Xna listview in Title/Summary

IntegralUI ListView Controls
IntegralUI ListView is highly customizable list control for .NET windows forms. It has ability to visualize data in four different views. Text, images, hyperlinks, checkboxes and custom controls can be placed in columns, items and subitems and arranged in custom layouts. It is a high performance control, with advanced drag-drop operations, filter using multiple values and custom sort operations.
- Publisher: Lidor Systems

Microsoft XNA Game Studio
Microsoft corporation has recently released new version of very popular among game’s developers tool XNA Game Studio 3.0 Beta. This version allows to create games for Windows and media players Microsoft Zune, using optimized playing libraries, based on .NET Framework.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page: msdn.microsoft.com
- Last updated: October 6th, 2011

XNA Model Viewer
The XNA Model Viewer allows you to load FBX files and view them. You can examine the bones and meshes and see the complete hierarchy. It allows you to test that models will work in XNA, determine the effect of modifying bone transforms, and view animation clips.
- Publisher: Lucid Vision Games
- Last updated: November 9th, 2016
Xna listview in Description

Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable
The XNA Framework Redistributable provides the necessary runtime components to execute a game on Windows that was developed using Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0. This release contains improved functionality as well as new features. Installation of this runtime is unnecessary on systems with Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 already installed.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: December 8th, 2011

Torque X
Torque X is a good platform game in 2D and 3D with excellent physical engine. It is designed from the ground up to harness the power of XNA. Written entirely in C#, the result is an extremely powerful and flexible 2D & 3D game engine. You can code in C#, then run your game in Windows or on your own retail XBox 360 using XNA Game Studio 3.1 and XNA Creator's Club.
- Publisher: GarageGames
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Zune Extensions
This add-on for XNA Game Studio adds the following functionality to the product:- The ability to target and develop for the Zune HD media player. - The addition of new Touch APIs to the XNA Framework for use on the Zune HD. - The addition of new Accelerometer APIs to the XNA Framework for use on the Zune HD.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: October 12th, 2009

WPF Task Manager
In the application you can see how you can customize a listview in WPF (You can also work with a data grid in the new service pack 1. The code to do this is almost the same) Layout from a Listview, Adding Specific controls in Listview (Hyperlink), Sorting, Value Converter (date) , Adding a flexible search engine to the a grid. You can also see the implementation from a master detail screen.
- Publisher: PeterA
- Last updated: March 19th, 2009

Multiplayer test demo
Multiplayer test demo is a simple game to test jumping and shooting using XNA and Lidgren network. Run around, jump and shoot. One player hosts, others join. Up to 8 players. This is only a multiplayer test to see how networking works in XNA using Lidgren library.
- Publisher: Johan Hjärpe, Alexander Siigur
- Last updated: January 14th, 2012
Additional Xna listview selection

Microsoft XNA Test Tool
The Games for Windows Self-Certification program is designed to showcase the Windows gaming platform, and to promote game titles which pass a set of technical requirements and promise consumers a great gaming experience. Games for Windows branded titles undergo extensive testing, and not just by the publisher.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: April 21st, 2009

Better ListView Express
Better ListView Express is a free list view control for .NET Windows Forms. It is designed as a replacement for the regular .NET list view control and it is compatible with Visual Studio 2012, 2010, 2008, 2005. It also has support for C#, Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), managed C++ and other CLI languages.
- Publisher: Jiri Novotny, ComponentOwl.com
- Home page: www.componentowl.com
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

Better ListView
This is an improved list view control that can be used in Visual Studio .Net. The plugin is compatible with Visual Studio versions from 2005 onwards. It can be programmed using VB .Net, VC , or C#. Better ListView has more flexibility - it always uses the current system theme (including Aero support).
- Publisher: Jiri Novotny, ComponentOwl
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Refresh
The What’s New topic within the product documentation outlines the exciting new areas. Combined with an active membership in the XNA Creators Club (available from Xbox Live Marketplace), you can also create, debug, and play games on your Xbox 360 console.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation

Extended ListView Control
An extended ListView control that can show multiple images on subitems, lets the user edit subitems with user-defined controls (also image-subitems), contains boolean subitems, and can sort columns by date, number, string, and image. Extended ListView Control is a very easy to use software.
- Publisher: CodeProject
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

CSVed is a program that allows you to manipulate any CSV file, delimited with any separator. The contents of the CSV file are visible in a listview. You can edit, add, insert, delete, and move the items in that listview. Also, you can delete and add columns and rearrange the column order.
- Publisher: Sam Francke
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express
Enables you to write managed applications for the .NET Framework. Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition includes a fully ISO-compliant implementation of the Standard Template Library (STL). STL is a general purpose library of algorithms and data structures that is based on a concept known as generic programming.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page: www.microsoft.com
- Last updated: December 8th, 2010

VBto Converter
Software for converting MS Visual Basic 6.0 projects (including source code) to Microsoft VS VB.NET, C#, J#, VC.NET, VC++ (MFC), Borland Delphi, C++ Builder. Visual Basic forms viewer and source code analyzer. VB6 Decompiler.
- Publisher: StressSoft Company Ltd.
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

Eazfuscator.NET protects your Visual Studio source code so that no one can reverse-engineer them using your release executables. This program is quite easy to use; simply apply protection to your Visual Studio project, and all later builds of the project get obfuscated automatically.
- Publisher: Gapotchenko
- Home page: www.gapotchenko.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Music NFO Builder
Music NFO Builder 1.20 is a tool to build NFO files, M3U / PLS playlist files and SFV / MD5 checksum files. Music NFO Builder reads files in the drive and folder you select and lists them on a listview style window. This program produces info files (NFO), checksums (SFV/MD5) and playlists (M3U/PLS) and list them in order to post binary files to usenet.
- Publisher: Pawel Piecuch
- Last updated: March 7th, 2011