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Ez grabber blank screen in Title/Summary

Mihov Blank Screen

Mihov Blank Screen

The application tests different aspects of a monitor in order to establish if it's broken. Users can select their own default colors to test the screen. The default screen color can also be selected and it will be used every time the program is started automatically.

  • Publisher: Miha Psenica & Mihov
  • Home page: www.mihov.com
  • Last updated: July 11th, 2012
BlackBall Screen Grabber

BlackBall Screen Grabber

Screen Grabber is an easy-to-use screenshot & printscreen editor. Screen Grabber automatically loads when you press the printscreen (PrtSc) button on your keyboard, or you may access it via the system tray by clicking the black Screen Grabber icon.

  • Publisher: BlackBall Software
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2010
Screen Grabber Pro

Screen Grabber Pro

AceThinker Screen Grabber Pro provides comprehensive functions for making real-time screen recording along with sound, camera, etc. It also helps create screenshots with flexible modes.

  • Publisher: AceThinker
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Ez grabber blank screen in Description



BossComing allows you to display the screen of a virtual PC when your boss is around. This way, you can hide what you were actually doing on your computer: your monitor will show the screen you were supposed to be visiting, instead of a suspicious blank screen.

  • Publisher: ctootc, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2011


BabySplat is a lifesaver for moms, dads, or big brothers trying to work at home with a computer. When the little intruders come along to the computer they definitely will attack your keyboard. They will be surprised when BabySplat starts popping up colorful shapes and play all kind of funny sounds.

  • Publisher: Syntap Software
  • Home page: www.syntap.com
  • Last updated: July 11th, 2008
Videora N97 Converter

Videora N97 Converter

Videora N97 Converter is a video and audio converter for Windows. Although the "N97" in the application title might suggest that the app only converts files for playback on the Nokia N97, this converter actually supports a few other devices. Basically, from what I have gathered, Videora N97 Converter can output files into MPEG-4 and H.264. These formats are supported by a lot of devices.

  • Publisher: Red Kawa
  • Last updated: September 17th, 2010
Video Convert Master

Video Convert Master

A common error you might get while trying to watch videos on your PC, iPhone or iPad is the inability of the video player to load a unsupported movie format. Video Convert Master helps you with this issue by allowing you to convert your films to various video formats.

  • Publisher: McFunSoft Inc.
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2011
Simple Family Tree

Simple Family Tree

Simple Family Tree is a program that enables you to create and view a family tree. You will be able to display ancestors and descendants of any selected individual, entering notes, events, a second name, and marriage details for each individual. The program can read and write files in Gedcom format, so you´ll be able to import/export family trees.

  • Publisher: JDMCox Software
  • Home page: jdmcox.com
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2017

Additional Ez grabber blank screen selection

iBackup Extractor

iBackup Extractor

iBackup Extractor lets you explore and retrieve lost data from your iTunes backup files of iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. It can access contats, calendars, photos, Internet browsing history, call logs, notes, SMS messages, iMessages, voice mails, and other data from the backup.

Screen Grabber

Screen Grabber

Easily capture and print your screen's contents and save the images to disk. Screen Grabber gives you the power to capture, print, and save entire screens and active windows. It's user configurable to give you flexible printing results.

  • Publisher: Porpoise Media
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2009


AntiSpye is a freeware utility for Windows that allows us to view any document, website, blog, project, etc. without worrying that somebody could spy on us. Whenever we notice someone coming near, we just move the mouse to any of the pre-specified corners. The previously selected overlay (pitch black, a PNG image, or a screensaver) will automatically cover our screen completely.

  • Publisher: Xander Zerge
  • Last updated: September 1st, 2008
EASIS Screenshot

EASIS Screenshot

EASIS Screenshot comes with a very intuitive control panel that allows you to understand the functionality in seconds. Learn how easy it is to make good screen capture in seconds.

  • Publisher: EASIS GmbH
  • Home page: www.easis.com
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2008


EyeCare application appears in system tray and keeps reminding to take short break for relaxing eyes after every rest time interval. It displays a blank screen enforcing rest for some time. User can enable/disable rest enforcement as needed. It has a simple menu, that allows users to set the rest interval time and the rest time duration.

  • Publisher: dhillarun
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2010
Minutes Matter Studio

Minutes Matter Studio

This graphic design software allows you to begin with an easy-to-use template instead of a blank screen. The drag and drop functionality lets your client easily visualize the art, appliances, furniture, window treatments, or anything else you wish to add to the design. Professionally designed 2D CAD illustrations make the entire process as easy as clicking a mouse.

MyVision teacher

MyVision teacher

MyVision teacher brings you the most essential classroom management resources to help you connect with your students, ignite their interest, and simplify the challenges of teaching with technology. You can communicate screen-to-screen, supervise how your students are using their computers, turn the Internet on or off.

  • Publisher: Netop
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2014


SilverX is a free utility that allows developers to convert web flash content to Microsoft Silverlight. It only supports Flash in ‘swf’ format for conversion. And it just takes selecting the flash file, plus the destination where to save the resulting Silverlight file.

  • Publisher: RichMediaLab
  • Home page: www.cpslabs.net
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2011
Media Pointer E540 - Remote Master

Media Pointer E540 - Remote Master

The Remote Master is the software you must have to manipulate the Media Pointer E540 device. Media Pointer E540, features 2.4 GHz wireless technology and is compatible with a notebook 54mm express card slot. Just plug and play and you can use complete presentation functions: laser pointer, page up/down and full/blank screen.



AXON provides an environment that supports the thinking processes. It helps you to create, communicate, explore, plan, draw, compose, design and learn. Axon also provides a variety of tools for working with ideas starting with a blank screen or using templates. Axon requires no special knowledge of particular techniques.

  • Publisher: Axon Research
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2009