Zip compression ratio calculator in Title/Summary

Compression Ratio Calculator
Computer Program to Calculate Compression Ratio, Boring, Stroking and Other Common Engine Building Dimensions. Compression Ratio Calculator is probably the most detailed compression ratio calculator program available. Calculating compression ratio, cylinder volume, and engine displacement from a variety of different inputs.
- Publisher: Performance Trends Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Gear Ratio Calculator
Gear Ratio Calculator is an application which tells you the attainable speed for each gear at any given engine rpm value. This application has its use when you are trying to adjust the setup of the gears with the gear ratios. This application helps in adjusting your gear by letting you know the speed at the time of gear shifts.
- Publisher: Bob Smith
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

LFS Gear Ratio Calculator
LFS Gear Ratio Calculator is an application that lets you input the gear ratios from your setup and tells you a little bit more information about them, such as the speeds attainable in each gear at any engine RPM (typically at the engine RPM you change gear). The idea is to set up the gear ratios in the setup a little less trial and error guesswork, and a little more fact.
- Publisher: Bob Smith
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2011
Zip compression ratio calculator in Description

Reasonable Archiver
We have no room for 2; best compression ratio and efficiency by removing duplicate files within compression archive.
- Publisher: NoClone (Free Edition)
- Last updated: November 5th, 2009

KGB Archiver
KGB Archiver is the most powerful file compressor known, which can handle zip files, in addition to its own format, KGB. It has an interface that works as a wizard, adds its options to the Windows Explorer, and shows the statistics after compressing / decompressing.
- Publisher: Tomasz Pawlak
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

Vallen Zipper
Vallen Zipper allows you to open, generate and extract compressed zip files, supporting both ZIP and ZIP64 format files. You can directly drag and drop the files from the Explorer to the Vallen Zipper's main window. You can test the file integrity, split a zipped file, and convert a split archive.
- Publisher: Vallen Systeme GmbH
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

Easy 7-Zip
Easy 7-Zip is an open source file decompression and compression application that offers a high compression ratio and supports a large variety of archive formats. It's in fact an improved version of another open source archiver, the more popular 7-Zip utility. It adds some handy extra features to 7-zip which result in a bit handier and more easy-to-use application.
- Publisher: James Hoo
- Last updated: May 27th, 2017

Archiwizator Zip Standard
Self-Extracting Archives. The application allows to choose a compression ratio and provides basic options concerning the save file path as well as the type of the file. Additionally, the program offers a network drive connection and has a built-in FTP Client. Apart from the default ZIP compression, the program allows users to extract files .
- Publisher: Zenon Mieszkuniec
- Last updated: November 28th, 2010
Additional Zip compression ratio calculator selection

Based on the LZ77 algorithm, both LZMA and LZMA2 compression techniques provide an excellent data compression ratio. 7-Zip uses these compression methods to create archives in the 7z format protected with AES-256 encryption, though it supports any compression, conversion, and encryption method.
- Publisher: Igor Pavlov
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 15th, 2024

ASPack is an advanced solution created to provide Win32 EXE file packing and to protect them against non-professional reverse engineering.
- Publisher: StarForce Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 16th, 2018

Hamster Free ZIP Archiver
If looking for a free archive tool that opens a wide variety of archive files and that is capable of creating ZIP and 7-Zip files easily, Hamster Free ZIP Archiver is a very interesting option to consider. It opens and extracts the files of a long list of image and archive file formats, including RAR, TAR, ARJ, ISO, and IMG, among many others.
- Publisher: HAMSTERSoft
- Last updated: November 6th, 2020

Win-Ace is a great tool to use if you're looking for a compression that deflates your files in a high speed but leaves plenty of air in the compressed file. You can depend on this tool to be your only archiver you need as it's different from the other archiving shells, with its own strong compression format and built in support for other well known files such as (ZIP, RAR, MS-CAB).
- Publisher: e-merge GmbH
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2013

WinZip Courier
WinZip Courier allows you to encrypt and send large files through e-mail. It integrates with various e-mail clients, including MS Outlook, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail,, Office 365. and Zoho. For files that are too large to e-mail after they have been zipped, Courier automatically uploads them to ZipShare.
- Publisher: WinZip Computing, S.L.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 14th, 2022

Bitser is a powerful tool that lets you manage archives and backup files of various types, including popular ones like ZIP, 7-ZIP, EXE, RAR, ISO, MSI, TAR, and so on. Anyway, it supports most of these formats only for extraction, as for creating new archives it can handle only the ZIP, 7-ZIP and self-extracting EXE output types.
- Publisher: Bitser
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 30th, 2015

RAR to ZIP Converter
Being a native format of the WinRAR archiver, RAR files may be hard to handle if you don’t happen to have the right program for the task. RAR to ZIP Converter allows you to transform “inaccessible” RAR files into the more accessible ZIP file, widely used and recognized by most archive-related tools. This free tool is (probably) the simplest way of converting RAR archives into compressed ZIP files.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: January 19th, 2014

CamStudio Lossless Codec
Lossless Codec is a CamStudio codec that allows you to produce crystal clear results with a much smaller filesize compared with other more popular codecs, like Microsoft Video 1. Lossless Codec provides two algorithms: LZO (fast encoding used for screen capture) and GZIP (slower but produces a better compression ratio).
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 10th, 2008

WinArchiver lets you create, open, and manage all kinds of archives and disc images including ZIP, RAR, WIM, DAA, NRG. It also comes with a virtual DVD ROM where you can mount disc images and archives; this provides a more convenient way to access files in archives, without extracting them.
- Publisher: Power Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SyncBackSE can help you back up your personal data files on your home computer. A single license lets you install this program on 5 devices and synchronize data between them. You can also sync data to external drives, network location, and FTP servers.
- Publisher: 2BrightSparks Pte. Ltd.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024