Wpf spc chart in Title/Summary

Quality Control Chart
Quality Control Chart is a statistical process control software (SPC). It can be used to graph hundreds of QC charts and perform automatic calculations of control limits. It can help you reduce/eliminate waste, and ensure that the product is in conformance to the specifications.
- Publisher: Chemiasoft
- Last updated: February 27th, 2016

The SPC run-around coil selection software speeds the selection and costing of coupled supply and extract coils. It also provides you with data for flow-rates, pressure drops, and fluid temperatures. The SPC RAC program makes full use of the advanced routines developed for the SPC 2000 coil selection software.
- Publisher: S & P Coil Products Limited
- Last updated: May 19th, 2008

QC-CALC SPC is a complete SPC package that analyzes the data collected by QC-CALC Real-Time. Use QC-CALC SPC’s charts and reports to constantly monitor your process and keep it in control.QC-CALC SPC offers a wide variety of charts and functions to aid your analysis and give you the power to make on-the-spot decisions.
- Publisher: Prolink Inc.
- Home page: www.prolinksoftware.com
Wpf spc chart in Description

PolyWorks dimensional control platform is available not only for all high-density point cloud 3D digitizing platforms, but also for all major brands of articulated arms, photogrammetry based and hand-held probing devices, laser trackers, and manual CMMs.
- Publisher: InnovMetric Software Inc.
- Home page: www.innovmetric.com
- Last updated: February 7th, 2012

QI Macros SPC Software for Excel
Affordable, easy to use SPC add-in for Excel draws Pareto charts, control charts, histograms, box and whisker plots, scatter plots and more. Just select your data and then select a chart from QI Macros menu. Automated fishbone, statistical tests too.
- Publisher: KnowWare International Inc
- Home page: www.qimacros.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MVPspc takes the Statistical Process Control Chart and Performance/Capability routines from MVPstats, and puts them in a shareware product. This makes MVPspc great for teaching SPC classes. What makes MVPspc so wonderful? Here are some of the unique features: - MVPspc uses simple text file input. Data can be copied and pasted directly from a Spreadsheet into MVPspc. - MVPspc can t
- Publisher: MVP Programs
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

ECD SuperM.O.L.E.® Gold SPC Software
SuperM.O.L.E.® Gold SPC (SMG SPC) software is the main flagship of the ECD Software fleet. SMG SPC has great features that make it appropriate for many industries and applications. Allows easy navigation in the software. Tabs can be formatted to provide the exact data needed. All the information needed to interpret profile data is presented in an easily understood format.
- Publisher: ECD.
- Last updated: June 1st, 2010

ActiveGanttVBW Scheduler Component Trial
The ActiveGanttVBW Gantt Chart / Scheduler Component is a Windows Presentation Foundation WPF control programmed, compiled and built with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (100% managed code). Can be used with any .Net language including C#, Visual Basic .Net, J#, managed C and many others.
- Publisher: The Source Code Store LLC
- Last updated: April 18th, 2012
Additional Wpf spc chart selection

Actipro WPF Controls
This is a set of WPF control add-ons for Visual Studio. It includes Bar Code control which can be used to generate 2D and linear bar codes. The Charts control lets you visualize the data with many types of charts. It also has digital gauges, themes for forms, and many other add-ons.
- Publisher: Actipro Software LLC
- Home page: www.actiprosoftware.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SPC Training Simulator
The SPC Training Simulator has been found very effective for training in classroom environment as well as for self-learning. It is being successfully used by Quality Managers, Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants. Use this software to simulate and study: - Fundamentals of Normal Distribution - Control Charting and its physical significance - Process Capability Vs Process Control
- Publisher: Symphony Technologies
- Home page: www.symphonytech.com
- Last updated: November 15th, 2011

Psychrometric Chart + Duct Calculator
Psychrometric Chart + Duct Calculator is a precise and powerful tool designed for HVAC&R engineers. This psychrometric chart use ASHRAE equations at normal temperature and pressure region and is perfectly consistent with all ASHRAE charts of No.1-7(SI Units) and No.1-5(IP Units).
- Publisher: Yaode Yang
- Home page: flycarpet.net
- Last updated: December 19th, 2014

Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera
Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera: The SPC 900NC is the webcam that others are judged by. Offering the ultimate in image and sound quality, it's perfect for face-to-face video conferencing, web-casting and remote home monitoring.
- Publisher: Philips
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

EDraw Organizational Chart
Edraw lets you draw various types of organizational charts. It can be used to visualize and structure information, add illustrations and drawings to your documents, etc. It comes with various templates for drawing electrical circuits, floor plans, UML diagrams, etc.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page: www.edrawsoft.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

SigmaXL is an add-in for Microsoft Excel designed for statistical and graphical analysis. It allows users to measure, analyze, improve, and control their service, transactional and manufacturing processes. SigmaXL includes Lean and DMAIC Templates and a Control Chart Selection tool to simplify the selection of SPC Charts.
- Publisher: SigmaXL
- Home page: www.sigmaxl.com
- Last updated: January 28th, 2015

CYTSoft Psychrometric Chart Demo
CYTSoft Psychrometric Chart is an interactive and intelligent psychrometric chart program designed for thermodynamics-related industries, especially HVAC and refrigerating. It helps engineers calculate, analyze, draw, edit, print, and export conditions and processes of moist air quickly and accurately.
- Publisher: CYTSoft Technology
- Home page: www.cytsoft.com
- Last updated: October 13th, 2009
- Publisher: Sunday Business Systems, LLC
- Home page: sundaybizsys.com

KG-Chart LE for Cross Stitch
KG-Chart for Cross Stitch" is a program to design a chart for cross stitching. This program has following features:* Drawing pixels with mark to distinguish color. * Color palette (mimic DMC's thread color). * Drawing backstitching * Print/Preview/Real view of a chart. * Import/Export a chart to/from other image format(bmp/png/jpg/gif/ico).
- Publisher: Keiji Ikuta Software Laboratory
- Home page: www.iktsoft.net
- Last updated: September 4th, 2012

SPC for MS Excel
SPC for MS Excel is an add-on for Microsoft Excel designed for problem solving, process improvement and statistical analysis. It includes a various range of statistical tools like ANOVA, Pareto diagrams, Distribution Fitting, histograms, multiple linear regression and more.
- Publisher: Business Process Improvement
- Home page: www.spcforexcel.com
- Last updated: January 30th, 2015