Xcode datagridview in Title/Summary

DataGridView Xcode
DataGridView Xcode component from TouchControls iOS Framework. This library is Objective C software package specifically designed for Xcode developers. It allows to use all strengths of the UIDataGrid view without waiving UI elements customers need.
- Publisher: RustemSoft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

DataGridView Extension
DataGridView Extension extends the standard DataGridView control, without inheritance, with functionalities such as Export (MS Excel, HTML and PDF), Print, Search, Themes, Security and many others.
- Publisher: CompletIT
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

UIDataGrid for Xcode
UIDataGrid view is component from TouchControls iOS Framework. This library is Objective C software package specifically designed for Xcode developers. It allows to use all strengths of the UIDataGrid view without waiving UI elements customers need.
- Publisher: RustemSoft
- Home page: www.rustemsoft.com
- Last updated: November 14th, 2014
Xcode datagridview in Description

D3Emu is a multi-platform Diablo III server emulator written in a mix of languages. The core portion of the server is written in C++, but there is a new GUI-based server (in xcode/d3emu-cocoa) written using Objective-C++ and Cocoa libraries. If you're using the Xcode project, the header paths are all relative.
- Publisher: D3Emu
- Home page: github.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2012

DataGridViewColumns .NET assembly
DataGridViewColumns .NET assembly from RustemSoft is a DataGridView Columns software package specifically designed for .NET developers.The assembly allows you to use all strengths of the MS Windows .NET forms DataGridView control without waiving the user interface elements your customers need.
- Publisher: RustemSoft
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

ShiVa Authoring Tool
ShiVa Authoring Tool is a program that gathers all the required information and resources to generate a valid application, web page or custom Visual Studio or Xcode project to extend engine functionalities. It allows you to compile sources generated by the Editor for Windows.
- Publisher: StoneTrip
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012

DB AppMaker
DB AppMaker is a powerful automation tool that can generate Android and iOS mobile apps quickly from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases.
- Publisher: e.World Technology Limited
- Home page: www.hkvstore.com
- Last updated: July 12th, 2021

Klik! EntryLib.Net
Klik! EntryLib.Net is a set of User Interface controls/components designed especially to create eye catching and elegant user interfaces/data entry screens in your .Net Windows Forms applications. It consists of a total of 22 controls which each brings a revolutionary fresh new look and rich features to your applications.
- Publisher: Klik! Software
- Home page: www.kliksoft.com
- Last updated: January 8th, 2010
Additional Xcode datagridview selection

Hierarchical DataGridView
Hierarchical DataGridView is adaptable and efficient view of smaller amount of hierarchically organized data, View of hierarchy without additional time spent on developing and filling in respective data structures. View of data from various data sources (MS SQL Server, MS Access, XML and all the other sources to which the user can connect through ADO.NET)
- Publisher: Application Aspect
- Last updated: March 28th, 2009

Seagulls is an open source Unreal project for the UCF Game Workshop Summer 2014. You will have to rebuild and compile the project with every major branch sync/download. The program works with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and generating new VS or Xcode projects may also be required.
- Publisher: Inebriated Squirrel
- Home page: github.com
- Last updated: April 27th, 2015

Active Directory Tool
Features - Multiple search options for querying Active Directory objects. - File System Browser. - Directory Permissions Viewer. - Includes a TreeView that allows viewing of all user object attributes, even customized attributes. - Includes a TreeView that allows viewing of all computer object attributes, even customized attributes and so much more.
- Publisher: Rashawn Sanchez
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

SandGrid for Windows Forms
SandGrid is a powerful, versatile list control capable of displaying data in tabular and hierarchical form. It was designed from the ground up to support trees of items and to be truly extensible. Because of its special architecture it offers a powerful replacement for the ListView, TreeView and DataGridView controls - offering more customization options and a consistent development experience.
- Publisher: Divelements Limited
- Last updated: April 25th, 2010

Elegant Grid
The Elegant Grid is a set of feature-rich and extensible .NET components designed to help developers easily create the presentation layer of table and hierarchical data for professional Windows Forms applications. The grid architecture is designed to be conceptually compatible with all the Windows Forms elements including DataGridView.
- Publisher: FOSS Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.prof-uis.com

OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware-accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D.
- Publisher: NVIDIA / Spellcraft Studio
- Home page: www.ogre3d.org
- Last updated: April 24th, 2008

Teroid Data Grid View Print Control
Teroid Data Grid View Print Control provides much-needed printing, page setup and print preview functionality for the DataGridView, which replaces the DataGrid in .NET 2.0.
- Publisher: Teroid Software Limited
- Last updated: February 19th, 2012

Teroid Data Filter
Teroid Data Filter is a .NET Windows Forms control that allows users to specify filtering criteria in applications using an ADO .NET DataView or BindingSource as a data source. It can be used on a form containing data-bound controls or a DataGridView, or on a separate dialog box.
- Publisher: Teroid Software

UIChart iOS Control
The Rustemsoft UIChart control enables to create iOS apps with simple, intuitive, and visually compelling chart for complex statistical or financial analysis in different graph types that include Pie, Bar, Line, Cylinder, Area, and other chart types.
- Publisher: RustemSoft
- Home page: www.rustemsoft.com
- Last updated: March 5th, 2015