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Word line count tool in Title/Summary

Word & Character Count Tool

Word & Character Count Tool

A word counter & character counter tool provides an extensive report about word count & character count statistics for a given text.

  • Publisher: Word Count Tools
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2015
Line Count Software

Line Count Software

Reliable tool developed to count Words, Character, Lines and Pages in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher, Text, HTML files and calculate cost of typing accordingly. Tool is ideal for transcription and translation industry.

Line Count Mini

Line Count Mini

Line Count Mini is an usefull tool to count Line,Word, Page and Character in multiple files and also you can calculate amount and generate reports. It supports many file formats like DOC,DOCX,XLS,XLSX,PPT,PPTX,PUB,PDF,TXT, HTML,XML,INI,LOG,CSV files

Word line count tool in Description

Line Count Manager

Line Count Manager

Several transcription and translation industries use professional line count software for counting lines, words, characters and pages in different file formats. It has emerged as one of the fastest and reliable . It is cost effective and time saving.

Word Count Manager

Word Count Manager

Transcription and translation industries can easily count words, characters, lines and pages with this professional word count software. It can be used in various file formats and is extremely accurate, fast and reliable. It is extremely time saving.

Word Count Mini

Word Count Mini

Word Count Mini tool is all new powerful Word Count software for Transcription Industry including Medical Transcription, Secretarial as well as translation industry. Word Count Mini is an useful tool to count Word, Line, Page and Character in multipl

  • Publisher: TechnoCom
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2015
Office WordCount Standard

Office WordCount Standard

Office WordCount Standard is a tool for Automated Word Count , Excel Word Count , Line Count , Html word count , RTF word count etc. It also counts custom pages and lines as part of your defined criteria. It provides support for document formats, such as DOC, DOT, XLS, PDF, PPT, ODS, HTML etc.

PractiCount and Invoice (Standard)

PractiCount and Invoice (Standard)

PractiCount and Invoice utility can batch count : words, characters with spaces, characters without spaces, lines (per set number of characters with/without spaces), gross lines (nominal lines), pages (per set number of characters with/without spaces, words, lines), printed pages, word repetitions.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2010

Additional Word line count tool selection

Character Count Tool

Character Count Tool

Character Count Tool is fast and reliable tool adept at counting Words, Character, Lines and Pages in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher, Text, HTML files. The software is ideal for transcription and translation industry.

Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool is a a program that helps the user in counting words, characters, lines and pages in multiple files at one go. It can count words, lines and pages in Word excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher files with ease. The program allows the user to carry out Character and word count, Line count and Page count.

Word 2007 Redaction Tool

Word 2007 Redaction Tool

The Word 2007 Redaction Tool can be used to hide text within Microsoft Office Word documents. You can mark text to redact and then create a new, redacted version of the document in which the marked text is replaced with a black bar that cannot be converted back to the original text.

  • Publisher: Word 2007 Redaction Tool
  • Last updated: September 16th, 2010


The program has a full dictionary and thesaurus for American, British, Canadian, Australian, Indian, and global English. WordWeb is fully functional and free if you satisfy the licensing terms. One-click lookup in almost any Windows program. Contains hundreds of thousands of definitions and synonyms.

Word Frequency Count In Multiple Text & HTML Files Software

Word Frequency Count In Multiple Text & HTML Files Software

Find the most common words in multiple text files and MS Word documents. This program will do a word frequency analysis and list the number of times each word appears. Also, the list will be sorted by frequency. This list can be saved to a text file.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2008
Excel Word Frequency Count Software

Excel Word Frequency Count Software

Find frequency of each word in one or many MS Excel files. This word frequency analysis will produce a list ordered from most to least used words. This list can be saved as a text file. Excel 2000 or higher required.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: February 18th, 2010
PDF to Word Converter

PDF to Word Converter

GIRDAC PDF to Word Converter offers various conversion options that extract text, columns, tables, images, tables, and hyperlinks from any PDF file without ruining its original format and saving the results as a DOC, DOCX, or RTF file. It can turn your PDFs into plain-text files (TXT and XML) or extract their images and save them as individual files in any of the most common image file formats.

  • Publisher: GIRDAC InfoTechnologies
  • Home page: www.girdac.com
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2017
Nemo PDF To Word

Nemo PDF To Word

Nemo PDF To Word is, as its name says, a program that helps you convert any PDF file to Word format. You will no longer have to waste time and effort by copying contents of your PDF files to DOC or RTF documents; this program will do it for you in just a matter of seconds.

  • Publisher: Nemo PDF
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2011
Word Frequency Count In Multiple Web Sites Software

Word Frequency Count In Multiple Web Sites Software

With this program you can find frequency of each word in one or more web sites. This word frequency analysis will produce a list ordered from most to least used words. You can save results as text files. Word Frequency Count In Multiple Web Sites Software works on Windows platform.

Get Line Count In Multiple Text & HTML Files Software

Get Line Count In Multiple Text & HTML Files Software

Count lines in one or more text and HTML files.