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Xml wrench portable in Title/Summary



XML:Wrench - The simple XML Editor. Is the easy to use tool for editing XML and related files. It can also be an HTML editor, an XHTML editor, a CSS Editor, an XSL style-sheet editor, a DTD editor and many more.XML:Wrench also includes a number of XML tools for transforming and manipulating XML/HTML files.

  • Publisher: nixsoft
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2008
Sample Wrench

Sample Wrench

Sample Wrench is a powerful audio sample editor which works with Windows sound cards and a variety of MIDI-based keyboard and rack-mount samplers. Edit mono or stereo sounds with 24 bit better than CD quality and fidelity at a price that makes the competition look silly. Numerous special effects and processes are at your finger tips.

Digital Wrench

Digital Wrench

Digital Wrench is an affordable and easy to use repair shop software tool. The program features repair orders and estimates, repair order history, customer history, customer tracking, vehicle tracking, inventory and special order parts, canned jobs and more.

Xml wrench portable in Description



XSign is a software components that bring strong security to your data and applications. rnYou can use it to sign, encrypt and decrypt XML documents using X509 certificates in just few lines of code. The result XML documents are portable to any environment that supports XML Encryption and XML Signature.

  • Publisher: Lizard Labs
  • Last updated: October 14th, 2011


XMLCrypto is a COM object that brings strong security to your data and applications. You can encrypt and sign XML documents and make them unbreakable in just few lines of code. The result XML documents are portable to any machines that support XML Encryption and XML Signature.

  • Publisher: SQLData Systems, Inc.
  • Home page: www.sqldata.com
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011


The CeRegEditor is a registry editor for any device (PDA) based on WindowsCE, PocketPC2003 and WindowsMobile(WM5, WM6) system. It runs on desktop PC but operates on a mobile device. With this feature user is able to user a normal keyboard, mouse and big - even 21' PC's monitor.

  • Publisher: mdSoft
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2008
Convert Excel To XML

Convert Excel To XML

Convert Excel to XML offers to convert Excel datasheets to XLS format. Several reasons would justify this conversion. First, XLS can be used on any platform. Second, it is fully compatible with many applications. Third, it is so portable that can be used on large networks using different platforms. Finally, as it is an independent format, it assures exchangeability without data loss.

  • Publisher: Excel-Tool
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2012


STDU XML Editor is a lightweight editor of XML documents. This editor is very simple to use. The XML document is represent as tree, and you don't need to know anything about markups language, for edit documents in our editor. Its handy features include modern tabbed document interface; good performance on large XML documents, etc.

  • Publisher: STDUtility
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2012

Additional Xml wrench portable selection

Kingsoft Office

Kingsoft Office

The smallest, fastest, and most compatible Microsoft Office alternative. Includes Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Spreadsheets, and Kingsoft Presentation. Supports the latest Microsoft Office Open XML file formats (.DOCX, .XLSX, and .PPTX).

  • Publisher: Kingsoft Software Corp.
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2017
DriveImage XML

DriveImage XML

DriveImage XML is an easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives. Image creation uses Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS), allowing you to create safe "hot images" even from drives currently in use. Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools.

  • Publisher: Runtime Software, LLC
  • Home page: www.runtime.org
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2012
XML Notepad

XML Notepad

XML Notepad 2007 is a small free application from Microsoft that aims to provide a small environment for editing XML files quickly. With a lot of handy features, it's really comfortable to work with complex files thanks to the unique "nudge" and "change to" operations.

Microsoft XML Parser und SDK

Microsoft XML Parser und SDK

The Microsoft® XML Parser (MSXML) SDK includes header and .lib files, and documentation for the MSXML. This SDK provides several improvements over the MSXML SDK including language filtering; improved code samples in Microsoft JScript®, Microsoft Visual Basic®, and C++; and links to utilities you can use for creating XML applications.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2010


HTML Kit software is a complete web page editor and creator for those HTML, XML and Script developers that desire to have many tools together in a single application. Page preview at the same time, displaying the inserted changes in code. The application can open multiple web page files. The split view of the editor allows the user to copy and paste code between two different page windows.

  • Publisher: HTML-Kit
  • Home page: www.htmlkit.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
XML Viewer

XML Viewer

XML Viewer is a simple program for viewing and editing XML files. It presents XML documents in a nice color-coded tree interface, having support for wrapping, bookmarks, and line numbers. Its content viewer has the ability to render SVG files and base-64 encoded images.

  • Publisher: MindFusion LLC
  • Home page: www.mindfusion.eu
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2021
Mufin MusicFinder Base

Mufin MusicFinder Base

MAGIX Mufin MusicFinder is an MP3 Manager that not only will keep your music collection organized, but will also make music selections for you according to the type of music you wish to listen to. Using the ID3 tagging system, Mufin MusicFinder will create playlists of your favourite music genres and will allow you to transfer the desired tracks to your portable player or to burn them to CD.

  • Publisher: MAGIX AG
  • Home page: www.magix.com
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2008
Oxygen XML Editor

Oxygen XML Editor

Oxygen XML Editor is a comprehensive tool for editing, converting, and debugging of XML data. It can perform XQuery and XPath queries against a native XML database, through a connection to the database server. Support for all types of XML documents and similar file types are ensured, including XML Schemas, CSS, XSLT, WSDL, RelaxNG, Schematron, Ant, and XQuery.

  • Publisher: SyncRO Soft SRL
  • Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023
XML Copy Editor

XML Copy Editor

XML Copy Editor is an XML editor with DTD/XML Schema/RELAX NG validation, XSLT, XPath, pretty-printing, syntax highlighting, folding, tag completion and tag locking. The spelling and style check supports inclusive language, harmonizes preferred spellings and converts documents from Commonwealth to American spelling (and vice versa).

  • Publisher: Gerald Schmidt
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2014
Hard Disk Sentinel Pro

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro

There are many software tools to recover data lost due to a disk malfunction, but there is only one way not to get that far – monitor your hard disks to detect any potential damage well before it happens. Hard Disk Sentinel Pro is a tool designed for IT professionals who want to keep an eye on their drives’ behavior and performance and thus foresee any potential malfunction ahead of time.