Young children xvideos page 1 in Title/Summary
Time Tracker
Time Tracker teaches young children how to tell time using an analog clock. There are ten educational levels ranging from simple hour hand manipulation to complex double-digit subtraction.
- Publisher: Pocket Tutor
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2009
Cheesy Chess
Cheesy Chess is a fun and colorful program that introduces young children to chess! Cheesy teaches your child the "Setup Song" which teaches your toddler how to set up a chess board! The program is very simple to use so your child also gains experience practicing using a computer program! Make Cheesy Chess part of your child's daily routine.
- Publisher: MouseBed
- Last updated: July 8th, 2008
Athletes is a simple educational application designed for familiarizing young children with the different categories of sports. The animated and nice colored images keep their attention, so that they will accumulate the new information without effort. They will learn more about baseball, basketball, tennis, swimming, skying, golf, chess, football, and many other sports.
- Publisher: HiYah
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 20th, 2010
Young children xvideos page 1 in Description
One goal of KidPad is to enable children to create non-linear stories to express their thoughts visually, in a more natural way than linear storytelling allows. Certain tools in KidPad encourage collaboration because they enable two children to perform a task that they would be unable to perform alone. KidPad also provides expressive storytelling tools for young children .
- Publisher: HCIL
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 10th, 2008
It is never too soon for children to begin learning how to use a computer. Rub-a-Dub is designed for young children who are just beginning to master the hand-to-eye coordination necessary to use a mouse. Rub-a-Dub also teaches basic computer skills and prepares children for more advanced painting and drawing products.
- Publisher: Arts & Letters Corporation.
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Seeds of Sorcery
In Seeds of Sorcery the action takes place in a fictitious land called Sorceria.You (the main hero) travel with your teacher Alina all over the land. You must solve a great deal of puzzles which are set by the imps (fairy tale creatures). In order to survive in the game, the hero must cope with the Seeds of Sorcery, which threaten to overwhelm him.
- Publisher: Bigfish Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Webetiser Puzzle Browser
Jigetiser Puzzle Browser is a collection of beautiful jigsaw puzzles, developed by the German company rainer eschen It consists of ten puzzle packages each containing ten puzzle games in five different levels of difficulty, which makes a total of fifty puzzles per package.
- Publisher: rainer eschen
- Last updated: April 24th, 2008
Coloring book
This is a coloring book for your child. Your child can color the contours as his imagination allows. This game develops the concept of color, fantasy and perseverance.
- Publisher: Falco Software Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Young children xvideos page 1 selection
Magic Jigsaw
Magic Jigsaw features a good number of classic jigsaw games, that guarantees fun for all your family. It includes more than ten beautiful photographs and the possibility of transforming your own pictures into a new jigsaw game. The full version of Magic Jigsaw is absolutely free.
- Publisher: Media Contact LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Shape Collage
Shape Collage certainly has a descriptive name. This tool can create a collage out of multiple pictures and organize them in a given pattern. The program is so intuitive that it can be used by any type of user, including young children. However, it is a shame that it does not have an attractive interface, even more, considering its purpose.
- Publisher: Shape Collage Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 19th, 2018
FMSLogo is a IDE for programming in Logo language. This program has an easy-to-use interface that encourages learning, especially for young children. You can easily run and control your code using its command buttons such as Execute, Halt, Pause, Step, and Reset.
- Publisher: FMSlogo
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2018
An educational game for young children. MyABCs familiarizes children with the English alphabet and a keyboard. Its a very good learning tool with different modes in witch to learn such as : the alphabet mode - The first icon on the left is the Alphabet Mode. Press the letter on the keyboard that is displayed on the screen to cycle through the English alphabet.
- Publisher: Jordan Irwin
- Last updated: October 10th, 2010
ABC Fun is an educational computer game designed by psychologists for toddlers and preschoolers. ABC Fun is designed to assist young children in learning the letters of the alphabet as well as improve their vocabulary. In the process your child will also learn to use the keyboard and/or mouse, improve hand-eye coordination, all while having fun.
- Publisher: Dejan Nakarada-Kordic
- Last updated: July 4th, 2010
DT Trainer
The DT Trainer was created based on methods developed to educate our most difficult to educate individuals: children with autism. The DT Trainer’s configurability also makes it beneficial for children with other learning disabilities, and even with typically developing but young children. Behavioral methods have been proven to be effective for teaching individuals including those with autism.
- Publisher: Accelerations Educational Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 1st, 2012
Plant This!
Plant This is a strategy (tower-defense, to be precise) game with a garden theme. Your army is made up of plants, and your goal is to prevent the insects from reaching the bottom of the defended area. Different plants - as well as different insects - cost various amounts of money, which you spend on building your defenses.
- Publisher: Bigfish Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 28th, 2010
Bee-Bot Lesson Activities 3
Bee-Bot Lesson Activities 3 is a cross-curricular interactive program based on the popular Bee-Bot programmable floor robot. The resource is an excellent starting point for teaching control, directional language and simple programming to young children.
- Publisher: Focus Educational Software
- Last updated: February 28th, 2014
Kidsmenu is designed to be a child friendly alternative/replacement windows shell, and is also functional as a normal launcher/menu application. Kidsmenu avoids some of the complexity and danger introduced by the standard windows shell (explorer) when put in front of young children.
- Publisher: glob
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 20th, 2012
JigSaw 4000
Jigsaw 4000 is a collection of thirty jigsaw puzzles, with beautiful pictures of different thematics. Its full version has more than 100 new jigsaws and the chance of downloading new game packages. With average graphics and a basic level, this game may be fun only for beginners.
- Publisher: Amic Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2010