2x client shows blank screen in Title/Summary

Mihov Blank Screen
The application tests different aspects of a monitor in order to establish if it's broken. Users can select their own default colors to test the screen. The default screen color can also be selected and it will be used every time the program is started automatically.
- Publisher: Miha Psenica & Mihov
- Home page: www.mihov.com
- Last updated: July 11th, 2012

OfficeOne Screen Saver
OfficeOne Screen Saver is a multi-monitor screen saver that allows you to display different PowerPoint slide shows on different monitors simultaneously. It allows you to use all PowerPoint features like animations, transitions, video embedding and other features as screen saver.
- Publisher: OfficeOne
- Home page: officeone.mvps.org
- Last updated: February 20th, 2014

Super Blank
Offered as a courtesy to our knowledgeable users, Super Blank blanks discs that other software will not. Effective and extremely easy to use, this program consists of an executable and a help file that provides some version information and credits.
- Publisher: InfinaDyne
- Home page: www.infinadyne.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008
2x client shows blank screen in Description

SelamSoft Amharic-English Dictionary
This program is an Amharic-English and English-Amharic dictionary. Its use is very simple. You only need to write or copy-paste the word you want to translate and click on the corresponding flag.The translation will appear on the lower panel. The trial version has a limited amount of words. If you want to add the full list of words and other features, you need to purchase the full version.
- Publisher: SelamSoft Inc.
- Home page: www.amharicdictionary.com
- Last updated: December 30th, 2016

iBackup Extractor
iBackup Extractor lets you explore and retrieve lost data from your iTunes backup files of iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. It can access contats, calendars, photos, Internet browsing history, call logs, notes, SMS messages, iMessages, voice mails, and other data from the backup.
- Publisher: Wide Angle Software Ltd
- Home page: www.wideanglesoftware.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Minutes Matter Studio
This graphic design software allows you to begin with an easy-to-use template instead of a blank screen. The drag and drop functionality lets your client easily visualize the art, appliances, furniture, window treatments, or anything else you wish to add to the design. Professionally designed 2D CAD illustrations make the entire process as easy as clicking a mouse.
- Publisher: Minutes Matter Solutions
- Home page: www.minutesmatter.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2016

ImageMatics StillMotion PE
ImageMatics PE Slide Show Software is the best way to show and share your digital images. With PE Slide Show Software, it's very easy to create slide shows, screen savers, auto run CD ROM, self-playing shows, web pages and SWF (Flash) files. StillMotion PE Slide Show Software the essential photo slide show software tool for your digital imaging.
- Publisher: ImageMat!cs
- Home page: www.imagematics.com
- Last updated: July 7th, 2008

B&R VNC Viewer
B&R VNC Viewer is a program that can be used to remotely control another computer where VNC Server is running. The viewer shows the screen contents of a remote computer (server) on a local computer (client) and can also send keyboard and mouse signals between them.
- Publisher: Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.
- Last updated: June 17th, 2015
Additional 2x client shows blank screen selection

Video Convert Master
A common error you might get while trying to watch videos on your PC, iPhone or iPad is the inability of the video player to load a unsupported movie format. Video Convert Master helps you with this issue by allowing you to convert your films to various video formats.
- Publisher: McFunSoft Inc.
- Last updated: February 21st, 2011

Krisan Cafe Client
Krisan Cafe Client is a program that helps Internet Cafe owners grow their business by providing reliable, multi-purpose, easy to use and secured timer and billing solution. It records the time in, total time with the charges and displays them both on the client and server screen. You can also add unlimited devices for rent in your Internet Cafe and Cyber Cafe shop.
- Publisher: Alexander Prado
- Last updated: October 26th, 2014

Simple Family Tree
Simple Family Tree is a program that enables you to create and view a family tree. You will be able to display ancestors and descendants of any selected individual, entering notes, events, a second name, and marriage details for each individual. The program can read and write files in Gedcom format, so you´ll be able to import/export family trees.
- Publisher: JDMCox Software
- Home page: jdmcox.com
- Last updated: May 30th, 2017

ACD FotoAngelo
Whether you want to get the whole family together in one room and impress them with a slide show of your latest vacation or send your slide show to a far away relative, ACD FotoAngelo slide show software and screen saver creator can make it happen.
- Publisher: ACD Systems
- Last updated: April 12th, 2008

CathexisVision Client
CathexisVision is an IP video management software for your business. The program integrates various security and business solutions into a centralized video management solution. It features the ability to record all the activity of a client's computer screen as a virtual camera; advanced analytics for movement and object detection, loitering, speed, and line-crossing, and more.
- Publisher: Cathexis Technologies (Pty) Ltd.
- Last updated: January 17th, 2017

Ascendo Photos
Ascendo Photos, Image Manager for BlackBerry, allows you to find photos on you PC, edit them in a BlackBerry emulator, then transfer them from your desktop to your BlackBerry via data cable or Bluetooth.Once transferred to you BlackBerry, you can display slide shows, create screen savers, set background images, view thumbnails, send images by email and lots more.
- Publisher: Ascendo
- Home page: www.ascendo-inc.com
- Last updated: April 8th, 2008

AntiSpye is a freeware utility for Windows that allows us to view any document, website, blog, project, etc. without worrying that somebody could spy on us. Whenever we notice someone coming near, we just move the mouse to any of the pre-specified corners. The previously selected overlay (pitch black, a PNG image, or a screensaver) will automatically cover our screen completely.
- Publisher: Xander Zerge
- Last updated: September 1st, 2008

Picture Window
Picture Window is a full-featured 32-bit electronic darkroom program. It can be used to import photographs into the computer, enhance them using a comprehensive set of image editing tools, and then create high quality prints, multimedia slide shows, photo screen savers, and more. Its features include perspective correction, color balancing, precise brightness, contrast, and saturation adjustment, retouching (cloning, painting, speck removal, smudge, etc.), filtering, compositing, resizing, tinting B&W images, creating photo calendars, converting color images to B&W, sharpening and unsharp masking, blurring, advanced mask creation tools, printing (including poster-size output), TWAIN support, text overlays, page layout, file browser, special effects, monitor calibration, support for standard CC and Wratten filter designations, and support for all standard image file formats.
- Publisher: Digital Light & Color
- Home page: www.dl-c.com
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

EyeCare application appears in system tray and keeps reminding to take short break for relaxing eyes after every rest time interval. It displays a blank screen enforcing rest for some time. User can enable/disable rest enforcement as needed. It has a simple menu, that allows users to set the rest interval time and the rest time duration.
- Publisher: dhillarun
- Last updated: January 26th, 2010

River Past Windows Mobile Presenter
Windows Mobile Presenter shows the screen from a connected SmartPhone or Pocket PC device, and allows you to capture the WM screen to a BMP or JPG file. It is ideal for Windows Mobile developers for demo and training purposes, and to take screenshot for documentation, help file, and website.
- Publisher: River Past Corporation
- Last updated: May 25th, 2010