Word doc repair tool in Title/Summary

Word File Repair Tool
Word File Repair Tool is a strongest tool available over the internet to repair corrupt or damaged Word files on Windows PC. Word File Repair Tool is safe, simple and secure software so that even a new computer user can use this utility.
- Publisher: Word File Repair Tool
- Last updated: February 8th, 2013

Yodot Doc Repair
Yodot DOC Repair is a program that allows you to repair corrupted or inaccessible DOC and DOCX Word files. You can also repair text documents along with the formatting, hyperlinks, tables, charts, OLE objects and preview the repaired Word file before restoring its contents.
- Publisher: Yodot Software
- Home page: www.yodot.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Sanmaxi Word File Repair Trial
Advance Word File Repair Software repairs corrupt MS Word documents .doc files. It easily repairs MS Word 2003, MS Word 2000, MS Word 97, MS Word 95 files. You can rescues most unopenable Microsoft Word files and unexpected system shutdown corruption word files . It also repair .doc file which is not open due to the virus attacks.
- Publisher: Sanmaxi IT Solution Pvt Ltd
- Last updated: December 12th, 2008
Word doc repair tool in Description

Repair Word File Free
Take a closer look at the service of repair Word file, provided by Recovery Toolbox for Word . This application parses damaged documents of Microsoft Word format and eliminates the corruption of doc, docx, dot, dotx and rtf files that were damaged for any reason.
- Publisher: Recovery Toolbox, Inc.
- Last updated: October 26th, 2011

Word Repair Toolbox
Word Repair Toolbox the ultimate Microsoft Word repair download utility. It works with all major versions of MS Word, including RTF format files and files using ASCII and Unicode. Feature-rich and managed by user-friendly wizards make recovery easy!
- Publisher: Repair Toolbox, Inc.
- Home page: www.repairtoolbox.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

DataNumen Word Repair
DataNumen Word Repair is a powerful Word recovery tool. It uses advanced technologies to scan the corrupt or damaged Microsoft Word documents (doc files) and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption.
- Publisher: DataNumen, Inc.
- Home page: www.datanumen.com
- Last updated: January 5th, 2024

Recoveryfix for Word Evaluation
Rcoveryfix for Word is a professional Word document recovery solution that can be used easily for repairing MS Word files that have gone corrupt, damaged or inaccessible. Word files might corrupt due to power sabotage, abrupt system shut down, virus attack, corruption in storage media etc.
- Publisher: Lepide Software Pvt.Ltd.
- Home page: www.recoveryfix.com
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2012

SysTools Word Recovery
It can successfully repair corrupt word files that are heavily damaged. There are three different mode of recovery like Quick Recovery, Image Recovery and Salvage Recovery. SysTools Word Recovery Tool is the best word repair tool that efficiently & quickly performs Quick Recovery Mode (recovers text, tables) & Image Recovery Mode (embedded images, charts, clipart, drawings, pictures etc.)
- Publisher: SysTools Software
- Last updated: September 5th, 2010
Additional Word doc repair tool selection

PDF to Word Doc Converter
This application allows you to convert your PDF files to word doc for free. Free PDF to Word Doc Converter 1.1 is considered one of the best Free software to convert Adobe .PDF files to Microsoft .doc files. With this program, you will be able to extract text and images from PDF files.
- Publisher: Hellopdf Inc.
- Home page: www.hellopdf.com
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020

Flobo USB Drive Repair Tool
Flobo USB Drive Repair Tool is a neat little program that comes in handy in such situations when USB Flash drives have been infected with viruses or malware. Usually, when this happens, the files that were stored on that drive get deleted, hidden, or replaced with shortcuts. Flobo USB Drive Repair Tool can fix exactly these problems in some occasions, restoring files to their initial states.
- Publisher: Flobo Recovery, Inc.
- Last updated: July 28th, 2022

Anvi Browser Repair Tool
Anvi Browser Repair Tool can help users easily clear browser history and download history, caches, cookies, repair browser home page and search engine modified by malwares, fix registry errors, networking settings and many other problems.
- Publisher: Anvisoft
- Last updated: July 26th, 2014

Html to Word Doc Rtf Converter 3000
Html to Word Doc Rtf Converter 3000 is a powerful and easy-to-use converter that is designed to convert HTML/Webpage of internet to Word, Excel, RTF, HTML, TEXT. Main features: - Support local HTML, HTM or URL. - Simultaneously convert massive different format files to PDF once to save time and energy. - Support delete the redundant blank line of document to convert to text.
- Publisher: allimagetool
- Last updated: September 14th, 2011

PST Repair tool Free
With PST Repair tool Free you can solve problem caused the damage of input mailbox in ost or pst format. This program works with copies of selected mailboxes and ensures the highest efficiency of pst recovery on any PC running Microsoft Windows. It can help you to repair pst file in Outlook 2003 on Windows XP, pst files in Outlook 2007, pst file in Outlook 2007 in Win 7, pst file Outlook 2007.
- Publisher: Recovery ToolBox
- Last updated: October 24th, 2011

Browser Repair Tool
Browser Repair Tool is a neat and handy application that will help you repair browser settings altered by malware with just one single click. Anvi Browser Repair Tool is a free tool created to help you conveniently repair browser settings and networking settings such as homepage, safe startup items, DNS settings, Title Bar, BHO plug-in, etc, changed by malware.
- Publisher: Anvisoft
- Last updated: May 13th, 2013

Zip Repair Tool
Compressed archives are the most popular form of data storage and transmission. Among them the zip file format is uniformly acknowledged for its compression and security. The latest 64-bit extensions to the format push its carrying capacity much forward. They lift restrictions on the file size, thus providing vessels for virtually limitless amount of data.
- Publisher: ZRT Labs
- Last updated: June 1st, 2009

Repair Tool for Outlook Express
Repair Tool for Outlook Express is a program that allows you to retrieve Outlook Express emails from corrupted DBX files. The program also enables you to repair damaged Outlook Express folders, repair DBX files placed on removable media such as CD/DVD and repair DBX files in batch mode.
- Publisher: EmailAdept
- Last updated: November 8th, 2012

DOC Regenerator
DOC Regenerator allows recovering Microsoft Word documents even in the most desperate situations. It supports all versions of FAT and NTFS and regenerates documents even from lost, deleted partitions and reformatted disks.
- Publisher: Dmitriy Primochenko
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Free Word/Doc Txt to Image Jpg/Jpeg Bmp Tiff Png Converter
Word/Doc Txt to Image Jpg/Jpeg Bmp Tiff Png Converter supports converting so comprehensive documents including Microsoft office word(.doc, docx. docm), rtf, txt to image formats in short time and best quality and it also has a cool and professional style interface.
- Publisher: Word-Pdf-Convert Software, Inc.
- Last updated: July 10th, 2011