smash all the enemies along the way. You can also board a chopper and fly across the territory dropping bombs on the enemy bases. Avoid getting hit by enemy bullets or bombs and return back to the starting point after capturing all the flags.

  • Publisher: NowStat
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2010


SmartFPS.com is a free program to benchmark latest videocards and processors by real world games like Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Far Cry 2, Call Of Duty 2, Battlefield 2, Serious Sam 2, Call Of Juarez, Unreal Tournament 3, Quake 4, Prey, The Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

  • Publisher: AlexNab's Projects
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2011

Additional Wolfenstein enemy territory plan selection

True Combat: Elite

True Combat: Elite

TrueCombat:Elite (TCE) is a modern world total conversion of the free, popular, stand-alone third-person shooter, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. That is, TCE is an entirely free game, made by gamers, for gamers. TCE was developed by GrooveSix Studios and Team Terminator.

War Machine

War Machine

War Machine is a game where you will drive an American Hummer in enemy territory. You will carry a soldier shooting with a large gun, but the damage will be done by the vehicle. You must hit everything that comes into range: soldiers, cars, ammo, tanks, and even sheep. You will score points according to the destruction you cause.

  • Publisher: Media Contact LLC
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2012
GMA Tank Commander

GMA Tank Commander

GMA Tank Commander pits you against a numerically superior force. You must move through the game by successfully completing each mission that is radioed to you. You initially land on the southern coast of an enemy held peninsula and you are required to make your way north through six sectors of enemy held territory.

  • Publisher: GMA Games
  • Home page: www.gmagames.com
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2008
Stress Paintball

Stress Paintball

Stress Paintball is an interesting shooting game. It is one of the best stress relief games that will help you easily reduce stress.Enter this amazing shooting game that can help you to forget your daily problems and release the stress out of your body. Start playing Stress Relief Paintball now and enter the path of relaxation.

  • Publisher: NowStat
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2009
Western Blitzkrieg

Western Blitzkrieg

Western Blitzkrieg is an interesting action game for free. Guide sargent blitzy through the jungle to carry out his highly secret mission to stop the general and his evil plans! Luckilly blitz is a well trained professional, that can handle every situation. You are playing sergeant Blitzy and you have been dropped deep into enemy territory.

  • Publisher: NowStat
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2009
ET Pack

ET Pack

Enemy Territory pack with the latest updates, maps and TZAC as setupfile included. So every new player just have to download one single file instead of multiple files and patches. Additionally this download includes some useful links to scripting pages, starter guides and other information which makes this pack more interesting for new users.

  • Publisher: crossfire
  • Last updated: December 16th, 2011


You can even use the software for Paintball, Airsoft and sports training. XTAC is the most powerful software to create, edit and share strategies and tactics both offline and online. Work with your friends and create simple or complex tactics in editor mode.

  • Publisher: Tactical Coders
  • Last updated: February 13th, 2009


ETBuddies is an open source software that can find your friends on Enemy Territory's public servers . At start, you need to refresh server list with Refresh button(1st from left) or select menu Action - Refresh server list After refresh, you will see your online friends and you will be able to show Server list from menu View - Server list

  • Publisher: Jos


Player Model Viewer for the Game Enemy Territory by SplashDamage™.The Application is written in Java™ and uses LWJGL for OpenGL - Rendering.Main features:- Weapon Models - Smooth Vertex Blending - Additional Body Animations - Complete Shader Implementation

  • Publisher: lotz.it
  • Home page: lotz.it


You are sent on a special mission into the heart of the Reich to investigate evidence of the Nazi's possession of a new and mysterious power. While behind enemy lines, you discover they have done much more than develop a new weapon. The Nazis are harnessing the power of a dark parallel dimension called The Veil; in order to create a weapon of war-ending magnitude.