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Xls temperature co2 humidity in Title/Summary

Humidity+Temperature+Pressure Datalogger

Humidity+Temperature+Pressure Datalogger

Humidity/Temperature/Pressure Datalogger is a program for collecting data from the DATA LOGGER when it is connected to a PC or notebook computer. The data may be displayed graphically within the software or exported and displayed in spreadsheet programs. The maximum number of data points is 10.000.

  • Publisher: Extech.com
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2015
CO2 Saver

CO2 Saver

As seen on Good Morning America and New York Times, CO2 Saver adjusts your computer's settings to automatically save energy, thus reducing global warming. It even keeps track of how much you, and all users are saving--already hundreds of tons of CO2.

  • Publisher: Snap Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008
Wood Movement Calculator

Wood Movement Calculator

A program to calculate wood movement due to temperature and humidity changes. Covers many exotic and domestic species of wood. It helps you calculate blade height and cutting angle for making cove cuts on a table. Download the software for free from the website

Xls temperature co2 humidity in Description



Psychro Shop is a very helpful and amazing utility for engineers, that can easility calculate humid air conditions based on your selected inputs. This software is based on ASHRAE Handbook (2001 Edition) and GPSA Engineering Data book (2004 Edition). This handy software can evaluate Dewpoint Temperature.

  • Publisher: thePetroStreet
  • Last updated: January 4th, 2011


Temperature and humidity email alerts issued in real-time -20 to +70°C (-4 to +158°F) measurement range for temperature and dewpoint, 0 to 100% relative humidity measurement range User-Programmable alarm thresholds for temperature & RH%, plus dewpoint Can also message to most any cell phone, pager, or other email enabled hand-held device

  • Publisher: IntelliWeather
  • Home page: tempelertusb.com
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2010


UTAC is an open-source program designed for the TEMPer and TEMPerHum USB Thermometer/ Hygrometer. The TEMPer is a small USB Stick which can read the Temperature / Humidity. It displays the maximum and minimum temperature and humidity, activate and deactivate the timer.

  • Publisher: n4rf network
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2015


DAILYET is a simple 'calculator' for estimating daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) using data collected from a conventional weather station. The minimum input data required are maximum and minimum air temperature, relative humidity, sunshine duration and wind speed.

Digiquartz Assistant

Digiquartz Assistant

Digiquartz Assistant collects and graphs the data acquired from any of the Digiquartz intelligent products used to measure pressure, temperature, and humidity via RS-232 port interface. The program has 8 channels which allow you to connect up o 8 devices. The data files can be opened with any spreadsheet or database program.

  • Publisher: Paroscientific, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2011

Additional Xls temperature co2 humidity selection



SysMetrix is a desktop clock and system monitoring application. It looks nice, can be fully customized and has great value for users that need to constantly monitor how the resources on their computers are being used. The great thing about it is that you can create your own design and view all the statistics you need, all in one place, clearly organized.

  • Publisher: Xymantix
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2011
Mollier Sketcher

Mollier Sketcher

Mollier Sketcher is a program intended for those who have experience of working with a paper version of the chart. Features: No constraints whatsoever. Any process can be constructed. Dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, specific humidity and enthalpy will be calculated for each point. Calculation of power, sensible power and water. The chart can be redrawn for any atmospheric pressure.

  • Publisher: IV Produkt AB
  • Last updated: January 7th, 2009


SondeMonitor allows you to see the upper air temperature and humidity profiles in real time so that you can seek the out best convective activity levels and avoid those levels where the air mass is stable. The Sueve diagram (right) includes the dry and moist adiabat curves (green and blue lines) that allow stability to be inferred.

  • Publisher: Sonic
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023


CoDyBa is a design tool on classical PC for buildings dynamic performance simulation. It's aimed for design offices, teaching and research organisms. CoDyBa is a software used to analyze dynamic hygrothermal performance of building elements when subjected to any kind of climate conditions.

  • Publisher: by Jean Noel
  • Home page: www.jnlog.com
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008


WeatherSmart is a ProWeatherStation companion application. The ProWeatherStation is a high performance wireless data logging weather station with advanced sensor technology. The app allows you to visualize various parameters, such as: inside and outside temperature and humidity, wind speed (average and gust), wind direction, barometric pressure and rainfall.

  • Publisher: Tycon Systems Inc.
  • Last updated: December 5th, 2016
Ideal Finish

Ideal Finish

Ideal Finish 4.0.158

  • Publisher: TQC B.V.
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2011


With ServerSentinel you can monitor server and network services as well as local resources automatically and reliably from a central installation. The monitoring software reacts immediately in case of failures and irregularities. This minimizes server downtimes and increases the availability of monitored systems.



The 1W340 app is a configuration utility for the 1W340K sensor. With this program you can perform real-time readings on the environment temperature and humidity data, and save related data as files. This network thermometer with a LAN interface enables you to remotely measure temperature via LAN or Internet.

  • Publisher: PCsensor
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2017
htV-m Download Software

htV-m Download Software

htV-m Download Software is a free-to-use Formaldemeter htV-M assistant. The htV-M can precisely measure formaldehyde concentrations in parts per million (ppm) and mg/m3 over a wide range of temperature and humidity. This app helps you to download and install firmware.

Fluke LogWare III Server

Fluke LogWare III Server

LogWare III is a client/server application that can be used enterprise-wide for environmental data logging and monitoring. It records, retrieves, and analyzes temperature and relative humidity data. It is designed to acquire environmental condition data from the Model 1620/1620A "DewK" Thermo-Hygrometer using either RS-232 or TCP/IP (Ethernet) communications.

  • Publisher: Fluke Corporation
  • Home page: us.flukecal.com
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2017