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Xp themes for low vision in Title/Summary

Freedom Scientific JAWS

Freedom Scientific JAWS

JAWS (Job Access With Speech) is a screen reader for users with low vision. JAWS provides speech and Braille output for popular computer applications on Windows. It includes two multi-lingual synthesizers: Eloquence and Vocalizer Expressive. OCR feature provides access to scanned documents.

  • Publisher: Freedom Scientific, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2017


MAGic is a powerful magnification solution for low vision computer users. Now computer users who need low vision aids due to macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentation, or other causes of low vision can take control of Web and software application pages.

  • Publisher: Freedom Scientific
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
ALTAIR for Windows

ALTAIR for Windows

ALTAIR is a free software designed for blind, low vision ( weak sight ) or deaf-blind users. ALTAIR is a text editor, mailer and browser with speech synthesizer and outputs to Braille displays. Font size can be enlarged and font and background color can be changed for people with low vision.

  • Publisher: Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities

Xp themes for low vision in Description



ReadPlease 2003 is a powerful text-to-speech tool that will read any text you see on your screen - all purpose text-to-speech software. ReadPlease 2003 (Free Edition) offers full support for all Microsoft voices, reads text via Windows clipboard from any program, Adjustable voice speed (rate) and more...

  • Publisher: ReadPlease Corporation
  • Last updated: November 1st, 2010


Magni-CCata is a program designed for musicians and music students with low vision who cannot read ordinary printed music score or who have difficulty maintaining focus on the notes to be played. Magni-CCata is a program designed for musicians and music students with low vision who cannot read ordinary printed music score or who have difficulty maintaining focus on the notes to be played.

  • Publisher: Optek Systems
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2011


Use See-and-Type as an educational tool for children, facilitating vocabulary learning in an enjoyable way. See-and-Type allows for a safer mouse-driven typing without the risk of activating any shortcut that could damage your computer. Also, it provides free choice of font size and color scheme of the text viewing area for better and more comfortable typing.

  • Publisher: AUREOSOFT
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2011


MathTrax is a graphing tool for middle school and high school students to graph equations, physics simulations or plot data files. The graphs have descriptions and sound so you can hear and read about the graph. Blind and low vision users can access visual math data and graph or experiment with equations and datasets.

  • Publisher: The MathTrax Team
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
Money Talks

Money Talks

Money Talks is an accessible banking account management program. Money Talks maximizes flexibility by providing a means of embossing the check register or printing it in large print, printing checks in a variety of formats, and remembering the workspace the user last used with the program.

  • Publisher: APH
  • Home page: tech.aph.org
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2012

Additional Xp themes for low vision selection



Speech is provided by the synthesised computer voices that are provided with Windows 7, Vista and XP, and other voices are available. PowerTalk uses PowerPoint supplied with Microsoft Office to show the presentation. PowerTalk runs on Windows 98 (SE), Windows ME and Windows XP. It is expected to run on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.

  • Publisher: Fullmeasure
  • Home page: fullmeasure.co.uk
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2010
Dolphin EasyReader

Dolphin EasyReader

EasyReader is an accessible software ebook reader, allowing users to read and listen to content through a combination of text, speech and images. EasyReader can be used by absolutely anyone who enjoys reading books with highlighted text and speech. EasyReader is ideal for readers with learning disabilities.

  • Publisher: Dolphin Computer Access Ltd
  • Home page: www.yourdolphin.com
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2014


Lap time and multiple Chronometer. Increase the power of your Pocket Pc with the most powerful chronometer available. Visit our site to see our promotion. We are selling all our products for one low price.

  • Publisher: Vision Software
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2010
Book Wizard Reader

Book Wizard Reader

Book Wizard Reader is a program to read digital talking books as outlined in the specifications designed and approved by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and the Digital Audio Information System (DAISY) consortium. The program adheres to the DAISY definitions and provides you with enhanced ability to control and navigate through both structured and unstructured audio files.

  • Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
  • Home page: tech.aph.org
  • Last updated: May 2nd, 2010
Betty Boop Sweetheart Solitaire

Betty Boop Sweetheart Solitaire

Brighten Your Day with Betty Boop Sweetheart Solitaire! Betty Boop is here with the most popular solitaire games! With amazing graphics and animations, it’s solitaire as you’ve never experienced it before! Choose from 20 Betty Boop Solitaire Games: - Acedike - Agnes - Canfield - Crazy Klondike - Double Klondike - Double Pyramid - Eternal Triangle

  • Publisher: Selectsoft Publishing
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2020


OpenBook converts printed documents or graphic-based text into an electronic text format on your PC, using quality speech and the latest optical character recognition (OCR) technology. With so many low vision features, you can tailor the appearance of text on your screen,view with split-screen and compare your original document and OCR conversion results and much more

  • Publisher: Freedom Scientific, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2012
Dolphin EasyProducer

Dolphin EasyProducer

EasyProducer is the perfect solution for anyone looking to make their Microsoft Word documents fully accessible as full text and audio DAISY talking books. EasyProducer is idea for readers with blindness, low vision, dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities, as well as readers wanting to create fully accessible versions of their documents.

  • Publisher: Dolphin Computer Access
  • Last updated: September 20th, 2013
Dolphin SuperNova Reader Magnifier

Dolphin SuperNova Reader Magnifier

SuperNova Reader Magnifier is ideal for people with low vision or deteriorating sight, at home, at work and in education. Offering all the benefits of a screen magnifier, SuperNova Reader Magnifier also offers added speech output to provide extra support for partially sighted computer users.

Find Word

Find Word

Find Word is a free challenging word game designed to be enjoyed by all members of the family, including those with a severe visual impairment. The aim of the game is to create as many words as possible by combining the letters that form the ten-letter word provided by the game.

  • Publisher: RWF Talking Software
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2011
Freedom Scientific MAGic Keyboard

Freedom Scientific MAGic Keyboard

The MAGic Large Print Keyboard provides low vision users an easy-to-read keyboard designed to enhance the MAGic and JAWS experience. Twenty-two dedicated MAGic keys make learning and using MAGic easier than ever. Bold, high-contrast keys provide fast, accurate typing with less eye fatigue.

  • Publisher: Freedom Scientific
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2016