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Absolute pitch test in Title/Summary

Absolute Pitch

Absolute Pitch

Absolute Pitch is an ear training application for Windows that will help you acquire absolute or perfect pitch. This is the musical ability to name any note played, without the aid of a reference note. Perfect pitch therefore differs from relative pitch, with which a musician can identify notes by using knowledge of the intervals between them.

  • Publisher: Silvawood Software
  • Home page: www.silvawood.co.uk
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2012
Absolute Pitch Trainer

Absolute Pitch Trainer

Absolute Pitch Trainer is a program designed to help users develop the skill of Absolute Pitch. Absolute Pitch is the ability to recognize notes by ear. It is essentially a mapping between the sound you hear in your mind, and the corresponding note on the instrument. Absolute Pitch Trainer uses a specialized algorithm which gradually builds your Absolute Pitch skill level to 100%.

Pitch Ability Test

Pitch Ability Test

Test your Pitch Ability. Measure your pitch take over and pitch retention abilities. Know where you stand on the road to Absolute Pitch. Especially, measure the criteria: Accurately sing a named note without a reference.

  • Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Absolute pitch test in Description



Ear training is very important to understanding music. Keeping the tonic of a piece in mind helps to better analyze a piece while listening. An vital discipline in music is musical memory. SamePitchPlease improves your Pitch Ability through singing.

  • Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Pitch Train

Pitch Train

Pitch Train is for learning perfect pitch. The user selects notes to be used for quizzing, and Pitch Train randomly selects and plays a note. The user guesses the note; Pitch Train keeps score, and advises when the user should add more notes.

  • Publisher: None
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2008
Magic Interlacer Pro 50

Magic Interlacer Pro 50

Create quality interlaces of every type! Magic Interlacer Pro 50 is the same as Magic Interlacer Pro 100 except it is limited in the final image output size (16" x 24" or 40cm x 60cm) and input images can only be RGB image type. Just like Magic Interlacer Pro 100.

  • Publisher: ProMagic
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2009


SwingPro is a combination software/RF wireless Swing Chronograph. The chronograph can measure swing speed (MPH) and reaction time (hundreds of seconds). With SwingPro, you can set the pitch speed between 40 to 100 mph to calculate the distance your swing would have hit a ball. Every contributing condition is programmed to calculate your swing distance.

  • Publisher: Athnetix
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2008
Absolute Beginner's Series VWD VB Lesson 13

Absolute Beginner's Series VWD VB Lesson 13

Absolute Beginner’s Series VWD VB is a course of 14 lessons created by MSDN which provides an introduction to Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, and is oriented to people interested in designing and building ASP.NET Web sites. Lesson 13 explains how to save the test result into the database and then display them. Also, some modifications to the quiz.mdf file will be shown.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2008

Additional Absolute pitch test selection



PitchTest is a free tool for lenticular sheet testing. This application has various options for customizing your photos in order to create a 3D effect. Some of the features are: step lenses per inch, width of strips and other options such as setting values like background colour and TIFF compression.

  • Publisher: Stereosoft
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2015
Listening Ear Trainer

Listening Ear Trainer

Listening Ear Trainer has 2 methods to improve your pitch recognition skills. The Singing Funnel Method lets you sing notes with increasing precision. The Octave Anchor Pitches Method builds a repertoire of notes, which increases with each exercise.

  • Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021
Ear and Memory Training

Ear and Memory Training

The software is made up of two complementary functions, dictation and memory, which will make it possible to develop your attention, your aural skills and your musical memory.

  • Publisher: Terre Mouvante Cie
Absolute Futurity SpeedTestPro

Absolute Futurity SpeedTestPro

Absolute Futurity SpeedTestPro 1.0.71is a program to test your CPU and Internet Connection speeds. The program shows graphs with samples of your system or Internet speed at regular intervals. If you want to test your hardware, you can order SpeedTestPro to check the speed of your CPU, Memory, Drives, Uptime and Disk Write and Read Speeds.

  • Publisher: Absolute Futurity
  • Home page: speedtestpro.net
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2011
International Test Cricket

International Test Cricket

International Test Cricket is a very accurate statistical based Cricket Test Match computer game. Main features: - Statistical based model for Test Matches. - Complete Player averages and records calculated. - Play against intelligent CPU opponent or a human opponent. - Select teams from a Squad of 20 Players. - Play up to 6 Tests in a Series. - Select Team/Batting/Bowling aggression.

  • Publisher: CricketGames
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2013
AutoPlay Media Studio

AutoPlay Media Studio

AutoPlay Media Studio is a program that lets you create software applications easily and fast, even if you don't know a word of programming. It has an extensive template menu from where you can choose the type of project you need to create. The main disadvantage I found is the program's cost. This can be a limiting factor for many users.

  • Publisher: Indigo Rose Software
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2016
Absolute Uninstaller

Absolute Uninstaller

Absolute Uninstaller is a program that allows you to uninstall multiple programs at once, search for apps, remove entries or restore them, change program properties, check program support information, view command line, fix invalid entries automatically, backup and restore uninstall info and export the program list.

  • Publisher: Glarysoft
  • Home page: www.glarysoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Data Entry Test

Data Entry Test

This program lets you test and improve your typing speed and precision by using numbers, words or both. It includes several tests and shows their results so you can see your advances. The trial version is fully functional during 30 days, after which you will need to purchase a license if you intend to keep using it.

  • Publisher: TestedOk Software
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2009
Absolute Hearing Training

Absolute Hearing Training

Absolute Hearing Training will help you test out your hearing right from your computer and see if everything is in good shape. In the past this was something that required visit to the doctor and losing a lot of time, today you can test your hearing directly from your computer thanks to the Absolute Hearing Training.

  • Publisher: mu-tech
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2008
Absolute MP3 Splitter

Absolute MP3 Splitter

Absolute MP3 Splitter is a very compact audio converter, splitter and merger. You can easily pick one of the four wizards from the main window to perform a desired action. You can split any large file into a desired number of files, merge them back into one or convert to/from WMA, WAV, OGG or MP3 formats.

  • Publisher: absolute software
  • Last updated: October 3rd, 2012