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Young einstein s mathematics in Title/Summary

Young Einstein Mathematics

Young Einstein Mathematics

Young Einstein Mathematics is a software for leaning mathematics at a primary level. It is perfect for children who want to practice their mathematic skills in a very interactive way. A lot of drawings will sure make your child more attracted by this software.

  • Publisher: Maths Practice Pty. Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2009


Enhanced programmable calculator

  • Publisher: Wustenrot
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2010
Vizual Einstein ME

Vizual Einstein ME

Vizual Einstein is an easy yet powerful and sophisticated visual manager of information and ideas for a research project, investigation, college term paper, journal article, book, screenplay, or essay. Vizual Einstein's intuitive search and hyperlink capabilities allow you to quickly store, classify, cross-reference, retrieve and collate information.

  • Publisher: AAD CONSULTING
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2009

Young einstein s mathematics in Description



The player takes over the role of a young magician's apprentice who competes with the grumpy witch Myrgiana, who gives him math problems and puzzles to solve. Besides these tasks Mathemagus features always different sudokus, picture puzzles and the Magusmemo. Great fun for the entire family!

  • Publisher: Angry Ant Entertainment
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2008
Mouse Math

Mouse Math

Mouse Math is a verbal mathematics drill program that gradually uncovers whimsical photographs as answers to spoken problems are clicked with a mouse. Setup options allow you to select problem ranges appropriate for young children, older kids and teens.

  • Publisher: Hufsoft
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2011


As a teaching tool, you will be able to: - Explain how the plots are generated. - Show that the mathematics of analysis is easy to use if the data and theory are perfect. - Show that the mathematics of analysis is sensitive to data error, resulting in biased results. - Show that the mathematics of analysis is sensitive to regression method choice, resulting in biased results.

  • Publisher: Alfisol, LLC
  • Home page: alfisol.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2016
PocketBible Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

PocketBible Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

The PocketBible Young’s Literal Translation (YLT) 1.0 is a plug-in program for the PocketBible for Windows application that provides users with a virtual library with which they can store their collection of PocketBibles, Books, and other bible study materials. This plug-in is part of that collection.

Multiplication Game

Multiplication Game

Multiplication Game is a free-to-use game for primary school children. The game is all about multiplication tables. Memorizing multiplication tables is difficult but also is necessary for basic education. Some children hate mathematics because it is difficult to memorize tables, but this game helps to develop interest in maths.

  • Publisher: ShaPlus Software
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Additional Young einstein s mathematics selection

Microsoft Mathematics

Microsoft Mathematics

Microsoft Mathematics provides a set of mathematical tools that help students get school work done quickly and easily. With Microsoft Mathematics, students can learn to solve equations step-by-step while gaining a better understanding of fundamental concepts in pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, and calculus.

Mushroom Age

Mushroom Age

In “Mushroom Age” you’ll be representing a young woman, girlfriend of the assistant of a weird German professor, Einstein style, named Einlock. This young woman is looking for her missing husband because they are supposed to get married in two days. Beyond the story, the game could be categorized into the “seek & find” category.

Angela Young's Dream Adventure

Angela Young's Dream Adventure

One day Angela thought she was falling asleep but ended up in a mysterious dark forest... What was she doing there and would she find her way home? Maybe a light she saw in the distance will help her find the answers! Packed with colorful scenes, original mini-games and different ways of finding objects, this adventure will entertain you for hours!

  • Publisher: PlayFirst, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2011
SpeQ Mathematics

SpeQ Mathematics

SpeQ Math is essentially a powerful, math calculation program that comes with about 1000 built-in math/physical/conditional constants&about 60 functions covering almost all the areas of math&statistics. It can save the detailed calculation and retrieve/modify it later.

  • Publisher: SpeQ Mathematics
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2010
Angela Young 2 - Escape the Dreamscape

Angela Young 2 - Escape the Dreamscape

Angela Young 2 - Escape the Dreamscape is an ingenious puzzle game. Angela Young is stranded in the treacherous and mysterious Dreamscape! With help from wizard calling himself the Keeper of Dreams, she was able to progress through the dangerous maze, but still has not found her missing cat, Felix.

  • Publisher: Big Fish Games, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2011
Symphony Mathematics

Symphony Mathematics

A Simple Solution to a Difficult Problem. Many students struggle with math because they rely on arbitrary memorization techniques to answer specific questions. With this approach, students do not gain a substantive understanding of fundamentals and simply cannot adjust to more sophisticated problem solving. With Symphony Math, these problems are resolved.

  • Publisher: Symphony Learning, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2012


Mathematics V10 (Math V10) is great educational software covering the fundamentals of Math/computer programming. It is primarily intended for math students at high-school level; it is offered free for them. Commercial users need to buy it. You can easily learn over 300 basic math topics as well as BASIC programming using Math V10 because of its easy-to-use visual interface.

  • Publisher: eptsoft Limited
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2010
Bettergrades Mathematics Quiz

Bettergrades Mathematics Quiz

Bettergrades offers our students a wide-range of education programs. Choose programs that best suit your needs. All programs come complete with model answers, automated marking and full feature performance analysis report. Designed for students aged 7 - 9 in Primary 1 - 3. Over 1500 challenging Maths quizzes and problem sums for practise.

  • Publisher: Bettergrades
  • Last updated: May 2nd, 2008
Crocodile Mathematics

Crocodile Mathematics

Crocodile Mathematics is user-friendly mathematical modeling software for secondary school geometry and numeracy. Using this modeling software you will calculate the formulas using visual components. The software is easy to use based on its graphical yet intuitive interface.

  • Publisher: Crocodile Clips Ltd
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
Young Indiana Jones Instrumentof Chaos

Young Indiana Jones Instrumentof Chaos

Young Indiana Jones, a secret agent, is the only one who can stop the Germans from building a Doomsday Zeppelin, which will contain many powerful weapons.So, with the help of the keyboard/mouse, you must help Youngm Indiana Jones to accomplish these missions. The only resources you have are a pistol and two grenades, but it also has the option to swing his whips.