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Absolute pitch test program in Title/Summary

Absolute Pitch Trainer

Absolute Pitch Trainer

Absolute Pitch Trainer is a program designed to help users develop the skill of Absolute Pitch. Absolute Pitch is the ability to recognize notes by ear. It is essentially a mapping between the sound you hear in your mind, and the corresponding note on the instrument. Absolute Pitch Trainer uses a specialized algorithm which gradually builds your Absolute Pitch skill level to 100%.

Absolute Pitch

Absolute Pitch

Absolute Pitch is an ear training application for Windows that will help you acquire absolute or perfect pitch. This is the musical ability to name any note played, without the aid of a reference note. Perfect pitch therefore differs from relative pitch, with which a musician can identify notes by using knowledge of the intervals between them.

  • Publisher: Silvawood Software
  • Home page: www.silvawood.co.uk
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2012
Pitch n Time FE

Pitch n Time FE

Pitch 'n Time FE is a time stretching and pitch-shifting program, designed for use with Fairlight's CC-1 powered Dream II family, including Xynergi, Connie, Satellite AV, Station Plus, Constellation XT, and Anthem systems. The program allows you to process Dolby matrix encoded tracks without losing surround information, preview changes in real time, and more.

  • Publisher: Serato
  • Home page: serato.com
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2016

Absolute pitch test program in Description

Pitch Ability Test

Pitch Ability Test

Test your Pitch Ability. Measure your pitch take over and pitch retention abilities. Know where you stand on the road to Absolute Pitch. Especially, measure the criteria: Accurately sing a named note without a reference.

  • Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


Ear training is very important to understanding music. Keeping the tonic of a piece in mind helps to better analyze a piece while listening. An vital discipline in music is musical memory. SamePitchPlease improves your Pitch Ability through singing.

  • Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Pitch Train

Pitch Train

Pitch Train is for learning perfect pitch. The user selects notes to be used for quizzing, and Pitch Train randomly selects and plays a note. The user guesses the note; Pitch Train keeps score, and advises when the user should add more notes.

  • Publisher: None
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2008
Magic Interlacer Pro 50

Magic Interlacer Pro 50

Create quality interlaces of every type! Magic Interlacer Pro 50 is the same as Magic Interlacer Pro 100 except it is limited in the final image output size (16" x 24" or 40cm x 60cm) and input images can only be RGB image type. Just like Magic Interlacer Pro 100.

  • Publisher: ProMagic
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2009


Cirris easy-wire software guides you through the steps of registering connectors/adapters, setting up a test program, testing a cable or harness, and archiving the test report. It lets you choose from several test modes including single test, continuous test, sequential build test, random build test, and single pass build test.

  • Publisher: Cirris
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2017

Additional Absolute pitch test program selection



With the cnlab speed test program (which is available without charge), users can measure their upload and download speed, and the respons time for requests to reference systems in the Internet. The test is run in the standards browser or in specific apps for Android, iOS, Symbian and Windows-Phone-8 devices.

  • Publisher: cnlab AG
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2018
CIF Device Driver

CIF Device Driver

The CIF Device Driver supports ISA, PCI and PCMCIA cards. The CIF Device Driver Test Program is : · - to test, if the CIF Device Driver has access to the card. (The steps of the access test are described in section Test the Access of the CIF Device Driver to the CIF ) - to read information from the driver or from the card. (See section DriverInfo ) and so much more.

  • Publisher: Hilscher GmbH
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012


The Arduino Simulator is designed to test a program quickly with the Arduino UNO without really having connections to external I/O (buttons, potentiometers, display, power, etc.). On the Arduino Simulator you can choose buttons, LED's, sliders and many other components for your projects. Almost all the I/O is present on the simulator so you can test all of your programs on the monitor screen.

  • Publisher: Xevro
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2016
Functional Ear Trainer - Basic

Functional Ear Trainer - Basic

Functional Ear Trainer - Basic is a simple, yet powerful ear training application to help you unlock your inner ear. Its concept is different from traditional ear training programs that let you guess intervals or pretend to teach you perfect pitch. The program will play a chord sequence to establishes the key or tonality.

  • Publisher: Alain Benbassat
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2008
HM Test

HM Test

This program helps the user to test the installation of the HM-USB-ISO and HM-BT-BAT-ER on a personal computer. After HM-USB-ISO and HM-BT-BAT-ER are connected to a computer, HM Test program will detect them and will show the status of the connection. If the operation is successful, the program will show the HART Tag and ID data.

  • Publisher: ProComSol, Ltd
  • Home page: www.procomsol.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2013


The USB-ISS Multifunction USB Communications Module provides a complete interface between your PC and the I2C bus, SPI bus, a Serial port and general purpose Analogue Input or Digital I/O. The module is powered from the USB. Operating voltage is selectable between 3.3v and 5v. and can supply up to 80mA at 5v for external circuitry from a standard 100mA USB port.



The BasicX Programming Environment uses the PC parallel port for the BX01 Chip and the BasicX Emulator. Windows 95/98/ME can access the port automatically. The Test program is pre-loaded on the SPI EEPROM chip at the factory. It will work until another program gets downloaded to the chip.

  • Publisher: NetMedia, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008


PitchTest is a free tool for lenticular sheet testing. This application has various options for customizing your photos in order to create a 3D effect. Some of the features are: step lenses per inch, width of strips and other options such as setting values like background colour and TIFF compression.

  • Publisher: Stereosoft
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2015
Galaxy Examinator

Galaxy Examinator

Galaxy Examinator is a program that enables test and product engineers to perform device characterization, test program qualification, reliability analysis, and yield analysis studies from standard semiconductor data files such as STDF, GDF, e-Test (WAT and PCM), CSV, and more than 60 other datalog formats. You can analyze the test gradient on your wafer to investigate process problems.

  • Publisher: Galaxy
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2015
C280x C2801x CC++ Header Files and Peripheral Examples

C280x C2801x CC++ Header Files and Peripheral Examples

This utility contains Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for TMS320x280x and TMS320x280xx DSP devices. This HAL facilitates peripheral configuration using "C". It also contains a simple test program for each peripheral to exemplify the usage of HAL to control & configure the on-chip peripheral.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ti.com
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2014