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X2-01 theme maker font maker in Title/Summary

LCD Font Maker

LCD Font Maker

LCD Font Maker 3 can make pixel font data for LCD. (Examples: C/ASM Format)Source font comes from all windows truetype font and BMP picture. Character Set support unicode. For example, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,Korean, Japanese, French, German, Arabic

  • Publisher: C51BBS
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2008
Wisbar Advance Theme maker

Wisbar Advance Theme maker

Wisbar Advance Theme maker software helps the user of ppc who use wisbar advance ( x2 ) to make themes. Wisbar Advance Theme maker's package contains 20 templates and can support load and save theme and buttons - volume bubble - Task panel, Fonts & color and maker zip file after building.

  • Publisher: DragoN Soft
CoffeeCup sIFR Font Maker

CoffeeCup sIFR Font Maker

Coffeecup is a more than 10 year old company and a long player they have developed many software products to help the world of software developers and computer users. Coffeecup has now come up with their new wonderful product Coffeecup sIFR Font Maker. With Coffeecup sIFR Font Maker one can convert many fonts to be used in customized manner for their Flash files.

  • Publisher: CoffeeCup Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2008

X2-01 theme maker font maker in Description

Oak Systems Font Browser

Oak Systems Font Browser

Font browser is a cool utility to view all fonts on your computer wherever they are. This gives us the convenience of previewing fonts that we have downloaded or fetched from elsewhere before actually installing them. Everything about the font is visible – name, family/subfamily name, face name, unique ID, postscript name, version, etc.

  • Publisher: Oak Systems
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Barcode Generator Program

Barcode Generator Program

Barcode Generator Program is simple to use and maintain quality to print bars. Barcodes Label Software can able to create ISBN-13, UPC, EAN, Codabar, Postnet, Planet, Code 11, 39, 93 with more tahn 30 fonts supporting for multiple uses in industries.

  • Publisher: Barcode Generator Software
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2012


PS3ThemeCreator is a Playstation 3 theme creation and edition tool. It can be used to create themes for use on the Playstation 3 from scratch or to edit existing ones. The application is associated with .p3t files and it will open them automatically. It will also export the themes in that format or in VAG format.

  • Publisher: A.R.K Soft
  • Home page: www.freewebs.com
  • Last updated: December 21st, 2008
SWF Demo Maker

SWF Demo Maker

SWF Demo Maker is a tool for developing interactive,highly compressed SWF animations.SWF Demo Maker has a built in optimization engine that calculates each frame individually comparing it with the other layers on the movie.

  • Publisher: XYZSoftware Corporation
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2008


ProfileStyle is an extension for your web browser that will let you change your Facebook theme. It installs in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. When you enter your Facebook profile by using your browser, you will see that the dashboard now has a new "Change your theme" option.

  • Publisher: ProfileStyle
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Additional X2-01 theme maker font maker selection

Aleo Flash Slideshow Gallery Maker

Aleo Flash Slideshow Gallery Maker

Aleo Flash Slideshow Gallery Maker is a powerful combination of Flash Slideshow Maker and Flash Gallery Maker, it's a fast and easy way to make Flash slideshow, Flash photo gallery, Flash video gallery, photo slideshow, photo pan & zoom Ken Burns effects, rotating Flash banner without Flash studio and knowledge of Flash.

  • Publisher: Aleo Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.aleosoft.com
  • Last updated: January 4th, 2012
Movie DVD Maker

Movie DVD Maker

Movie DVD Maker is a high speed and easy-to-use video DVD VCD SVCD maker, creating DVD VCD SVCD disc from all video files, so you can play your movies on your home DVD player. Supports many input formats: AVI, DIVX, XVID, MP4, MPG, WMV, ASF, RM, MOV, FLV, 3GP, MKV etc.

Picture Collage Maker

Picture Collage Maker

This program lets you create collages using your favorite photos in an easy and fast way. You can start your collage from scratch or use one of the many templates available. Its interface is so intuitive that even the kids can use it. In general, it is easy and fun to use.

Smart Install Maker

Smart Install Maker

Smart Install Maker is an installation wizard creation tool. It allows you to create those wizards that you go through when you want to install an application on your computer. It requires no knowledge of any scripting or programming language and it allows for the creation of installation wizards in a few clicks.

  • Publisher: InstallBuilders Company
  • Home page: www.sminstall.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2011
Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker

Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker

Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker could not have a more descriptive name. This program is mainly intended to create Flash banners for webpages. Luckily, there is a floating preview window that displays all the changes in real time. It lets you generate the necessary HTML code and save the banner as a Flash movie, an animated GIF and even an AVI video.

  • Publisher: Aleo Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2014
AnvSoft Photo Slideshow Maker Free

AnvSoft Photo Slideshow Maker Free

Create beautiful and funny Flash slideshows with your photo collections, ready to be published on the Internet. You can do this very easily with AnvSoft Photo Slideshow Maker Free. It allows you to add photo and music backgrounds to your presentations. Besides, it offers many themes, transition effects and, other powerful features which will allow you to create amazing presentations in no time.

  • Publisher: Anvsoft, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2013
Calendar Maker

Calendar Maker

Calendar Maker is a simple application that allows you to create monthly calendars in a snap. You can use the sample calendars which include landscapes, photos of kittens, colorized images, etc. or you can add your own images or photos. You can select the month, year, heading, date location, box size, text size and color, calendar size, and image location, among other things.

Express Points Presentation Software

Express Points Presentation Software

Express Points Free Presentation Software helps design effective presentations with ease. Design and edit your own master templates. Make multimedia presentations with text, audio, music and narration or adding images and graphic shapes.

CD & DVD Label Maker

CD & DVD Label Maker

CD&DVD Label Maker is a free and neat piece of software to design and print your CD, Mini-CD, and DVD disc labels and covers. It allows you to print your labels in the most popular CD printers, like EPSON, Canon, Microboards, Primera, and Rimage. You can save your designs in BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG.

Sothink SWF Quicker

Sothink SWF Quicker

Sothink SWF Quicker is a Flash animator. Its interface is actually quite similar to that of Adobe Flash; therefore, if you are already familiar with this leading application, you are unlikely to have any serious difficulties while using SWF Quicker. Although its interface is intuitive, this program is not intended for beginners.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2012