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Xml swf slide script in Title/Summary

SWF 'n Slide Pro

SWF 'n Slide Pro

SWF 'n Slide Pro allows you to create slide presentations of your images for converting them later into SWF files. You can use different transition methods, add sound, mouse click actions, text to the slides, etc. You can preview the presentation before the presentation is exported to SWF and you can run the presentation on any computer with Adobe Flash Player installed.

SWF 'n Slide

SWF 'n Slide

SWF 'n Slide is an extremely easy program to take any digital images and music, and create stunning slide shows in minutes to share with family and friends. Works with all popular file formats for image and audio. SWf 'n Slide outputs SWF, HTML, Self Executables, and QuickTime movies. Choose from various sophisticated transition effects, special effects, and image filters. Add text for narration and titles. Add audio for background music, sound effects and narration. Add pan/zoom camera effects. Add stylish play controls to control playback of the slide show. Add mouse click events to open URLs, load externs SWF files, or navigate through the slide show. Save settings so you can work on your slide shows later on.

  • Publisher: Vertical Moon
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
AnvSoft Flash Slide Show Maker

AnvSoft Flash Slide Show Maker

Flash Slide Show Maker transforms digital photo collection to Macromedia Flash file format (SWF) which you can share your memorial moments with your family or friends on your own homepage or website.

Xml swf slide script in Description

Product Catalog Builder

Product Catalog Builder

In the rapidly changing world, it can be quite a challenge to keep your customers well-informed about your products and services.If you regularly send printed catalogs, you are aware of the following two problems: such catalogs are very likely to be outdated when they reach your customers and they simply cost too much.

  • Publisher: Product Catalog Builder
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Script Command Client

Script Command Client

Client Configuration : - Install the Script Command Client on the target system if necessary. Otherwise, just run the executable ScriptClient.exe - Run the client, and click configure. If the client is to be used in conjunction with a server, select "Connect to Script Command Server, enter the name or address of the server system,

  • Publisher: Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2012
InstantFX SE Slideshow Maker

InstantFX SE Slideshow Maker

Creating your own slide shows with MP3 sound support is very easy with InstantFX SE Flash SlideShow Maker and you can export them to your HTML website, or even directly to Microsoft FrontPage with the add-on already included in the program. The program can display unlimited slides in JPEG or SWF files.

  • Publisher: XZAKT Media
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022
ImageMatics StillMotion PE

ImageMatics StillMotion PE

ImageMatics PE Slide Show Software is the best way to show and share your digital images. With PE Slide Show Software, it's very easy to create slide shows, screen savers, auto run CD ROM, self-playing shows, web pages and SWF (Flash) files. StillMotion PE Slide Show Software the essential photo slide show software tool for your digital imaging.

Quick Slide Show

Quick Slide Show

Quick Slide Show is a great application for creating slide shows with the pictures you like most. You can use as many pictures as you want and add lots of effects. The way the pictures are displayed vary much depending on what settings you adjust and on your own taste.

  • Publisher: NarAndSoft
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2008

Additional Xml swf slide script selection

WeBuilder 2005

WeBuilder 2005

Complete all-in-one web code editor for all your web document editing needs. Edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP within single program. Clean interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features enable you to do more in less time.

  • Publisher: Karlis Blumentals
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2010
SQL Studio Query eXecutor

SQL Studio Query eXecutor

SQL Studio Query eXecutor (QX) is a simple query and SQL script execution utility for Microsoft SQL Server. It features color syntax highlighting, whole script or selected statements execution, and executing of SQL scripts or stored procedures.

  • Publisher: Tangra, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2008
MyDbf Studio

MyDbf Studio

MyDbf Studio is a multiplatform opensource program made width Lazarus that will help you tu manage your dbf or paradox tables. The main features are: - You can work with multiple tables at once, in mdi forms. - You can directly add, modify or delete data. - You can view deleted data. - You can create, delete or modify any index on table. - You can add or substract two tables.

  • Publisher: Calogiuri Enzo Antonio
Sothink SWF Decompiler

Sothink SWF Decompiler

This program can help you decompile SWF files. Additionally, you can use it to modify existing SFW files, export them to other formats or extract resources. The application has a nicely designed interface, with a tabbed ribbon that automatically adapts to the current task, in the style of Office 97. It can be useful mostly to web designers and also to apprentices.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
  • Home page: www.sothink.com
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2012
Oxygen XML Editor

Oxygen XML Editor

Oxygen XML Editor is a comprehensive tool for editing, converting, and debugging of XML data. It can perform XQuery and XPath queries against a native XML database, through a connection to the database server. Support for all types of XML documents and similar file types are ensured, including XML Schemas, CSS, XSLT, WSDL, RelaxNG, Schematron, Ant, and XQuery.

  • Publisher: SyncRO Soft SRL
  • Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023


It’s a Flash based tool that displays photo albums and slideshows on your websites. It’s a flash authoring tool which does not require any prior knowledge about web programming or any coding in XML or Flash. It is very simple and requires only a few clicks to create fascinating slideshows in seconds.

  • Publisher: ANVSOFT Inc.
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2010
Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Convertor

Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Convertor

Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Converter is a smart and easy-to-use wizard-like tool that enables the creation of executable files from SWF Flash files. With Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Converter you may easily compile licensed, stand-alone executable of any SWF file.

  • Publisher: Bullrush Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.bullrushsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2012


SWF to GIF is an SWF to GIF converter, which can change the file format of flash from SWF into GIF. It will be more suitable for transmission, using chat tools to release dynamic picture and any situations which can not use flash document.

  • Publisher: Watermark Software
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2013
RustemSoft XMLFox Freeware XML editor

RustemSoft XMLFox Freeware XML editor

RustemSoft XMLFox Freeware XML editor is a program designed for authoring, updating, exploring, well-formedness checking or validating XML documents. It offers: XSD Schema Based Editing, Tag Prompting, XML and Schema Validation, XML View, Tree, Grid, and XML Script editing modes, Standard Editor (Copy/Paste/Find/Replace) traits, XSD Schema building feature.

  • Publisher: RustemSoft
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2017
XML Converter Standard Edition

XML Converter Standard Edition

XML Converter Standard Edition 6.0 is data converting software which helps to create data transformation. The software could connect to any database that provides an ODBC connection interface. The program also features XML View, XML Tree, XML Grid, and XML Script modes for final XML output editing.

  • Publisher: RustemSoft
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020