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Wonderware graphic toolbox in Title/Summary

DotNet Graphic Toolbox

DotNet Graphic Toolbox

Working with images in .NET can be a pain, especially when the image files you have are the wrong size. Many times, you may be faced with original image files that are too large for the amount of space you are looking for them to take up on a webpage, especially files from digital camera, or high quality originals.

  • Publisher: C Solutions, Inc
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011
Gadget Wizards for Wonderware

Gadget Wizards for Wonderware

Gadget Wizards for Wonderware provides you with nearly 100 wizards that give your Wonderware InTouch applications a real world look and feel. Gadget Wizards are perfect for applications where you are trying to gain operator acceptance by making the InTouch screens “feel” like a control panel.

Wonderware HMI Reports

Wonderware HMI Reports

Wonderware HMI Reports is the most intuitive and easy-to-use reporting solution available on the market today. It gives you the power to quickly and easily create reports from Wonderware InTouch HMI, and many other data sources. Wonderware HMI Reports requires no IT or programming skills to design, schedule and produce appealing and informative dynamic reports.

  • Publisher: Wonderware
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2010

Wonderware graphic toolbox in Description

SWF Toolbox

SWF Toolbox

SWF Toolbox by Eltima Software lets you convert Macromedia Flash Files (SWF) into most popular graphic formats such as Projector EXE, AVI, animated GIF and frame-by-frame JPEG/GIF/BMP image series targeting almost any potential customer. Now users don't need to install Flash player into theirs systems since Advanced Projector, which is the key feature of SWF Toolbox, is bundled with necessary library which enables users to view SWF movies even without installing Flash OCX into their systems. Advanced Projector, that can be created with SWF Toolbox, offers more features to control the movie, among them: defining window size and style, enabling or disabling mouse/keyboard activity, setting expiration date, setting versatile tooltips, additional information, adding advanced movie controls and many more. One of the unique features presented by SWF Toolbox is zoom window which makes it possible to select specific part of the movie window to zoom in, and, as the result, endowing you with greater control over resulting movie. SWF Toolbox provides in-depth compression and unique storing algorithms. These, along with a variety of options, make SWF Toolbox the best choice for creation of Advanced Projector files and implementing a list of other conversions. With SWF Toolbox you may convert Macromedia Flash files into series of JPEG, GIF or BMP images saving every frame into a separate file adjusting images size and quality. Alternatively, you may save whole SWF file into a single animated GIF and publish it on the web instead. AVI movie format conversion offers flexible way for selecting necessary movie codec, compression quality and pixels format, finally you can get compressed movies out of your SWF files in several clicks! Onscreen SWF file preview, convenient settings, on-the-fly help and user-friendly interface make SWF Toolbox a pleasure to work with.

  • Publisher: Eltima Software
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop

Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop

Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop will restore the most complex PSD files. No matter what happened, you will only need minutes to be back on track again! The software is based on the concept of multi-page wizard that facilitates the use of the program.

NaturalMotion endorphin

NaturalMotion endorphin

NaturalMotion endorphin is a powerful application that enables graphic designers to generate professional animated characters and scenes. This program makes it very easy to create all sort of dynamic motions especially where there are human bodies involved.

  • Publisher: NaturalMotion Ltd.
  • Last updated: September 13th, 2011
Illustrator Fix Toolbox

Illustrator Fix Toolbox

Illustrator Fix Toolbox repairs corrupted *.AI files of Adobe Illustrator graphic editor. The program fixes the known bugs of graphic editors and uses an artificial intellect to analyze the content of illustrations and to check the integrity of user data.

  • Publisher: Recovery Toolbox, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2015
Illustrator Repair Toolbox

Illustrator Repair Toolbox

Illustrator Repair Toolbox is designed to repair damaged Illustrator file and *.ai files. The program can repair data from corrupted files for all versions of Adobe Illustrator, repair known errors in the graphics editor software, reconstruct illustrations from all graphic objects found in the file, display the number of repaired graphic objects in real-time, and more.

Additional Wonderware graphic toolbox selection

Wonderware InTouch

Wonderware InTouch

InTouch software provides graphic visualization which takes your operations management, control and optimization to a whole new level. The InTouch HMI reputation stands above all the rest. What the industry now knows as Human Machine Interface (HMI) all began with InTouch software over twenty years ago.

  • Publisher: Wonderware
  • Last updated: July 12th, 2012
Euler Math Toolbox

Euler Math Toolbox

Euler Math Toolbox is a powerful math program combining numerical and symbolic tools package. The program allows you to present results with nice graphics, which can be exported to files, web pages or can be pasted into presentations. You can do quick and reliable numerical computations using real or complex numbers, intervals, vectors or matrices.

CorelDraw Repair Toolbox

CorelDraw Repair Toolbox

CorelDraw Repair Toolbox is the market leading file recovery tool for .cdr files. All major CorelDraw versions are supported including v.10, v.11, v.X3, v.X4 and v.X5 - while the tool instantly identifies the file version for repair. Download today!

Photoshop Repair Toolbox

Photoshop Repair Toolbox

Photoshop Repair Toolbox which is a powerful and yet simple solution for recovering your Adobe Photoshop files. Photoshop Repair Toolbox uses powerful algorithms to uncover file errors and corruption and provide a solution for rapid recovery!

Canon MF Toolbox

Canon MF Toolbox

Canon MF Toolbox is a nice and very useful tool which can help you to scan your documents and print them easily. It also help you to configure the printer and scanner settings. It has a simple interface which makes it much easily to manipulate. You have the possibility to send by email the documents you have taken from the printer and scanner.

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2020
Recovery Toolbox for Illustrator

Recovery Toolbox for Illustrator

A perfect tool for anyone seeking a reliable method of recovering damaged Illustrator files. Takes seconds to download the software and minutes to get familiar with. No matter what happens, it will be there to help save the fruits of your creativity!

CanoScan Toolbox

CanoScan Toolbox

CanoScan Toolbox

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: August 21st, 2013
Naviextras Toolbox

Naviextras Toolbox

Naviextras Toolbox is a Windows utility designed to connect your navigation device or GPS-capable PDA with your PC. It enables you to see all available updates, download the necessary files from the internet and upload updates and new content to your navigation device. It can also be used to create and restore backups, and to move or copy contents between the PC and the navigation device.

  • Publisher: NNG Software Developing and Commercial Llc
  • Last updated: August 1st, 2023
PowerPoint Fix Toolbox

PowerPoint Fix Toolbox

PowerPoint Fix Toolbox represents an efficient solution for recovering Microsoft PowerPoint files. This application parses and analyzes corrupted files and exports the data into a trouble-free file of Microsoft PowerPoint format. The program repairs the data from corrupted PPT and PPTX files.

Recovery Toolbox for CD

Recovery Toolbox for CD

The utility repairs the content of damaged optical discs for the most popular media formats: CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. It quickly scans the surface of selected disc and retrieves affected data when possible. Recovery Toolbox for CD Free is freeware.

  • Publisher: Recovery Toolbox, Inc.
  • Home page: recoverytoolbox.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020