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Zed bull in Title/Summary



Zed-BULL is a multi purpose transponder programmer tool. It can identify all type of transponders used in vehicle immobiliser systems, It can clone transponders, programme transponder from immobiliser units, programme transponder and remotes via OBD II port and it can generate dealer keys from blank transponders. With these features it is a unique transponder device in THE WORLD!!!.

Civil War Bull Run

Civil War Bull Run

Civil War Bull Run Take Command 1861is what the industry is calling today a garage game A game created by a group of individuals on their own time using their own resources with no external funding from publishers or investors. The goal was to create a fun real time war game. You follow all the rules and use the weapons, strategies, and tactics of the Civil War.

  • Publisher: MadMinute Games, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 4th, 2008
Bull N Bearish

Bull N Bearish

Bull 'N' Bearish is a stock exchange analysis tool. Stock technical analysis focuses on historical price patterns and volume characteristics to predict the future. Technical analysis is concerned with the history of trading and price in a stock. Technical analysts believe that a stock market price reveals all the known/needed information about the stock.

  • Publisher: H P Info Systems

Zed bull in Description

Big Head Zed

Big Head Zed

The magneto balls are all over the place! Guide Zed through 120 decks on six spaceships. Dozens of unique balls and objects are in the way, working together to create obstacles that only your big human brain can get beyond.

  • Publisher: Gearhand Studios
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2010


ZED SDK allows you to build spatially-aware mobile apps that capture and understand your environment. You can integrate depth and motion sensing technology for your VR/AR and autonomous robotic applications using supported ZED cameras. The ZED SDK requires an NVIDIA GPU with a Compute Capability > 2.

Bull's-Eye Broker

Bull's-Eye Broker

Bull's-Eye Broker is an advanced software package which constructs and maintains stock market Point & Figure Charts. Bull's-Eye Broker is the only software package for the serious point and figure chartist and is also the ideal companion for other technical charting software.

  • Publisher: Archer Analysis
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2008
Red Bull Air Race

Red Bull Air Race

Red Bull Air Race is a free-to-play flight simulator for Windows OS. Main features: - 6 original Red Bull Air Race World Championship race tracks plus one fantasy track. - Fly all 13 different race plane models including the original Red Bull Air Race race planes.

  • Publisher: Wingracers Sports Games GmbH & Co. KG
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016


The Basic System or ZED 26, is a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) guidance system which is designed and manufactured by ZED, for use on straight or simple designed tunnel alignments that may include large radius curves. The principle of operation is based on a standard tunnelling laser mounted parallel to the designed axis.

  • Publisher: ZED Tunnel Guidance
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2012

Additional Zed bull selection

Zed Axis

Zed Axis

Zed Axis makes it easy to import, export, modify, and delete transactions and lists from text, IIF, or Excel spreadsheets directly into your QuickBooks desktop, QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks POS company file. Axis supports all major sales transactions from Estimates through to Invoices, purchase type transactions from Purchase Orders through to Checks & Bills as well as journals.

OWASP Zed Attack Proxy

OWASP Zed Attack Proxy

OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) can find security vulnerabilities in your web applications while you are developing and testing. It is ideal for developers and functional testers who are new to penetration testing. It contains automated scanners as well as a set of tools that allow you to find security vulnerabilities manually.

  • Publisher: OWASP ZAP
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2017
Zed! Free

Zed! Free

Use Zed! encrypted containers to protect your file transports regardless of the method used (email attachment, USB stick, removable device, file transfer, etc.). .zed containers are like "diplomatic suitcases" because they contain sensitive information only their recipients are authorised to read.

  • Publisher: Prim'X
  • Home page: www.primx.eu
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2014


BullGuard is an intuitive anti-virus and internet security application. The program helps you protect your computer from unwanted hackers and identity thieves. The Firewall protects you against network attacks and prevents cyber crooks from entering your system.

  • Publisher: BullGuard Ltd.
  • Home page: www.bullguard.com
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2020
Zed! Limited Edition

Zed! Limited Edition

This version can be used for opening encrypted containers and working on the content, in order to send subsequently an encrypted response. In order to allow users to exchange Zed! encrypted containers with outside contacts, Prim’X Technologies provides for use by anyone a free and multiple-platform version called Zed! Limited Edition".

  • Publisher: Prim'X Technologies
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2009
BullGuard Antivirus

BullGuard Antivirus

BullGuard Antivirus is a program that gives you several levels of protection. The first is, of course, the Antivirus feature, that offers three different types of scans. Also, the program has a Vulnerabilities monitor, a Game Booster, and other self-explanatory functions such as Firewall, Backup, PC Tune-Up, Parental Control, Security Browser, and BullGuard VPN.

  • Publisher: BullGuard Ltd.
  • Home page: www.bullguard.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
BullGuard Premium Protection

BullGuard Premium Protection

Bullguard Premium Protection protects our system from different fronts. It has Antivirus and Firewall functions, and Parental Control. It also has a PC Tuneup feature with useful functions. It also has a home network scan and a game booster that optimizes your system to play online games. It also lets you create a system backup and monitor your web browser's activity.

  • Publisher: BullGuard Ltd.
  • Home page: www.bullguard.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021
Hidden Mysteries Civil War

Hidden Mysteries Civil War

The civil war between the Union and Confederate armies was a bloody and turbulent chapter of American history, and one that Gunnar Games and GameMill attempt to capture in the seek-and-find adventure Hidden Mysteries - Civil War.While a narrative chock full of historical details should be enough to intrigue those with an interest in the time period.

  • Publisher: Gunnar Games
  • Last updated: October 4th, 2008
Hddb File Search

Hddb File Search

Hddb File Search is a file search tool for Windows computers. The program can quickly locate files and/or folders by name, and basic file operations can be applied to the results. The program's database must be built manually. It will not auto scan file changes on startup.

  • Publisher: hddb.xp-zed.com
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2021


AptiStock is the free stock market analysis software for every level of stock market traders. It helps traders to be more success in the stock market trading by helping the traders to know when is the right timing to enter the market and when to avoid trading so that to preserve the hard earn money when the market is changing trend.

  • Publisher: AptiStock
  • Home page: www.aptistock.com
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2009