Abstract control model in Title/Summary

Abstract Images Free Screensaver
Abstract Images Free Screensaver is a lovely screensaver that includes lots of abstract images. The images are very colorful and attractive, and they all offer a professional touch. What is more, all the pictures are shown with a different transition effect, which, unfortunately, you won't be able to customize.
- Publisher: Cool-Savers.com
- Home page: www.cool-savers.com
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Pleasant colorful abstract pictures screen saver decorate the screen of a computer and distract from routine. Observing of changeable forms in rest time you receive the general relaxation. Selecting quantity of segments in the abstract canvas, changing algorithms and detailed elaboration, receive surprising sequences of digital images.
- Publisher: All-Sweets
- Last updated: May 4th, 2010

Abstract Dance Screensaver
Abstract Dance Screensaver puts rhythm to your desktop. This unique screensaver will definitely take you miles away from the typical idea of a screensaver. It will not display very complex animations, nor will display breath taking landscapes or cute creatures. This one will put your screen to dance. But don’t expect to dance along disco or pop music. Get ready to start dancing in outer space.
- Publisher: Kelebrindae
- Home page: keleb.free.fr
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2008
Abstract control model in Description

GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It also comes with a variety of useful command line utilities for data translation and processing.
- Publisher: gdal.org
- Home page: www.gdal.org
- Last updated: July 30th, 2013

Digital-ProfiLab was designed for measurement and control applications, combining features like circuit and logic simulation, front panel design, and hardware control to one powerful tool.Incoming signals from external devices may be processed and displayed. A circuit editor is used to enter your application without any programming.
- Publisher: ABACOM
- Home page: www.abacom-online.de
- Last updated: January 28th, 2010

WIN-DIGIPET is a far-reaching, intelligent and very user-friendly program to control model railroads, using Märklin-Digital / Uhlenbrock/Modeltreno Intellibox components. - Easy data input and execution- even for the computer novice. WIN-DIGIPET immediately points to the data in error.
- Publisher: Firma Digipet
- Home page: www.windigipet.de
- Last updated: September 30th, 2011

MOT and MOT Plus are object-oriented modeling tools intended to express various fields of knowledge as graphic knowledge models. These models attempt to give a dynamic view on a particular field that is often vast and complex, and on the existing links between knowledge objects.
- Publisher: Licef
- Last updated: May 4th, 2011

dataMagus is a software to learn database modelling. The goal is to help students to understand the concepts of various databases. Therefore, we begin by modelling an abstract sample of the real world in the logical layer and transform it to several existing database models such as the relational or the object-oriented model.
- Publisher: Jürg Zgraggen & Monika Schwitte
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Additional Abstract control model selection

Vector Art 3D Machinist
VA3D-Machinist is a powerful but easy to use software solution for carving 3D Clip Art models on your CNC. It is a fully functional program and allows you take any of the files in the "V3M" file format and in just a few minutes scale and position the model and create toolpaths to efficiently carve them on your CNC machine.
- Publisher: Vector Art 3D, Inc.
- Home page: www.VectorArt3D.com
- Last updated: February 14th, 2010

Windows Process Security
ou can use a token to specify the current security context for a process using the CreateProcessWithTokenW function. You can specify a security descriptor for a process when you call the CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser, or CreateProcessWithLogonW function. If you specify NULL, the process gets a default security descriptor.
- Publisher: WindowsProcessSecurity Software Inc
- Home page: msdn.microsoft.com
- Last updated: April 7th, 2010

HIOKI Logger Utility
This is the utility software for Model 8423, 8430-20, LR8400-20, LR8401-20 and LR8402-20 MEMORY HiLOGGER. Using this software, you can control Model 8423, 8430-20, LR8400-20, LR8401-20 and LR8402-20 as well as perform real-time data collection. You can also display and print the waveform of a measurement file as well as print. Waveform data can also be converted to CSV using this application.
- Publisher: HIOKI E.E. Corporation
- Last updated: November 30th, 2011

Sysquake is a program for understanding systems, solving problems, and designing products. Sysquake is based on LME, an interpreter specialized for numerical computation. Sysquake can be used in many areas, including automatic control, analog and digital filters, identification of model parameters and model validation robotics.
- Publisher: Calerga Sarl
- Home page: www.calerga.com
- Last updated: May 30th, 2014

AutoEZ works in conjunction with the EZNEC antenna modeling program and allows you to use variables to control diverse aspects of the model. You can then run multiple EZNEC test cases while AutoEZ automatically changes one or more variables between runs.
- Publisher: Dan Maguire
- Last updated: October 31st, 2016

This application is a far-reaching, intelligent and very user-friendly program to control model railroads. Easy data input and execution even for the novice users. It has immediately points to the data in error. Support of Uhlenbrock/Modeltreno intellibox with extended protocol and more.
- Publisher: Firma Digipet

Win-Digipet English
Features: - Transfer speeds (baud rates) from 2400 to 19200 - All types of loco decoder types such as Märklin (old and new Motorola-format), DCC (Lenz), Selectrix and Uhlenbrock can be used on one layout - Considerably faster track occupied messages using event interrogation - Feedback of solenoid devices and locomotives. Updates on screen possible
- Publisher: Firma Digipet
- Home page: www.windigipet.de

Intel Desktop Control Center
Intel Desktop Control Center lets you tune, cool, and maximize performance of your Intel Extreme Series Desktop Board. Integrated auto-tuning makes system optimization easy while maintaining system stability. With this program, you can monitor and adjust the voltages, temperatures, and fan speeds in realtime.
- Publisher: Intel
- Last updated: June 15th, 2020

VAIO Control Center
VAIO Control Center lets you manage all the hardware settings of your VAIO laptop. With this program, you can select the charge level (50%, 80%, or 100%) of battery, switch on/off keyboard back-light, etc. You can also decide whether the USB port should be powered (to charge your phone, for example) while the laptop is in sleep mode.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Last updated: December 28th, 2022

Solibri Model Checker
Solibri Model Checker is out of the box software solution (Patent Pending) that analyzes Building Information Models for integrity, quality and physical safety. The system offers easy-to-use visualization with an intuitive walk-in functionality. With a single mouse click, the system X-rays the building model and reveals potential flaws and weaknesses in the design.
- Publisher: Solibri, inc.
- Home page: www.solibri.com
- Last updated: July 10th, 2014