Abacus webstart en in Title/Summary

WebStart is a tool to keep track of your Internet pages. You can click on a menu at get access to your favorite Web sites just by clicking in the menu - WITHOUT HAVING STARTED YOUR BROWSER. Webstart makes it easy to store the Web pages by clicking a ...
- Publisher: Kenneth Jensen
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2009

OpenPCLViewer WebStart
The first open source PCL Viewer released by OpenPCL. - Supports PCL Level 5 (HP LaserJet III, circa 1990). - Runs on Windows PCs, Macintosh, UNIX, Linux. - Open PCL files on any mapped drive, or from a URL that points to a PCL file. - You can open up to 9 PCL files in MDI frames that you can tile and cascade and much more
- Publisher: OpenPCL
- Home page: openpcl.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: July 28th, 2011

ABACUS is a powerful tool for modeling, understanding, and analyzing complex enterprises across people, process and technology. Using world leading, patented technology, ABACUS® analyzes the trade-offs between multiple architectures and helps enterprises achieve the optimal roadmap prior to investment.
- Publisher: Avolution
- Home page: www.avolution.com.au
- Last updated: March 17th, 2017
Abacus webstart en in Description

Abacus CoPilot Pro
The Abacus CoPilot Pro 4.0 is a software virtual instrument program for Microsoft’s Flight Simulator FSX and FS2004 program users that provides them with GPS Navigation and flight planning, and an Auto Pilot controller. The Abacus CoPilot Pro 4.0 features global integrated maps covering airports and geo-political boundaries that includes a zoom function.
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2010

Abacus EZ-Scenery
Abacus EZ-Scenery, add on product to the Flight Simulator 2004, allows you to build custom scenery to your FS program. With the help of this product you can add, move or delete the objects of your choice very easily. The libraries of EZ-Scenery contain hundreds of familiar 3D objects that we see normally around us.
- Publisher: Abacus
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Java 3D
Java 3D 1.5 is used to create and manipulate high quality 3-Dimensional graphics and geometry for applications and applets based on Java technology. This rich, platform-independent and scalable graphics can be incorporated within Java based applications and applets. It runs on JDK v1.5 and higher and is also supported by other operating environments like; Windows, Linux, Solaris and MacOS X.
- Publisher: Oracle
- Home page: java.sun.com
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Flight Deck 4 for FSX
Abacus Flight Deck 4 1.0 is an add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator which features the USS Ronald Reagan airbase. The add-on has launch and recovery system along with catapult and cable abilities. The catapult helps the airborne to leverage to a few hundred feet. The user could fly seven aircraft.
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: October 25th, 2009

jlGui is a Music Player application for the Java Platform. It supports MP3, OGG Vorbis, FLAC, MONKEY's AUDIO, WAV, AIFF, AU and SPEEX audio formats. Front-end is WinAmp skins 2.0 compliant. That's why one could say that jlGui is a Java WinAmp clone. You can select your own skin even with the WebStart launcher. As jlGui is written in Java, it will run on Win, Linux, Solaris, MAC operating systems.
- Publisher: Music Player for the Java(tm) Platform
- Last updated: December 12th, 2010
Additional Abacus webstart en selection

Abacus Scenery Shortcut
Over the years, thousands of the Flight Simulator customers have told that they enjoy new scenery second only to new aircraft. For those of you who have Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe Edition you can be making your own new scenery designs, in just a few minute.
- Publisher: Peter Jacobson
- Last updated: August 24th, 2008

BC Calc WebStart
It is an application which allows manage and design wood products. By using this tool you are able to: size floor, roof and column members with multiple spans and loading conditions, analyze holes, notches, and bevel cuts, print design reports, store and manage all the designs in a project file.
- Publisher: Boise Cascade LLC
- Last updated: April 19th, 2013

REDD Abacus SP
REDD Abacus SP is a program that enables you to estimate emission from land use and land cover changes allowing for dynamic heterogeneity of soil types, elevations, climate and other biophysical characteristics in the landscapes. You can analyze trade-offs between emissions and financial gain (opportunity cost analysis) and produce abatement cost curves.
- Publisher: World Agroforestry Center
- Last updated: November 25th, 2014

Abacus International Fighters for FSX
Eleven mighty fighters from all corners of the world in a single package. Diverse, exciting and spectacular. Download and fly any of our innovative packages complete with new aircraft, detailed scenery and full-length creative mission with professional quality sound and narration.
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: February 25th, 2009

Abacus Evolve Framework Edition ITR Year
Flexible and time-saving online planning software allows you to adapt your plans while retaining progression and continuity in maths. Three levels of built-in differentiation provide support for all abilities, with an additional fourth level available for extending your maths stars. Support for your classroom, teaching assistants and teachers of mixed-age classes.
- Publisher: Pearson Education
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

Abacus Evolve Framework Edition ITR Year 4
Abacus Evolve Framework Edition is designed to work in exactly the way you want it to and allows you to personalise it for the needs of your own class using the powerful online i-Planner. Flexible and time-saving online planning software allows you to adapt your plans while retaining progression and continuity in maths.
- Publisher: Pearson Education Ltd
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Abacus PBY-5A Catalina for FSX
The PBY Catalina has a long history of service to the military, mostly with the US Navy. During World War II, the PBY was often equipped with bombs, torpedoes, depth charges and machine guns and used as for anti-submarine warfare, reconnaissance, search and rescue and supply transport..
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: January 17th, 2009

Abacus Chopper Havoc for FS2004
The sleek and fast fighters often get the glory. But it's the helicopters that are right down in the thick of things in the dangerous and challenging assignments. Choppers have been a very vital part of the military defense. With the new Chopper Havoc add-on, you can fly these seven well-known aircraft: - AH-1 Cobra - AH-64 Apache - OH-58 Kiowa
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: June 7th, 2008

Abacus - Keyword Assistant
— Editing and refining large keyword lists quickly. — Creating content for web page <keywords> metatags. — Converting single-line name & address lists to multi-line. — Converting multi-line name & address lists to single lines. — Renaming all the files in a folder. — Changing text globally in all the files in a folder.
- Publisher: Abacus Data Systems
- Last updated: August 4th, 2009

Abacus Fighter Pilot 2 for FS2004
The might of the world’s most sophisticated military is now in the hands of Flight Sim pilots in Fighter Pilot 2.It has accurate flight characteristics,highly detailed exterior and interiors,fully-animated models 3-D panel with a wide range of animation,user-friendly Heads-up Displays and more
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: July 16th, 2012