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Yahoo id location tracker software in Title/Summary

Excel Import Multiple Yahoo! Mail Emails Software

Excel Import Multiple Yahoo! Mail Emails Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to import many Yahoo! Mail emails into Excel. The following email fields can be brought in: Received Date, From, From Name, From Address, Subject and Body.

Tracker Software Sudoku To Go

Tracker Software Sudoku To Go

The object of Sudoku puzzles is to place the numerals 1 through 9 in a 9 x 9 grid so that each row, each column and each 3 x 3 grid contains each number one time only. It develop 800 puzzles with 4 difficulty levels, 600 additional puzzles available in free puzzle packs, can save incomplete puzzles and more.

Tracker Software PDF Xchange V100

Tracker Software PDF Xchange V100

PDF-XChange Standard acts as a virtual printer, but instead of the output going to paper in the conventional manner - it is captured and re-directed to create a fully compatible, Text Searchable, Adobe PDF File (subject to the source material being readable - image files remain non text-searchable).

Yahoo id location tracker software in Description

BulkQuotesXL Pro

BulkQuotesXL Pro

BulkQuotesXL Pro is an add-in for Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher, designed to help you download free quotes directly into your worksheets and automatically apply technical analysis functions to the downloaded data.

OpenArray Sample Tracker

OpenArray Sample Tracker

The OpenArray Sample Tracker Software helps you easily track your samples. Enter sample information for the 96-well reaction plate into the Sample Tracker Software and program automatically maps the sample information to the appropriate locations in the OpenArray 384-Well Sample Plate, providing a pipetting guide and the TaqMan OpenArray plates, for your records.

Trimble Installation Manager

Trimble Installation Manager

Trimble Installation Manager allows you to install and update supported software on various Trimble devices. You can update receiver firmware, options, and radio settings for the connected Trimble R8s or R9s receiver; update receiver firmware for the connected Trimble R2 or R10 receiver, and more.

  • Publisher: Trimble Navigation Ltd
  • Home page: www.trimble.com
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2019
PDF-XChange Standard

PDF-XChange Standard

Tracker Software’s best-selling virtual printer, PDF-XChange Standard, is the ultimate application for the creation and virtual printing of industry-standard PDF files. It’s compatible with files from almost all Windows applications, such as Word, Excel and AutoCAD, and features an optimized engine for superb conversion of images and image-based text characters. The files it creates are surprisingly small, given their quality – allowing for faster uploads/downloads, a reduction in storage space and increased data retention.



Winclear is an Internet history eraser that protects your Internet privacy by cleaning up all tracks of your Internet and computer activity. Completely erase the contents of sensitive files and folders that you specify.

  • Publisher: WinClear
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008

Additional Yahoo id location tracker software selection

Tracker Software PDF-XChange Professional

Tracker Software PDF-XChange Professional

The Worlds best general purpose PDF creation and manipulation Tool just got better! PDF-XChange PRO offers all the features of the PDF-XChange Standard version PDF writer and comes bundled with our flexible and extensive all purpose tool for PDF creation and modification - PDF-Tools.

  • Publisher: Tracker software
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2012
PDF-XChange PDF Viewer

PDF-XChange PDF Viewer

Though it’s a free PDF viewer, it comes with a lot of additional options and features that it will surely please a lot of users. Furthermore, it doesn’t only offer view-related options and functions, like zooming and rotating the pages, adding bookmarks, choosing different view modes, using handy navigation tools, and so on, but it also offers powerful editing and management features.

PDF-XChange Editor

PDF-XChange Editor

Comprehensive PDF Viewing File manipulation, OCR, Security, Multimedia comments, Spellchecker, XFA, Import Directly from XPS and other support formats, Scan, Sharepoint, Convert to/from Poverpoint

  • Publisher: PDF-XChange Co. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.pdf-xchange.com
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2024
PDF-XChange Pro

PDF-XChange Pro

Actually three tools in one, PDF-XChange Pro includes a fully-customizable PDF virtual printing (PDF-XChange Standard), a state-of-the-art PDF editor (PDF-XChange Editor Plus), and a versatile set of PDF-related utilities called PDF-Tools. Given the wide scope covered by PDF-XChange Pro, you’ll find it hard to spot an action that you cannot perform on your PDF files using this tool.

  • Publisher: Tracker Software Products Ltd
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
Tracker Software PDF-Tools

Tracker Software PDF-Tools

With pdf-tools you don't need an expensive duplex scanner! All you need to do is scan the odd pages into a single pdf, flip the pages over and then scan the even pages into a single pdf (the order is backwards but read on). Then with pdf-tools (split/merge), reverse the order of the pdf with the even pages, split the odd page pdf to separate pages



All you will ever need to Create, view, edit/modify and print Adobe PDF files, Export PDF pages and files to Image Formats, Type on PDF pages and much much more. From the authors of PDF-XChange product line - Developer SDK available

PDF-XChange Lite

PDF-XChange Lite

PDF-XChange Lite can help you create PDF documents from virtually any program that supports printing. Thus, it is a sort of universal X-to-PDF converter. As many other tools of its type, it works by installing a virtual printer. Therefore, the tool is not more difficult to use than a real printer; you just need to go to the Print command and pick PDF-XChange Lite as printer.

Word Search Puzzles

Word Search Puzzles

Word Search Puzzles has options to save a partially completed puzzle for solving later on and to print a copy of the puzzle for solving elsewhere. Puzzle playing options include the ability to play the puzzle with the word list hidden, to change the color and font for both the grid and word list, to receive a word hint, to change the circle method, or to see the entire solution.



PDF-XChange installs onto your system as a 'Virtual' printer allowing you to 'print' your document/Image from any Windows application to any of the industry standard Raster format's supported (see below) - rather than paper. your document will be saved to a fully compatible industry standard CCIT grp 3/4 compressed multi page TIFF file if that is your need.



Rocanda Land Tracker software will allow you to convert any LSD location in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Manitoba into a corresponding latitude/longitude coordinate. which you can then input into mapping software such as Garmin's Mapsource products, or OziExplorer.