Yaric lol in Title/Summary

Welcome to Yaric, Yet Another Recommended Items Customizer for League of Legends. Yaric allows to change recommended items for any champion you want, so it much easier to access your favourite items during the game. Yaric is free-to-use software, you don't have to pay anything to use it. Although, please consider donating some money equal, at least, to price of a beer in your country.
- Publisher: Yaric
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011

LoL-Starter is a program for the League of Legends (an MMORPG game). It allows you to play on Europe and US servers. The program is very small. It is only used to change the settings file of LoL client program. After running, you can just delete the program.
- Publisher: LoL-Starter
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2012

LoL Mastery Manager
LoL Mastery Manager is a tool for managing mastery pages in League of Legends. This program can work in the menus and during champion select, download mastery pages from Champion.gg, and automatically assign mastery points based on selected champion and role.
- Publisher: Marshall Bowers
- Home page: github.com
- Last updated: August 31st, 2016
Yaric lol in Description

LoLReplay is a handy tool developed by independent developers to record your past League of Legends matches. The program works in the background, recording every game that you play, so you don't have to worry about pushing any 'record' button. It also offers the ability to create an account to which you can upload your replay files, to be accessed on other computers.
- Publisher: leaguereplays
- Last updated: December 27th, 2015

Pingzapper is a simple-to-use yet effective and powerful solution to improve the speed and quality of your Internet connection for your online games. More exactly, it lowers the pings in your online games, and that's quite a big deal, as every avid gamer knows that the high ping issue is a ubiquitous problem that every online game faces,
- Publisher: Pingzapper
- Home page: pingzapper.com
- Last updated: September 30th, 2016

LSI - LoL Summoner Information
LSI (LoL Summoner Information) is a tool that shows detailed summoner statistics and complete death recaps in League of Legends game. You can thus learn from your past games and their in-depth statistics. All death recaps are available for the entire duration of the game.
- Publisher: Aequus Gaming Ltd.
- Home page: www.leaguelsi.com
- Last updated: October 31st, 2015

Clean Master For PC
Clean Master for PC is the Windows version of Android's popular optimization app, which provides higher release of computer memory, optimize the configuration environment and other optimal solution.
- Publisher: Cheetah Mobile Singapore Pte. Ltd.
- Home page: www.cleanmasterofficial.com
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2017

Item Set Creator
Item Set Creator is a program which creates a set of recommended Items for you. All the item builds come from the LoL Item Optimizer program. This program only extracts text files to your League of Legends folder. This program does not contain Ads, automatic updates, or any other installations.
- Publisher: InvertedComposer
- Last updated: September 30th, 2016
Additional Yaric lol selection

LoL Stream Browser
LoL Stream Browser is a browser extension that allows you to browse and watch League of Legends live streams. The extension displays the currently live streams in a handy drop down within Chrome. You can mark streams as favorites and receive alerts when they're live.
- Publisher: Kyle Schouviller
- Home page: chrome.google.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2015

LoL Skins Viewer is a League of Legends companion app that allows you to check which skins you own on your account. You must have both the League of Legends Client (must be LCU) and this app open at the same time and the main screen will be populated with all your skins.
- Publisher: LeagueDevelopers
- Last updated: July 27th, 2017

LolMatches Client
LolMatches Client is a program that will log all your matches and upload them to the website. The application allows you to track all your stats by establishing a connection with your League of Legends account. Your stats will appear in your MolMatches profile.
- Publisher: LolMatches
- Last updated: April 12th, 2013

LolBob2 is a very simple game in which you must stay alive as much as you can without being eaten by your enemies. Your score increases as you remain alive and you can get more by eating stars. The enemies will be constantly moving around trying to eat you. As you progress in the game, there will be more enemies to avoid and they will move faster and faster.
- Publisher: Falco Software, Inc.
- Last updated: July 27th, 2011

Ginger Grammar and Spell Check Extension
Ginger is easy to configure and use, but first-time users may want to run the program's tutorials. Ginger is capable of creating lessons and quizzes based on your errors unlike other spell checkers, which are happy to let you go on making the same.
- Publisher: Ginger Software, Inc
- Home page: www.gingersoftware.com
- Last updated: November 10th, 2016