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Wpf real time ecg display in Title/Summary

FS Real Time

FS Real Time

"FS Real Time" has been designed to keep Microsoft® Flight Simulators UTC (Zulu/GMT) time and date in sync with the Real World. You can have it maintain either the current Real Time, or an offset (+/-) so you can fly at any variation of time from the Real Time.

  • Publisher: 3D Softworks
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2022
Real-Time Attendance Monitor

Real-Time Attendance Monitor

TNA Real-time Attendance Monitor is a stand alone program that can be installed on any pc on the network and will monitor, in real time, who has clocked in or out and the times of the clockings.Main Features :- View employee expected arrival & departure times on one screen - Sort & view employees in selected classifications - Employee clockings are immediately updated & seen on screen

  • Publisher: CapeSoft Software
  • Last updated: November 24th, 2011
Midi Player & Real-Time Key Detector

Midi Player & Real-Time Key Detector

This is a good tool to retrieve Key Information from any Midi Song. This program tries to detect the Key (Tonality) of the music in real time, while playing an input midi song. User can select track to play and detect Key for musical notes on selected track only.

Wpf real time ecg display in Description



RestEcg is a real-time ECG monitoring and resting ECG software. Features: - Open Interface for OEM ECG Devices - 12 Lead real-time ECG monitoring - Long term recording possible ( Advanced Version) - ECG filtering - Extensive view formats - SCP-ECG compliant - Integrated EcgViewer - Data Export in binary format - ECG Data Management Option

  • Publisher: EcgSoft
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2013


PC-Display Wireless Monitoring Software developed by Vmed Technology. The software shows processing and display of real time ECG and temperature (when an esophageal probe is used) information. This software can be installed on multiple computers without limit and simultaneous instances of the program can be run on a single computer subject to computer capability and the type of display used.

  • Publisher: Vmed Technology
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011


The NetGraph – network monitor 2.0 is a software network-monitoring program that enables users to see at a glance the activities on their networks including the volumes of traffic with four simple graph mode indicators. The program works on any Windows’ network connection and NetGraph – network monitor 2.0’s four modes include 2 snapshot modes and 2 graph modes.

  • Publisher: Nikola Dachev
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008
TFTP Desktop

TFTP Desktop

TFTP Desktop is a useful TFTP server for Microsoft Windows XP and previous Windows operational system. It supports multithread unlimited file transfers, real time information and status of all the transfers going on. Also, the application includes all information about the current status of the TFTP server to the administrator . Users can get detailed logs for file transfers, if selected so.

  • Publisher: Weird Solutions, Inc. (Sweden)
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2021
AV Manager (Network Version)

AV Manager (Network Version)

A Multimedia Digital Signage software system / Real time information display software. It can display various types of media with your digital sign and control over your network of digital signage displays from one central location. Digital signage is the industry term for using digital display technology such as LCD, Plasma, and LED displays to communicate with a target audience.

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OBD2Spy is an OBD program that manages to keep things simple thanks to its self-explanatory interface. Accurate oxygen sensor monitoring tools and tests are featured, as well as a bit calculator, a DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) finding tool, a terminal that allows sending data manually to the vehicle, and more.

  • Publisher: R.Quick and M.S.Maksoedan
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2017
Real Time Analyzer

Real Time Analyzer

This program is an audio analyzer with FFT and n-th octave frequency analyzers and oscilloscope. With the FFT frequency analyzer you can see the spectrum on a linear scale, which can be useful for harmonics and other analysis tasks. Also on board is a real time oscilloscope which is always useful when analyzing audio signals.

  • Publisher: Timo Esser
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2009


MSView is a PC utility that allows a PC to connect to supported Morningstar products. This app provides real-time data display, customizable data logging, historical graph display of logged data, and an easy to use interface with integrated help menus.

FabFilter Pro-L

FabFilter Pro-L

FabFilter Pro-L is a professional, feature-packed brickwall limiter, suitable for transparent mastering as well as single instrument limiting. It features various different limiting algorithms, a highly intuitive interface, oversampling, dithering and accurate metering: everything you need in a limiter.

  • Publisher: FabFilter
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2012
Real-time Backup Utility

Real-time Backup Utility

Real-time Backup Utility is a program that enables you to back up your SD card data. You can create backup copies of your documents or family photo/videos with a touch of ease. The program also provides a periodical, automatic e-mail data backup function.

  • Publisher: Sony Corporation
  • Home page: www.sony.net
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2015
Real Time Cleaner

Real Time Cleaner

Real Time Cleaner 2.5

  • Publisher: Amplusnet
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2008


The Lafayette Polygraph Software System utilizes the intuitive graphical Windows interface and features pull down menus, mouse capability to initiate commands and functions, easy to use dialog boxes, and context sensitive help. The main feature of this system is real-time graphic display of physiological waveforms.

  • Publisher: Lafayette Instrument Company
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2017
AOPA's Real-Time Flight Planner

AOPA's Real-Time Flight Planner

Add pilot information to obtain weather briefings and file a flight plan. The RTFP main screen displays the Enroute Chart window by default. The Enroute Chart displays your route in graphic format as you add and make changes to it. File a flight plan with DUAT/S.

  • Publisher: Jeppesen
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2008
Real Time Relativity

Real Time Relativity

Real Time Relativity is a computer program running on Windows or Mac OSX systems that allows the user to interactively experience a virtual relativistic world.It was developed at the ANU by Lachlan McCalman, Antony Searle, Craig Savage and Michael Williamson.

Xceed Real-Time Zip for Silverlight

Xceed Real-Time Zip for Silverlight

The product's main ZipWriter and ZipReader classes use any seekable or non-seekable Stream-based object as the target or source Zip archive, respectively, for complete flexibility and “on-the-fly” compression/decompression. Transfer of the Zip archive over a network can begin immediately, and the remainder of the archive becomes available as it is compressed.

  • Publisher: Xceed Software Inc.
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2012