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Worms armageddon sis in Title/Summary

The Wheat Snooper

The Wheat Snooper

The Wheat Snooper is a chat client for the Worms Armageddon WormNET, usually called Snooper. Some of the features from The Wheat Snooper: - Supports WormNAT2 hosting. - Pictured tutorial - Chat logs - Query list (also logged) - Comfortable buddy list - Hosting and joining normal channel games and also custom channel scheme-games

  • Publisher: Lookias
  • Home page: worms2d.info
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2011
RubberWorm -

RubberWorm -

RubberWorm (or wkRubberWorm) is a module for WormKit that can modify parts of the Worms Armageddon physics to create Wormpot-like effects, and adapts some features of wkMagic to the latest versions. RubberWorm's effects are applied to the game when certain scheme settings are set to certain values.

  • Publisher: Pisto, Kawoosh
  • Home page: worms2d.info
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2016
Armageddon Empires

Armageddon Empires

Armageddon Empires is a computer turn based strategy game that takes the best elements of collectable card games (don’t worry there are no cards to chase you get them all), board games, and computer games and brings them all together to provide a unique interactive strategy war game experience.

  • Publisher: Cryptic Comet
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Worms armageddon sis in Description



SISContents is a tool that allows you to unpack, edit and sign Symbian 9 SIS packages (Nokia S60 3rd, 5th Edition and Sony Ericsson UIQ 3.x platforms are supported). It helps you to inspect the files contained in SIS package, to see certificates against which it was signed as well as to view the PKG script that describes the on-device installation process.

  • Publisher: CD Shell Team
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2012


With UnMakeSIS you can easily see which files are packed into the .sis file. Since it also recreates the .pkg file you will even be able to know what does happen when the file is installed on the mobile phone. Main features: - Displays ALL Files embedded in the .sis, also every Language file is displayed - Displays the Name of the App in the sis file according to the chosen Language

  • Publisher: Atz-Soft
  • Last updated: November 20th, 2009
Martik SIS Signer

Martik SIS Signer

Martik SIS Signer developed by Martik Panosian is free and easy to use and install program for signing Nokia SIS/SISX applications, games and themes very easily! Martik SIS Signer is a small utility that will help you sign your SIS / SISX files and so much more.

  • Publisher: Martik Panosian
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2010
RAS Manager

RAS Manager

RAS Manager helps you create and manage spaces and rooms with HVAC parameters in Revit projects. This extension reduces errors and accelerates modeling process. It Instantly inserts areas into a project by DIN BGF, DIN NGF, SIS BRA, SIS BTA, SIS NTA standards and other configurable rules.

  • Publisher: AGA-CAD
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2014
Barak's SignME!

Barak's SignME!

SignMe! is a small piece of software designed to make the whole sis files signing process a bit easier. Simply right-click on any .sis file, chose "SignMe!" and that's it. You'll still need to sign up at SymbianSigned in order to have both .cer and .key files. You'll be prompt for them and the certificate password the first time you'll run the application

  • Publisher: Pseudo Art Software
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2012

Additional Worms armageddon sis selection

Worms World Party

Worms World Party

Worms World Party is a multi-player game. The objective of the game is to eliminate the adversary team by using the weapons you have at your disposal. This popular game is highly customizable , you can choose landscapes sounds, weapons, time of the game and many other.

  • Publisher: Team17 Software
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2010
Worms 3D

Worms 3D

Worms 3D continues the history of turn based strategy featuring a bizarre and outlandish array of deliciously explosive weaponry, mad animals, crazy speech and laugh-out-loud instances, in 3Dimensions! The new demo features loads of new wormy things for you to get your teeth into.

  • Publisher: Team17
  • Home page: www.worms3d.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Worms Forts

Worms Forts

Worms Forts Under Siege is one of the best of the saga of Worms videogames developed by Team17. Turns of sixty seconds to kill your enemies and escape to hidden positions on the map. Twelve worms faced. A lot of new weapons. A very interesting and fun videogame.

  • Publisher: Team17 Software Ltd
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2008
Worms 2

Worms 2

You must destroy the other Worms with an assortment of devastating weapons. Each turn is limited to a set number of seconds, this time limit allows you to position your Worm in a nearby safe place, collect one of the bonus items sprinkled around, or go and attack a neighbouring Worm! Battle continues until only one team of Worms remain!

  • Publisher: Team17 Software Ltd
  • Home page: www.worms2.com
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2008
Worms Blast

Worms Blast

The basic gameplay consists of shooting a coloured bazooka at some coloured blocks. If the colours match, then the block is destroyed, along with all connecting blocks of the same colour. If the colours do not match, then the weapon colour 'splats' onto the block you hit, plus those immediately surrounding it.

  • Publisher: Team17 Software Ltd
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2012
Battle of Worms

Battle of Worms

Battle of Worms is based on the Power Rangers Mystic Force characters. As one of those characters, you have to rescue the villagers in the forest. They are in danger because enormous worms are attacking them. You must guide your dragon to catch each villager and then fly to the nearest platform to leave them in a safe place. You must avoid being hit by the worms' fire.

  • Publisher: NowStat.com
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2009
SiS Compatible VGA

SiS Compatible VGA

This Softpaq contains the Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation Compatible VGA Multimedia Package software.This program is compatibilitywith the following OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000

  • Publisher: Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2012
HOI2 Doomsday Armageddon

HOI2 Doomsday Armageddon

Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday Armageddon includes two completely new alternative history scenarios, perfect for those looking for new challenges! The scenarios has variable end dates and a variety of new game options. Land units can now be built with brigades already attached.

  • Publisher: Paradox Interactive
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2008
Ortus SIS Viewer

Ortus SIS Viewer

Ortus SIS Viewer is a free application for Microsoft Windows that uses the eIDnative Library to access the Belgian SIS Card. The card contents are displayed almost immediately. Multi-language support (Dutch, French, German, and English) has been provided.

  • Publisher: Ortus bvba, Belgium
  • Last updated: February 15th, 2012
Cadcorp SIS Map Express

Cadcorp SIS Map Express

Map Express is a program that can be used to read many data formats – GIS, CAD, web, and database - directly, and without translation. Map Express offers the following geoprocessing functionality: - spatial querying - attribute querying - tabular visualization - statistical analysis - advanced thematic mapping - 3D visualization - map publishing in PDF - map printing.

  • Publisher: Cadcorp
  • Last updated: May 28th, 2015