Xilinx ise 13.4 license in Title/Summary

Xilinx ISE
Xilinx ISE is a complete ECAD (electronic computer-aided design) application. It has the added value of being produced by the world's largest supplier of programmable logic devices and, of course, being free. This application helps you design, test and debug integrated circuits.
- Publisher: Xilinx
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

Xilinx ISE Design Suite
The available user-customizable IP functions range in complexity from commonly used functions, such as memories and FIFOs, to system-level building blocks, such as filters and transforms. Using these IP blocks can save days to months of design time. The highly optimized IP allows FPGA designers to focus efforts on building designs quicker while helping bring products to market faster.
- Publisher: Xilinx Inc.
- Home page: www.xilinx.com
- Last updated: August 10th, 2023

Xilinx Design Tools ISE WebPACK
Xilinx Design Tools ISE WebPACK is a downloadable solution for FPGA and CPLD design offering HDL synthesis and simulation, implementation, device fitting, and JTAG programming. This app delivers a complete, front-to-back design flow providing instant access to the ISE features and functionality at no cost.
- Publisher: Xilinx, Inc.
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2013
Xilinx ise 13.4 license in Description

TopJTAG Probe
A boundary-scan (JTAG) based simple logic analyzer and circuit debugging software. Provides 1) the ability to monitor pin values in real-time without interference with the normal operation of a working device and 2) to interactively set up pin values for testing of board-level interconnects or on-chip internal logic.
- Publisher: TopJTAG
- Home page: www.topjtag.com
- Last updated: October 9th, 2012

Xilinx WebPACK
Complete, front-to-back design environment , including the Xilinx CORE Generator™ system and the full PlanAhead design and analysis tool — with new RTL to Bitstream design flow for Logic Designers!The easiest, lowest cost way to get started with the industry leader for productivity, performance, and power
- Publisher: Xilinx Inc.
- Last updated: March 19th, 2012

ISE Design Suite: Embedded Edition
ISE Design Suite: Embedded Edition is a package that includes Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS), the Software Development Kit (SDK), large repository of plug and play IP including MicroBlaze Soft Processor and peripherals, and a complete RTL to bit stream design flow. The Embedded Edition provides the fundamental tools, technologies and familiar design flow to achieve optimal design results.
- Publisher: Xilinx, Inc.
- Last updated: March 10th, 2015

iFLASH Download Utility
iFLASH Download Utility is a Windows based software utility that allows users to retrieve data for temperature, humidity and dew point stored in the iTHX-M, iBTX-M and iSE-TC, iSE-TH Flash Memory Card. This software ultility is for iTHX-M, iBTX-M, iSE-TH, and iSE-TC only.
- Publisher: NEWPORT Electronics, Inc.
- Last updated: November 26th, 2011

SystemCrafter SC
SystemCrafter SC is a SystemC synthesis tool for Xilinx FPGAs. SystemCrafter SC generates RTL VHDL or Verilog for downstream synthesis to Xilinx FPGAs, and closes the verification gap by writing a structural SystemC output for simulation. SystemCrafter SC - is fully compatible with major C++ compilers, such as Microsoft Visual C++ and GNU GCC;
- Publisher: SystemCrafter
- Last updated: March 7th, 2010
Additional Xilinx ise 13.4 license selection

Autodesk Network License Manager
These downloads include the FLEXlm Licensing Server Tools software for use with license servers running on Windows XP, Mac OS X, Linux, IRIX, HPUX or SUN Solaris. For each operating system, the download package contains the following components: - lmgrd - License Server Daemo - sgiawd - License Server Vendor Daemon - lmutil - General Licensing Utility
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page: usa.autodesk.com
- Last updated: July 5th, 2022

Bentley IEG License Service
Bentley IEG License Service is the central license service routines used by the Bentley Integrated Engineering products such as STAAD.Pro, RAM Structural System, RAM Concept and AutoPipe.Any Bentley product that requires the use of this service will display this installation as a pre-requsite requirement.
- Publisher: Bentley Systems Inc.
- Last updated: March 31st, 2012

Accelrys License Pack
The Accelrys License Pack is required for most Accelrys products licensed using FLEXlm. The License Pack is shipped and installed with the products and includes complete documentation.This License Pack release is compatible with multiple software releases.It's highly recommend that you use the latest version to have access to the most up-to-date enhancements.
- Publisher: Accelrys Software Inc.
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2015

Acronis License Server
Acronis License Server is a mechanism that tracks licenses of Acronis products. Depending on the country and version of the product, Acronis software is shipped with or without License Server. Acronis License Server tracks the licenses using a MAC address, which is unique for each network interface card (NIC).
- Publisher: Acronis
- Home page: kb.acronis.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2012

HASP License Manager
HASP License Manager allows you to manage your HASP licenses. The manager application is available as a standalone application or a service application which can run at Windows startup. The application is available for developer use or just for the simple end user.
- Publisher: Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Private License Server
Administer license usage on your local network. By setting up a Private License Server, your central server machine can control access to floating licenses by multiple computers on the network. Users on the local network do not need to sign in to their Altium accounts to acquire the seats from the Private License Server.
- Publisher: Altium Limited
- Home page: www.altium.com
- Last updated: December 27th, 2016

SynaptiCAD Product Suite
The SynaptiCAD Product Suite includes the following products: TestBencher Pro, VeriLogger Extreme, VeriLogger Pro, BugHunter Pro, DataSheet Pro, WaveFormer Pro, WaveFormer Lite, Timing Diagrammer Pro, GigaWave Viewer, Vhdl2Verilog, and Verilog2Vhdl. A license is required for all versions.
- Publisher: SynaptiCAD
- Home page: www.syncad.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

Minitab License Manager
Minitab License Manager is required for all multi-user installations. This program ensures that your software is legit and offers you the option to register your application. License Manager is free of charge and has an easy-to-use, user friendly interface.
- Publisher: Minitab, Inc.
- Home page: www.minitab.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2015

Seagull License Server
Seagull License Server (SLS) is a software utility that monitors and enforces the maximum number of allowable printers used by BarTender on a network. SLS only needs to be installed on one computer on any given LAN or WAN and it runs unattended and invisibly. SLS can be configured to operate as a Windows "service."
- Publisher: Seagull Scientific
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

Enfocus Local License Manager
The Local License Manager is a small application that allows you to manage the licenses of all your Enfocus products. Main features: - Activate and deactivate the keys for all Enfocus products installed on your computer in one go. - Deactivate licenses for products that are not installed on your computer.
- Publisher: Enfocus
- Home page: www.enfocus.com
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2014