Yahoo chat white board in Title/Summary

Sanmaxi Yahoo Messenger Chat Recovery (Evaluation)
With this program you can recover and decode all private messages like instant messages, conferences and mobile SMS conversation stored on your computer laptop notebook. With it you can easy decode other chat conversation messages archive .DAT files while internet offline and save the conversations data in RTF or Text File.
- Publisher: Sanmaxi IT Solution Pvt Ltd
- Last updated: January 10th, 2010

Chat Translator for YahooMessenger
Chat Translator for Yahoo! Messenger it can translate Yahoo! Messenger messages into English, French, German, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, and other 15 languages instantly.This real-time Yahoo! Messenger Chat Translator fully supports Yahoo! Messenger V9.0 and above.
- Publisher: DYC Software Studio
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

EatCam Webcam Recorder for Yahoo Messenger
EatCam Webcam Recorder for Yahoo Messenger is a reliable and free program for recording a video conversation on Yahoo Messenger. This application is really easy to use, regardless whether you are a experienced user or a beginner. Once you've installed it, you can use this piece of software to record any video that is streaming from your webcam.
- Publisher: EatCam
- Last updated: April 11th, 2010
Yahoo chat white board in Description

A Connect being a software product of high tech research by CEI, USA has a flexible architecture lending itself to easy and smooth customization. The adaptations can be made to address the changing demands and is capable of being used in specialized applications in various domains.
- Publisher: Trans Horizon Consulting PVT Ltd
- Last updated: May 7th, 2009

Yazak Chat
Yazakis a chat program that works on yahoo! and make chatting in yahoo chat rooms much more fun. Comes with 100's of nice features and is very user friendly. It is built with VB6 and designed for work in Windows Operating system platform. Downloading, using, and installing yazak chat client is free without any need of registration or anything else.
- Publisher: Yazakpro
- Last updated: July 31st, 2014

Y!Caddy is a 3rd party client for the Yahoo! Chat service with many features. It has dockable window elements, each part of the main window is it's own separate entity that can float or be docked anywhere inside the main window. Users can enjoy voice in PM like in previous version of Yahoo! Messenger.
- Publisher: Home-Town-Geek
- Last updated: November 5th, 2010

ClearPhone is a professional Video Conferencing Solution for Mac and Windows PCs. Features: - Multi-connect Group conferencing with Hi-Res "always clear" Video and Hi Fi Audio - Full and half duplex voice and video transmissions - File transfers with Post Document processing and group file sharing - Send and receive Streaming Audio and Video for online TV broadcasting
- Publisher: EducationTalk
- Last updated: January 21st, 2010

Interactive Panaboard Software
Interactive white-boards provide a cost effective and real-time global teleconferencing advantage. From Remote PC operation that lets you use an electronic pen like a mouse to email distribution of board notes, interactive white-boards offer all the options to keep ideas and information flowing.
- Publisher: Panasonic
- Last updated: March 16th, 2012
Additional Yahoo chat white board selection

WhiteBoard Draw is a drawing program which provides a wide range of editing tools and features to create or edit complex designs. You can draw with red, green, blue, and black markers. You may use the eraser to clean up the whiteboard. Right-click on the board to set a start point and then start typing.
- Publisher: Well-Crafted Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 13th, 2012

Digsby is a multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one simple to manage buddy list. Digsby is an email notification tool that alerts you of new email and lets you perform actions such as 'Delete' or 'Report Spam' with just one click.
- Publisher: dotSyntax, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

HomeMeeting JoinNet
To facilitate better team collaboration and to keep a better record of teamwork, a team leader can organize individual JoinNet users into several teams and ask them to discuss assignments or special topics using HomeMeeting, or submit their reports by using JoinNet recording files. All the users' online activities will be recorded and can be reviewed anytime, anywhere.
- Publisher: HomeMeeting
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2018

IM Bar
IM+ Bar is a feature-rich IM client for your browser. This extension is a spin-off of the IM+ Web Messenger. And like its origin it allows you to log in and chat with your buddies from MSN Live Messenger, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, MySpace, ICQ, Google Talk, Jabber and more.
- Publisher: FinamShape
- Last updated: March 1st, 2015

Anonymity 4 Proxy
Anonymity 4 Proxy stands between your browser and the Internet while browsing. This makes it to display websites see the IP address of the proxy server instead of your own IP address. A4Proxy fully supports HTTPS and FTP, so you will be able to logon to secure sites and FTP directories anonymously.
- Publisher: iNetPrivacy Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

YahElite is a system friendly chat client for use with Yahoo Chat Services. You can use it with, or instead of Yahoo Messenger™ as long as you don't login with the same account name in both. YahELite's Improved spam protection offers filters by name, text, wildcard ignores and 'bot' behavior. Boot resistance and resume session give you more control than ever before.
- Publisher: David J. Binette
- Home page:

Messenger Backup
Backup and restoring your favorite messengers (ICQ, AIM, Yahoo! and MSN) conversations, buddy list, received files, bookmark to a compressed file and much more! Messenger Backup also include a Scheduled Backup and Chat Logger features!
- Publisher: Troy Phillips
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

LanDetective Professional
LanDetective is an the all-in-one Internet usage monitoring solution. It acts like a network monitoring sleuth-hound sniffing every corner of your LAN and tracking all internet activity, including Instant Messaging (ICQ, Jabber, Yahoo Chat, Live Chat Messenger and more), Facebook, MySpace and many other online social networks together with emails.
- Publisher: LAN Detective Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Rogers Yahoo! Applications
Connect in real-time with friends by sending instant messages and sharing files. Plus IM with friends that use Windows Live™ Messenger! Features : - Instant message with one friend, or conference with a bunch - Rogers yahoo insider live from yahoo news
- Publisher: Yahoo! Inc.
- Last updated: September 26th, 2013

RICOH Interactive Whiteboard Client
RICOH Interactive Whiteboard Client can be used for sharing the display and annotation between RICOH IWB (Interactive Whiteboard) and Windows tablet/PC by Remote sharing function of IWB. This program can be installed in multiple PCs; this feature is useful for sharing the same board to all your students / conference attendees.
- Publisher: Ricoh Company, Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 30th, 2017