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Word line counting invoice in Title/Summary

WordCount 'N' Invoice

WordCount 'N' Invoice

Word Count And Invoice tool is a powerful MS Office Word Count software for Transcription Industry including Medical Transcription, secretarial etc. as well as translation industry. It has great capabilities to count words, lines, charecters, pages of ms word file( .doc, .docx ), PDF files and other supported formats (DOT, XLS, PPT, HTML, HTM, PHP, ASP, XML, TXT, CSV etc.).

  • Publisher: TechnoCom
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2010
PractiCount and Invoice

PractiCount and Invoice

Universal word counting and line counting and invoicing software for freelance translators, transcriptionists, writers. Batch text count in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, WordPerfect, HTML and PDF files. Adjustable word, line, page, character count options.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2018
PractiCount and Invoice (Standard)

PractiCount and Invoice (Standard)

PractiCount and Invoice utility can batch count : words, characters with spaces, characters without spaces, lines (per set number of characters with/without spaces), gross lines (nominal lines), pages (per set number of characters with/without spaces, words, lines), printed pages, word repetitions.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2010

Word line counting invoice in Description



CountAnything allows the user to count the words/characters on a document, being this useful for users that need to have an accurate count when working on files. The program allows to have the word count on a single files managing screen, you can drag&drop multi-format files (doc,pdf,xls,ppt,xml). The tool is so flexible you can have the words counted using just a web URL.

  • Publisher: Ginstrom IT Solutions (GITS)
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2011
Word Count Mini

Word Count Mini

Word Count Mini tool is all new powerful Word Count software for Transcription Industry including Medical Transcription, Secretarial as well as translation industry. Word Count Mini is an useful tool to count Word, Line, Page and Character in multipl

  • Publisher: TechnoCom
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2015
Line Count Manager

Line Count Manager

Several transcription and translation industries use professional line count software for counting lines, words, characters and pages in different file formats. It has emerged as one of the fastest and reliable . It is cost effective and time saving.

Service Invoicing Template

Service Invoicing Template

This free service invoicing template in Excel format provides a blank service invoicing form or blank sample invoicing template that helps you create professional and printable service invoices in an intuitive invoice form

PDF Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software

PDF Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to obtain word frequency counts in PDFs.

Additional Word line counting invoice selection

Practiline Source Code Line Counter

Practiline Source Code Line Counter

Practiline Source Code Line Counter may be helpful for programmers, project managers and other customers who need an overview of a project source code.With the help of Practiline Source Code Line Counter you can quickly and easily get a report on software source code in various programming languages, such as C++, JAVA, PHP, HTML, XML and many others.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022
Line Count Software

Line Count Software

Reliable tool developed to count Words, Character, Lines and Pages in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher, Text, HTML files and calculate cost of typing accordingly. Tool is ideal for transcription and translation industry.

Learning to Get Along

Learning to Get Along

Learning to Get Along Software is a social skill and character education program for children ages 4–8. The software series features 15 well-written, attractively illustrated stories that consistently model appropriate social skills and positive behaviors for young learners.

  • Publisher: Attainment Company, Inc


KinetiCount is a code line counting tool for C, C++, and Java source files, as well as Windows resource scripts. Whether you are estimating the size and/or cost of a new project, monitoring the growth of a current one, or are simply curious to know how much code you've written, KinetiCount is the solution.

  • Publisher: KineticStorm Software
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2020
MS Word Service Invoice Template Software

MS Word Service Invoice Template Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to easily prepare invoices. Enter company data one time; this information is automatically saved. Word 2000 or higher required.

Microsoft Office Word

Microsoft Office Word

Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents. It includes tools for the creation of tables, word arts, charts, etc. You can insert various shapes, images, flow-diagrams, and clip-arts to your document. Cross-referencing allows you to manage a list of references, or a numbered list of illustrations and tables.

e-PDF To Word Converter

e-PDF To Word Converter

e-PDF To Word Converter is a powerful yet easy to use application that allows you to convert PDF files into Microsoft Word and RTF formats in just a few steps. This incredible program enables you to export the text, bitmap images and other contents from PDF document into a Word document, preserving the original page layout.

  • Publisher: e-PDFConverter Inc
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Ailt BMP JPG JPEG to Word Converter

Ailt BMP JPG JPEG to Word Converter

This software tool uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to recover the text from an image file and save it as a MS Word file. The program can process multiple images at once in batches and allows you to select the MS Word version for the resulting files among 97-2003 (DOC), 2007-2010 (DOCX) or macro-enabled (DOCM). The supported input formats are, on the other hand, BMP and JPEG.

  • Publisher: Ailtware, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ailtware.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2017
Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool is a a program that helps the user in counting words, characters, lines and pages in multiple files at one go. It can count words, lines and pages in Word excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher files with ease. The program allows the user to carry out Character and word count, Line count and Page count.

VeryDOC PDF To Word Converter

VeryDOC PDF To Word Converter

VeryDOC PDF To Word Converter is a powerful yet easy to use application that allows you to convert PDF files into Microsoft Word and RTF formats in just a few steps. This incredible program enables you to export the text, bitmap images and other contents from PDF document into a Word document, preserving the original page layout

  • Publisher: VeryDOC
  • Home page: www.verydoc.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008