Xtreme suite controls activex in Title/Summary

Xtreme Suite Pro ActiveX
Xtreme Suite Pro ActiveX combines seven components, Xtreme Controls, Xtreme CommandBars, Xtreme Docking Pane, Xtreme Property Grid, Xtreme Report Control, Xtreme Chart Pro, Xtreme Calendar, Xtreme ShortcutBar, Xtreme SyntaxEdit, Xtreme Skinframework, and Xtreme Task Panel that will give your application a professional, modern appearance.
- Publisher: Codejock Software
- Home page: www.codejock.com
- Last updated: April 11th, 2012

Xtreme Skin Framework ActiveX
The Xtreme SkinFramework was designed with the Windows Visual Style architecture in mind to ensure developers have the most up-to-date and Windows friendly themes available anywhere. With Microsoft® Visual Style support already built in you are not limited to pre-defined skins that are provided with the control.
- Publisher: Codejock Software
- Last updated: October 12th, 2011

Hyperion EOS Control Data Suite
The EOS Control suite is a program that allows you to take control of your Hyperion EOS charger via your computer, including keeping records of your charges and to be able to create powerful graphs. If you would like to do more advanced graphing, you can do this using the Export function of the Hyperion EOS Control & Data Suite.
- Publisher: Hyperion
- Last updated: January 30th, 2018
Xtreme suite controls activex in Description

Carbon Copy ActiveX
Carbon Copy ActiveX software consists in a suite of ActiveX compontents for Carbon Copy and the Carbon Copy Advanced ActiveX components for the 6.2.1144 version. Just download and install on your computer.The following are included:- CCConfig - RcWebCab
- Publisher: Symantec Corporation
- Home page: www.symantec.com
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

SuiteControls Wrapper Template
SuiteControls Wrapper template for the Codejock Controls ActiveX control enables Clarion developers to quickly add the power of the control to their applications in a matter of minutes. It can be added to multi-dll applications as well as single applications. It consists of various global, window, extension and code templates as well as a very feature rich class.
- Publisher: noyantis limited
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

Rogue Wave® HostAccess offers a suite of terminal emulation products that provide Windows™ users with secure access to legacy, host-based applications. It also has the ability to enhance the interface of existing applications with toolbars, mouse support, push buttons, combo boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, ActiveX™ controls, COM objects, and includes the powerful AutoGUI feature.
- Publisher: Rogue Wave Software, Inc
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

Iocomp Components
Iocomp's ActiveX/VCL Pack is a suite of 29 controls written for use in creating professional instrumentation applications using ActiveX or VCL development environments. These controls can be used for Scientific, Engineering, Medical, Semiconductor, Factory Automation, Military, Robotics, Telecommunications, Building and Home Automation, HMI, SCADA, and hundreds of other types of applications.
- Publisher: Iocomp Software Inc.
- Home page: www.iocomp.com
- Last updated: February 7th, 2011

FontCombo ActiveX Control
FontCombo ActiveX Control offers an easy method for a user to select a font from an enumerated font families, support TrueType/OpenType recognizing, Multi-language Charsets enumerating, font scripts and powerful items data management capabilities.
- Publisher: NiceFeather Software Solutions Corp.
- Home page: www.nicefeather.com
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2010
Additional Xtreme suite controls activex selection

InduSoft Web Studio
InduSoft Web Studio is a powerful collection of automation tools that provide all the automation building blocks to develop HMIs, SCADA systems and embedded instrumentation solutions. It contains full-featured screen objects and dynamics with customizable object properties such as bar graphs, color, resizing, blinking, animation, commands, hyperlinks, combo-boxes and text input.
- Publisher: Indusoft Inc
- Last updated: May 31st, 2011

Intermec InterDriver
Intermec InterDriver is a high-performance Windows driver that leverages ActiveX Controls to enable printing from any Windows application, offering simple, intuitive bar code creation and superior printer throughput. Bi-directional support and a real-time status monitor provide full control over the printing process and ensure maximum uptime.
- Publisher: Honeywell International Inc.
- Last updated: August 15th, 2014

LightTool ActiveX Controls
Software for developers for visual basic and C: 21 activex controls with multiple properties and appearance such as button, scrollbar, progressbar, optionbutton, checkbox, frame, panel, tooltiptext, label, pictureview, transparent button, numeric input (double, single, long integer, datetime, currency), combobox and more.
- Publisher: LightSoft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

IndraWorks Engineering is a program that provides access to all system components, uniform programming according to IEC 61131-3, and open support of standardized interfaces such as FDT/DTM. It supports real-time Ethernet communication, including SERCOS III, EtherNet/IP and Profinet. It offers standard HMI screens and the ability to develop customized screens and implement ActiveX controls.
- Publisher: Bosch Rexroth AG
- Home page: www.boschrexroth.com
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2015

docuPrinter SDK
docuPrinter SDK is a software development tool that can be used by developers and programmers to control docuPrinter LT, Pro or TSE and programmatically create PDF or Image files from their own applications. Features: - PDF linearization (fast web view) support. - 40/128 bits PDF encryption (security) support. - Apply stationery and watermark.
- Publisher: Neevia Technology
- Home page: www.neevia.com
- Last updated: August 29th, 2014

ActiveX/COM Inspector -
The oakland software ActiveX/COM Inspector allows you to examine, trace events on, and manipulate the behavior of any ActiveX/COM component. It also includes special support for visual controls by presenting them on a design surface and running them in design or non-design mode.
- Publisher: oakland software
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

LuraTech ActiveX Controls
Using the LuraTech Software Product for creating a commercial or non commercial software solution that enables either the creation or display files in the LuraWave or LuraDocument File Formats requires that a Runtime-License-Contract has be concluded.
- Publisher: LuraTech Imaging GmbH
- Last updated: September 16th, 2010

DeployMaster is a program that allows you to distribute your Windows software or other computer files, via the Internet or on CD or DVD. The program creates small and fast self-extracting setups, ideal for downloadable software. Users can easily add or remove components by running the installation again, and create portable installations on removable devices, without administrator rights.
- Publisher: Just Great Software
- Home page: www.deploymaster.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

BB FlashBack SDK
BB FlashBack SDK provides an easy way to add screen recording, playback, editing and exporting to your applications. It offers a variety of recording technologies, so you'll be able to capture high fps movies at lossless image quality whatever the PC spec or operating system.
- Publisher: Blueberry Software
- Last updated: October 28th, 2015

Evolution Access 2010 Converter
The Evolution Access to VB.NET Converter converts Continuous Forms, Multi page tab pages, Unbound and Bound Forms, and ActiveX controls, such as the MS Date Picker. It will also convert Data Access code written using DAO into ADO.NET with a high degree of success.
- Publisher: Redbrook Technology
- Home page: www.redbrooktech.com
- Last updated: September 21st, 2014